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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000007158 Pune

E-Tender Notice for work of Integration of 2No of line bays in existing Bus Bar Protection and SCADA system at 220 kV Phaltan S/S.

27-12-2017 11-01-2018 (18 KB)
7000007135 Vashi

E-Tender for Renovation of 220 kV yard eartmat, equipment earthing and existing earthing pits at 220 kV Wada S/S against Zonal Capex Scheme 2017-18 under EHV O&M Division Boisar

26-12-2017 11-01-2018 (556 KB)
70000006955 Vashi

SRM Tender for the work of strengthening of 22 kV Bus Section 1 & 2 and TF No.1 & 2 LV stub bus by replacing twin 0.4 ACSR damaged conductor along with clamp connectors at 100 kV Mohone sub-stn under  EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

12-12-2017 11-01-2018 (29 KB)
7000006235 Aurangabad

second call for  Work of  Annual Maintenance Contract for Overhauling/ servicing with spares for 33kV & 11 kV, various makes VCB’s at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV (O&M) Division, Latur.

11-12-2017 11-01-2018 (223 KB)
1403 Nashik

EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Notice for providing tata vista/swift dezire vwhicle on hired basis for the executive engineer civil EHV CCCM Dn Nashik.

05-01-2018 10-01-2018 (563 KB)
7000006873 Amravati

SRM e-tender Extension Work of overhauling of Siemens make circuit breakers at 220kV&132kV level along with mandatory/non-mandatory spare at various EHV Substations under EHV (O&M),circle,Amravati.

04-01-2018 10-01-2018 (180 KB)
7000006912 Nagpur

Modification for construction of toilet block for RS Division, Nagpur, Dist. Nagpur

15-12-2017 10-01-2018 (11 KB)
7000006907 Karad

Extension to SRM E-Tender notice RFX No.7000006907 for Work of P&F of Buchholz & Oil Surge Relay & Oil flow Indicator of 03 Nos of ICTs at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

03-01-2018 10-01-2018 (736 KB)
7000006907 Karad

Extension to SRM E-Tender notice RFX No.7000006907 for Work of P&F of Buchholz & Oil Surge Relay & Oil flow Indicator of 03 Nos of ICTs at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

03-01-2018 10-01-2018 (736 KB)
7000007234 Pune

SRM E-Enquiry for various work required to be carried out for 220/132kV lines under jurisdiction of Line maintenance Subdivision Pandharpur.

04-01-2018 10-01-2018 (262 KB)
7000006835 Karad

Extension notice to SRM e-tender RFx. No. 7000006835 for Balance work of 220 KV Karad - Koyana line after Loc.no.144 (including Loc.no.1A & 1B)

02-01-2018 10-01-2018 (15 KB)
0011 Amravati

E-enquiry of work of carrying out the survey work for balance route of 220kV Wani-Pandharkawada line.1)From AP 28 of proposed 220kV wani-Ghatodi line to proposed 220kV Pandharkawada s/Stn---7kM.

02-01-2018 10-01-2018 (883 KB)
EE/EHV/ (O&M)/DN/SUR/Dy EE/ T/No.0018 Dtd.02.01.2018 Pune

E-Enquiry for carrying out emergency work of repairing of OLTC for 25MVA, 132/33KV, BBL Make Transformer No.2 available at 132Kv Mohol substation under jurisdiction of EHV O & M Division, Solapur.

03-01-2018 10-01-2018 (262 KB)
Tender-1/2017-18 Rfx No. 7000006483 Pune

Extension to E Tender notice for Providing skilled/Unskilled manpower on contract basis: for working at Administrative offices & Field offices under SE Testing & Communication Circle,Pune.(dated 01-01-2018)

04-01-2018 10-01-2018 (76 KB)
7000007154 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER Annual Maintenance Contract for carrying out breakdown maintenance and routine maintenance of 400 KV Line under jurisdiction of 400 KV Line Maintenance S/Dn Yavatmal under EHV O&M Division, MSETCL, Yavatmal

27-12-2017 10-01-2018 (104 KB)
EE/MS/DHL/E-Enquiry/03/17-18 Nashik

Major Store , Dhule : Notice for Work of providing diesel vehicle ( Maruti Swift /Swift Dezire equivalent) with driver as per requirement at Major Store, Dhule.

22-12-2017 10-01-2018 (126 KB)
70000007020 Vashi

2nd call for SRM Tender of the Renovation of Centralized Air Conditioning system at 220 kV PAL sub-stn under EHV O&M DnDombivali.

12-12-2017 10-01-2018 (45 KB)
7000007017 Pune

RFx No.7000007017, Amendment for E-tender for dismantling & winching of old 220/22kV, 50MVA TELK make Transformer-I at 400kV R.S. Lonikand s/s. ….extension of due date thereof.

11-12-2017 09-01-2018 (195 KB)
7000006843 Pune

Extension-II to the Tender for Works Contracts for Augmentation of substation by providing Additional 3X167 MVA 400/220/33 KV ICT along with bay equipments and with supply of ICT with Oil at 400 KV Lamboti Substation.

25-11-2017 09-01-2018 (159 KB)
7000007232 Karad

Enquiry for Annual Maintenance & Running of Central AC Plant at 400 KV Sub-Stn.under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn. Karad.

01-01-2018 09-01-2018 (3.8 MB)