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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000031629 Vashi

SRM E-tender for the work of repair & maintenance of high mast lighting tower alongwith consumable material at Major Stores, Panvel for FY 2024-25.

21-06-2024 27-06-2024 (390 KB)
7000031661 Karad

Work of Supply of spare material for 400KV, 3150Amp CB isolator & 220KV, 2000Amp DB isolator for 400KV RS Alkud under 400KV RS DN Alkud (M)

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (20 KB)
7000031643 Nagpur

E-TENDER NOTICE Work of servicing/ overhauling of 132kV GE Make (AREVA/ALSTOM) circuit breaker at 220kV Uppalwadi and 132 KV Pardi Substation under RS Ringmain Division Nagpur.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (209 KB)
7000031627 Nagpur

E-TENDER NOTICE Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the various emergency breakdown & planned outage work of 400 kV, 220 kV & 33/11 KV Bays at 400kV Khaperkheda & 400kV Koradi 1 substations comes under EHV (O&M) Circle, Nagpur for the year 2024-25.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (198 KB)
7000031621 Nagpur

E-TENDER NOTICE Supply of spares & complete mechanism overhauling of 132KV M/s Hitachi (erstwhile ABB) make circuit breakers at various sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Division Nagpur.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (46 KB)
7000031622 Pune

SRM Enquiry for the work of replacement of Buchholz relay of 50MVA, 220/22kV TF-I at 220kV Chakan Ph-II Sub-Station under EHV O&M Division Manchar.

19-06-2024 27-06-2024 (616 KB)
RFx No.-7000030111 Pune

Retender 3'rd Call for the Work of second circuit stringing of 132 kV Wagdari – Naldurg SCDC line along with guide tower & end bay at 132 kV Wagdari and Naldurg S/s. under EHV Division, Solapur (GEC-III)

Pre-Bid Meeting 21.06.2024 @ EHV O&M Circle Solapur

19-06-2024 27-06-2024 (498 KB)
RFx No.-7000029810 Pune

Retnder 3'rd Call for Annual Rate Contract for work of attending emergency breakdown & maintenance work on various 400kV Lines Under jurisdiction of 400kV R.S Division Lamboti.

19-06-2024 27-06-2024 (597 KB)
RFx No.-7000030171 Pune

Retender 3'rd Call for the Work of second circuit stringing 132 kV Bale – MIDC line, Additional Guide Tower at 132 kV MIDC substation end & 132 kV Bale- line bay at 132 kV/33 kV MIDC sub-station under EHV O&M Division, Solapur

Pre-Bid Meeting 21.06.2024 @ EHV O&M Circle Solapur

19-06-2024 27-06-2024 (341 KB)
RFx: 7000029991 Pune


PRE-BID Meeting 21.06.2024 @ 12:30 PM EHV O&M Circle Solapur

19-06-2024 27-06-2024 (337 KB)
Tender No:- 07/2024-25 RFX No:-7000031437 Pune

SRM E-Tender for the Work of Oil Filtration & Oil Top Up for ICT/Power Transformer & OLTC at various EHV Sub Stations under EHV O&M Dn Baramati.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (204 KB)
7000031509 Vashi

E-Tender 1st Call Notice for work of providing and fixing of Siemens make centralized Bus bar protection relay along with retrofitting services at 220kV GIS Bhandup Substation under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (629 KB)
7000031442 Vashi

E-Tender 2nd Call Notice for Work for providing and fixing of 400kV wave trap, 3150 Amp for 400kV Bays at 400kV RS Kalwa under 400kV RS O&M Division, Kalwa.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (568 KB)
7000031443 Vashi

E-Tender 2nd Call Notice for Work of servicing and overhauling of various make 11/22/33KV Circuit Breakers at various substation under EHV (O&M) Circle, Kalwa for F.Y. 2024-25.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (508 KB)
7000031444 Vashi

E-Tender 2nd Call Notice for work of overhauling/ servicing of 400kV Circuit Breaker (Make: GE) at 400kV Kudus substation under EHV O&M Circle, Kalwa.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (521 KB)
7000031483, 7000031482, 7000031484 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender for the following works:

1) Replacement of metal spreading, providing pipeline, painting of structure and other civil maintenance of switch yard at 132 KV S/stn. Gangakhed, Dist.Parbhani.
2) The work of Replenishing of metal spreading, earthing pipeline maintenance, painting of structure and other civil maintenance of switch yard at 132 KV S/stn. Sonpeth, Dist.Parbhani.
3) The work of Replacement of metal in Switchyard and other miscellaneous works at 132 KV S/stn. Parbhani, Dist.Parbhani.

under EHV CCCM Division Parbhani.

20-06-2024 27-06-2024 (449 KB)
7000031553 Pune

RE-tender(3rd call) for Work for Second Circuit Stringing on Existing 132 kV Purandawade Tap line under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur under Pune Zone.

17-06-2024 27-06-2024 (210 KB)
7000031697 Vashi

Replacement of EHV CTs & PTs at various substations under  (O&M) Circle Panvel.

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (37 KB)
Budgetary offer Vashi

Enquiry for submission of Quotations/Budgetary offer for Supply of Stainless Steel Hardware (Nut-bolts) Grade-M316 of various sizes at 400kV RS O&M Division Padghe.

22-06-2024 28-06-2024 (566 KB)
7000031696 Vashi

Work of stub strengthening of 220kV Apta - Uran - 1 & 2 D/C line and 220kV Apta - Uran 3 & 4 D/C line of open foundation (Normal ) under EHV lines S/Dn. Panvel  under EHV (O&M) Division, Panvel.

21-06-2024 28-06-2024 (394 KB)