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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007016 Pune


17-12-2017 16-01-2018 (3 MB)
7000007030 Vashi

Construction of septic tank for rest house, control room & D type quarters b) water tank & allied works at Kandalgaon S/stn, Dist. Raigad

16-12-2017 16-01-2018 (475 KB)
7000007029 Vashi

Providing & erecting profile sheet weather shed for control room of 220KV ONGC Panvel S/stn, Dist. Raigad

16-12-2017 16-01-2018 (475 KB)
7000007028 Vashi

Maintenance of control room terrace providing & fixing profile sheet weather shed at 220KV Dombivali PAL S/stn, Dist. Thane

16-12-2017 16-01-2018 (475 KB)
7000007027 Vashi

Providing false ceiling & other allied works for control room at 100/22KV S/stn Patalganga

16-12-2017 16-01-2018 (475 KB)
6000000425 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1793/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines for 2nd circuit stringing from 132 kV Jihe Khatapur LIS s/s to Location no. 122 of Satara MIDC line (Route length - 8.5 KM) under Karad zone, under Chief Engineer (D, C&M) .

15-12-2017 16-01-2018 (145 KB)
6000000398 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1790/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/SS-Pretender for Upgradation of 132kV Palghar S/stn to 220 kV Palghar S/stn Dist. Thane under Vashi Zone, under Chief Engineer (DC&M).

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1. 01-01-1970 (162 KB)
Amendment No. 2. 18-01-2018 (228 KB)
Amendment No. 3. 06-02-2018 (146 KB)
Letter of Award. 01-01-1970 (6.7 MB)
11-12-2017 16-01-2018 (138 KB)
6000000405 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1782/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/SS-Pretender for Construction of 220kV End bays under Green Energy Corridor project, Dist: Ahmednagar under Chief Engineer (DC&M).

Document Title End Date File
Letter of Award. 01-01-1970 (1.5 MB)
11-12-2017 16-01-2018 (297 KB)
6000000422 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1799/MSETCL/CO/DCM/LLSC for Construction of 132 kV line bays – 2 nos. at 132 kV Bhokardhan Substation and 2 nos. at 132 kV DhadSubstation ,Dist- Buldhana/Jalna under Amravati Zone.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment in view of GST. 22-01-2018 (13 KB)
Amendment No. 2. 08-02-2018 (77 KB)
Amendment No. 3. 17-02-2018 (24 KB)
Amendment No. 4. 28-02-2018 (13 KB)
15-12-2017 15-01-2018 (276 KB)
23 Nashik

EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Notice for Providing Tata Indica/Vista vehicle on hired basis for the Additional Executive Engineer (Civil) EHV CCCM Sub Division-Ahemadnagar.

11-01-2018 15-01-2018 (803 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/Dn/SGL/T/ No. 0090 Karad

Enquiry for the work of Providing of out sourcing Skilled Computer Operators, LDC’s un-Skilled Peons at various sections & S/Dns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.

08-01-2018 15-01-2018 (28 KB)
MSETCL/EE/O&M/Dn./Kop/T/LP/No.1603 Karad

7 Days Extension for Providing Diesel Vehicle Pick up (Utility) or equivalent with Driver on hire per day basis for the office of the EHV O&M Sub Division Mumewadi under EHV O&M Division, Kolhapur .

08-01-2018 15-01-2018 (131 KB)
EE/EHV (O&M) DN/KRD/T/No. 0035 Karad

Providing & Fixing of EPABX Machine & Telephone instruments under EHV O&M Dn Karad.

08-01-2018 15-01-2018 (159 KB)
EE/EHV/ (O&M)/DN/SUR/Dy EE/ T/No.59 Dtd. 06.01.2018 Pune

E-Enquiry for work of replacement of Faulty/Defective insulator String identified in PID testing of 220KV VSSSK-Jeur Line under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur.

07-01-2018 15-01-2018 (282 KB)
tech Nashik

EHV O & M Division,Jalgaon : Notice for AMC of 11kV CT/PT.

05-01-2018 15-01-2018 (872 KB)
21 Nashik

400kV RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar : Notice for e-enquiry of supply of silica gel and Breather for ICT's and reactor's.

04-01-2018 15-01-2018 (1.1 MB)
Enquiry No: 14 Pune

E-Enquiry for Work of attending oil leakages from 245 KV ,HV Bushing turret of 50MVA,220/33KV, T&R make Transformer at 220KV Kurkumbh S/stn under EHV O&M Division Baramati.

04-01-2018 15-01-2018 (225 KB)
CELDK/MAINT/FM-50/0017 01/01/2018 SLDC Kalwa

E-enquiry for Refilling work of ink cartridges/toners for fax machines /printer as & when required basis at SLDC, Airoli.

01-01-2018 15-01-2018 (160 KB)
7000007205 Aurangabad

Work of Servicing & Overhauling of 33 kV & 11 kV CGL make circuit breakers under EHV (O&M) Division Aurangabad.

31-12-2017 15-01-2018 (93 KB)
7000006809 Karad

Amendment No. I -Balance work of 132kV Chambukhadi - Kale line. under Karad Zone RFx. No. 7000006809

26-12-2017 15-01-2018 (50 KB)