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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
6000000417 Corporate Office

Tender No. MSETCL/GEC/ T-17106 for Supply, Erection, Associated Civil Works, Testing & Commissioning of
1) 2nd ckt. stringing of 220 kV Miraj - Ichalkaranji (Tilawani) SCDC line &
2) 2nd ckt. stringing of 132 kV Aundh - Dahiwadi SCDC line under Chief Engineer (D, C&M).

Document Title End Date File
Amendment in view of GST. 18-01-2018 (116 KB)
Letter of Award for Supply of materials, Erection and Civil. 01-01-1970 (3.2 MB)
30-12-2017 31-01-2018 (27 KB)
7000006808 Pune

cancellation of SRM E-enquiry for the work of Fire safety audit and security audit of 15 nos. EHV S/S and awareness training to employees at each substations under EHV O&M Division-1 Pune. (dated 01-01-2018)

30-12-2017 30-12-2017 (15 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/NND/TS/File No.73/1658 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Hiring of vehicle i.e. Tata Sumo(Victa/Gold) or equivalent vehicle with driver for EHV Line Maintenance Sub Division, Waghala under EHV(O&M) Division, Nanded.

30-12-2017 08-01-2018 (351 KB)
7000007043 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Notice: Missing earthing and additional earthing for higher values of various EHV Line for EHV Line maintenance subdivision under EHV O&M Division Beed.

30-12-2017 29-01-2018 (683 KB)
7000007214 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Notice: Work of Transportation, Winching, Loading & Unloading of Power Transformers/ Accessories from various stores centers/ required places to the MSETCL work site/division stores & vice versa along with allied works under EHV O&M Circle Parli under augmentation scheme at 132kV S/s Killari.

30-12-2017 29-01-2018 (15 KB)
EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/ LPO/0753; dtd: 28/03/2018 Pune

E-Enquiry for hiring of Air coolers for Technical, F&A, HR Section & Sub-division offices at EHV Project Dn-1, Kasba Peth, Pune. (dated 28-03-2018)

29-12-2017 04-04-2018 (556 KB)
7000007186 Pune

2nd Call for Providing Technical Operators, Jr. Technicians on contract basis at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Baramati.(dated 16-01-2018)

29-12-2017 25-01-2018 (9 KB)
7000007179 Karad

Covering roof slab of control room, painting and other Miscellaneous civil works at 132 KV Sub-Station, Talebazar,Dist-Sindhudurg.

29-12-2017 28-01-2018 (587 KB)
7000007197 Karad

Miscellaneous civil maintenance works for control room and approach road at 110 KV Radhanagari Sub-Station,Dist-Kolhapur.

29-12-2017 12-01-2018 (586 KB)
7000007176 Karad

Dismantling of damaged wall and construction of RCC retaining wall and upkeepment of sub-station yard and miscellaneous civil works of 33 KV yard at 220/132/33 KV sub-station Kharepatan, Dist-Sindhudurg.

29-12-2017 12-01-2018 (604 KB)
Tender No. 07/2017-18 RFx No:7000007186 Pune

2nd Call for Providing Technical Operators, Jr. Technicians on contract basis at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Baramati.(dated 29-12-2017)

29-12-2017 12-01-2018 (9 KB)
7000006976 Aurangabad

Ammendment to SRM E-Tender Notice: Construction of 02X132kV bays alongwith related civil works at 132kV Garware Substation for LILO on 132kV Waluj-Bajaj Line under EHV Projects Circle Aurangabad.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment for Construction of 02X132kV bays alongwith related civil works at 132kV Garware Sub-station for LILO on 132kV Waluj-Bajaj line. 15-01-2018 (55 KB)
29-12-2017 09-01-2018 (54 KB)
70000006954 Vashi

SRM  Enquiry for  Work for Annual maintenance contract  of Computers at Division office and various sub-station under EHV  O&M Dn Dombivali

29-12-2017 05-01-2018 (25 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/No.02370 Karad

Enquiry for Providing outsourcing Driver (Skilled) for departmental Vehicle at Kankavali S/DN, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

29-12-2017 05-01-2018 (27 KB)
70000007212 Vashi

SRM Tender for the Renovation of Centralized Air Conditioning system at 220 kV Jambhulsub-stn under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.

29-12-2017 28-01-2018 (44 KB)
7000006056 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Ammendment-II & Extension Notice: 1X132kV Jalkot end bay at 132kV Udgir Substation for 132kV S/C Udgir-Jalkot line under EHV Projects Circle Aurangabad.

29-12-2017 07-01-2018 (55 KB)
7000006639 Karad

Work of Tower Footing Impedance Measurement of various EHV Lines under EHV O&M Division, Sangli(T-21/17-18/ RFx. No. 7000006639-IInd Call)

29-12-2017 28-01-2018 (19 KB)
7000007172 Karad

SRM-Enquiry for the work of Providing of out sourcing Skilled Computer Operators, LDC’s un-Skilled Peons at various sections & S/Dns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.

29-12-2017 06-01-2018 (31 KB)
1855 Nashik

EHV Projects Division,Nashik : Notice for e-enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (Diesel) along with vehicle driver on per day basis for EHV Lines Projects Subdivision, Ahmednagar.

29-12-2017 16-01-2018 (1.9 MB)
7000006758 Vashi

Extension -SRM E-Tender for Overhauling of 22 Kv Isolators at various substation under  EHV O&M  Division, Bhandup.

29-12-2017 04-01-2018 (14 KB)