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Total Records : 42249 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000006884 Pune

Extension I: E-Tender Notice for work of Integration of 2No of line bays in existing Bus Bar Protection and SCADA system at 220 kV Phaltan S/S.

15-12-2017 22-12-2017 (18 KB)
6000000424 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1784/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/SS-Pretender for Construction of 132kV End bays under Green Energy Corridor project, Dist: Ahmednagar under Chief Engineer (D, C&M).

Document Title End Date File
Letter of Award. 01-01-1970 (6.7 MB)
15-12-2017 19-01-2018 (298 KB)
6000000415 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-17101/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/SS-Pretender for Establishment of 110 kV level creation at 220 kV Peth s/s Dist- Sangli under Karad Zone, under Chief Engineer (D, C&M).

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1. 31-01-2018 (228 KB)
Amendment No. 3. 22-02-2018 (12 KB)
Letter of Award. 01-01-1970 (1.1 MB)
15-12-2017 17-01-2018 (137 KB)
7000006912 Nagpur

Modification for construction of toilet block for RS Division, Nagpur, Dist. Nagpur

15-12-2017 29-12-2017 (14 KB)
7000006984 Karad

Work of Overhauling with providing & fixing of required spares of 11KV, 22KV & 33KV CGL Make VCB’s at various S/Stn. under EHV O&M Dn Karad.

15-12-2017 14-01-2018 (166 KB)
7000006994 Karad

Work of Overhauling with providing & fixing of required spares of 11KV, 22KV & 33KV Alstom/Areva Make VCB at various S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn Karad.

15-12-2017 14-01-2018 (165 KB)
7000007034 Pune

Work of Repairs of 33/22/11KV outdoor CT 'S available at Various S/Stn under jurisdiction of Trans EHV O&M Division Baramati.

15-12-2017 29-12-2017 (253 KB)
6000000423 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1796/MSETCL/CO/DCM/LLSC for Construction of 132kV DC line from 220kV Bhokardhan Substation to 132kV Dhad Substation , Dist- Buldhana/Jalna- 32 km (DCDC-26km & DCMC - 03 kms each at 220 kV Bhokardhan Substation end & at 132 kV Dhad Substation end) under Chief Engineer (D, C&M).

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1. 01-01-1970 (13 KB)
Amendment No. 2. 01-01-1970 (14 KB)
Amendment in view of GST. 18-01-2018 (14 KB)
Letter of Award. 01-01-1970 (954 KB)
14-12-2017 15-01-2018 (48 KB)
7000006863 Amravati

E-Tender Extension dates: Work of Shifting/ Modification of towers of 132kV Akola-Paras Ckt.I & II D/C line, near Laxminagar, Akola due to conversion of Akola-Khandwa MG Railway Line to BGin Akola-Akot section

14-12-2017 21-12-2017 (7 KB)
CELDK/MAINT/FM-42/2223 14/12/2017 SLDC Kalwa

E-enquiry for Non-Comprehensive-Annual Maintenance contract for Fire Alarm System installed at Old at SLDC building, Airoli.

14-12-2017 28-12-2017 (153 KB)
7000007026 Nagpur

SRM E-Tender for Supply , Installation and transportation of 3 nos. of 5 Star, 1.5 Ton (Bluestar make or equivalent make) Copper Split Air Conditioners at Dhaba Repeater Station (Vg. Runjha Dist.Yavatmal) under HVDC TL O&M Sub-Division, Chandrapur under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur.

14-12-2017 28-12-2017 (29 KB)
6000000411 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1797/MSETCL/CO/DCM/LLSC for Construction of LILO on 132 kV Yavatmal – Yavatmal MIDC line at 132 kV Darwha Substation Dist-Yavatmal- 34km (DCDC-31km from LILO point & DCMC - 03 kms at 132 kV Darwha Substation end) under Chief Engineer (D, C&M).

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1. 01-01-1970 (13 KB)
Amendment in view of GST. 18-01-2018 (13 KB)
Letter of Award. 01-01-1970 (896 KB)
14-12-2017 15-01-2018 (48 KB)
6000000413 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1792/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines for Turnkey construction of 132 kV Urmodi LIS Tap (Loc. No. 84) to Loc. No. 122 of Satara MIDC D/C on D/C line using existing belt (Route length – 12 Kms) under Karad zone, under Chief Engineer (D, C&M).

14-12-2017 13-01-2018 (116 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM Dn/NSK/Tech/1330 Nashik

EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik:Supply and fixing of roller blinds for window in Auditorium hall at administrative Building, Racca Plot, Nashik.

14-12-2017 26-12-2017 (588 KB)
1428 dt.14.12.2017 Pune

Hiring of vehicle (Indica/Indigo /swift or equivalent) for a period of One year for 2017-18 for the EHV CCCM S/Dn-III, under EHV CCCM
Division office, Pune. ....................second call thereof.......

14-12-2017 21-12-2017 (89 KB)
EE/Test/Kop/Tech/No. 406 Karad

Enquiry for Providing Diesel vehicle (Tata Indica, Indigo, Skoda Fabia or equivalent with AC) with driver on hire per day basis for the office of Executive Engineer, Testing Division Kolhapur.

14-12-2017 26-12-2017 (21 KB)
EE/EHV/PD/SGL/No.1759 Karad

Enquiry for supply & ETC of switchyard lighting at 220 KV Lonand MIDC S/s.

14-12-2017 21-12-2017 (10 KB)
7000006405 Nashik

EHV Project Circle Nashik: 2nd call : Notice for preparation of forest proposal in r/o 132kV Taloda-Dhadgaon D/C on D/C line.

14-12-2017 29-12-2017 (134 KB)
7000007025 Karad

Construction 132KV line bays – 2 Nos. one each at 132KV Aundh & Ambheri S/s. under Karad Zone

14-12-2017 15-01-2018 (75 KB)
70000007033 Vashi

SRM Tender for work of providing Additional 22 kV PT bay at 100 kV Ambernath, 100 kV Dombivali and 100 kV Murbad sub-stn under  EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

14-12-2017 14-01-2018 (29 KB)