7000006477 |
Vashi |
Providing pest control services to various buildings and providing annual weed control by spraying chemical at various substations under E.H.V. Civil Const. Cum Maint. Sub Division-1, Airoli, for period upto 31.03.2018
14-12-2017 |
26-12-2017 |
(3.4 MB)
1128 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Circle Nasik : Corrigendum : Notice of reschedule of date for Unemployed Engineers by Lucky draw system.
14-12-2017 |
14-12-2017 |
(137 KB)
6000000399 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1791/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines for Turnkey construction of 220 kV DC line from 400 kV Solapur (PG) s/s to proposed 220 kV Narangwadi s/s - Pkg B (Route length – 33.33 Kms from Loc. No. 131 to 250) under Aurangabad zone, under Chief Engineer (D, C&M) .
13-12-2017 |
12-01-2018 |
(116 KB)
833 |
Karad |
Providing skilled labour as Junior Technician at 400 KV Maint. Unit under 400 KV R.S. (O&M) Dn. Karad.
13-12-2017 |
19-12-2017 |
(2 MB)
832 |
Karad |
Providing skilled labour as a Steno, LDC & unskilled labour as a Peon against vacant post under 400 KV.R.S (O&M) Dn. Karad.
13-12-2017 |
19-12-2017 |
(1.9 MB)
7000006764 |
Nagpur |
Extension AMC for the work of keeping 400KV/220KV S/Y free from growth of grass and Weed (Antiweeding Treatment) at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur under 400KV RS O&M Div. Chandrapur.
13-12-2017 |
19-12-2017 |
(90 KB)
N.A. |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for carrying out work of Electrification of rest house at 400 KV Lamboti Substation.
13-12-2017 |
20-12-2017 |
(988 KB)
7000006991 |
Corporate Office |
MSETCL/Protocol/Driver/e-Tender-01/2017 for Engaging Drivers on outsourcing basis under Protocol Officer, MSETCL, Bandra.
13-12-2017 |
27-12-2017 |
(281 KB)
EE/TDP/DyEE(O)/T-15/703 dtd.13.12.2017 |
Pune |
Enquiry for repairing work of Computers, Laptops at office of Executive Engineer, Testing Dn., Pune.
13-12-2017 |
21-12-2017 |
(30 KB)
N.A. |
Pune |
Short E- E-enquiry for the urgent work of dismantling of various types of panels & Shifting of Dismantled Panels ( Switchgears) in empty Space adjacent / outside to control room of 132kV Ganeshkhind SS.
13-12-2017 |
16-12-2017 |
(150 KB)
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiy for hiring vehicle i.e. Air conditioned Diesel car with driver for Additional Executive Engineer EHV CCCM Sub_Division_I Nanded.
13-12-2017 |
29-12-2017 |
(1.6 MB)
70000006954 |
Vashi |
SRM Enquiry for Work for Annual maintenance contract of Computers at Division office and various sub-station under EHV O&M Dn., Dombivali
13-12-2017 |
20-12-2017 |
(25 KB)
7000007024 |
Vashi |
Work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR old conductor along with hardware by High Ampacity Conductor (High Temperature Low Sag – HTLS) of 220 kV Sonkhar – Trombay line under EHV (O&M) Division Kalwa.
13-12-2017 |
12-01-2018 |
(110 KB)
6000000410 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1789/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/SS-PreTender for Establishment of 132/33 kV S/S at Chamorshi, Dist. Gadchiroli on turnkey basis under Nagpur Zone, under Chief Engineer (DC&M).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
13-12-2017 |
18-01-2018 |
(173 KB)
7000006819 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER RFx No. 7000006819 Civil work of attending various civil maintenance work of Control room & switch yard in the premise at 400KV S/Stn. Apatapa road, Akola Dist. Akola.
13-12-2017 |
19-12-2017 |
(59 KB)
7000006814 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER RFx No. 7000006814 Civil work of various maintenance work of colony building at Khamgaon Dist.Buldhana.
13-12-2017 |
19-12-2017 |
(59 KB)
No.EE/Test/SHP/ Tech/ 875 dt 12.12.2017 |
Pune |
Hiring the LMV Tata Sumo/Mahindra Max/Bolero for MSETCL,testing unit Baramati,under Testing Division Solapur.
13-12-2017 |
20-12-2017 |
(174 KB)
No.EE/Test/SHP/ Tech/ 876 dt 12.12.2017 |
Pune |
Hiring the LMV Tata Sumo/Mahindra Max/Bolero for MSETCL,testing Batch no-4, under Testing Division Solapur.
13-12-2017 |
20-12-2017 |
(174 KB)
7000007000 |
Karad |
Providing & fixing main gate & Switchyard gates at 400 KV Sub-Station Alkud, Dist. Sangli.( Rfx No.7000007000 )
13-12-2017 |
12-01-2018 |
(128 KB)
7000006987 |
Pune |
Due date extension for Work of attending oil leakages from 245 KV ,HV Bushing turret of 50MVA,220/33KV, T&R make Transformer at 220KV Kurkumbh S/stn under EHV O&M Division Baramati.
12-12-2017 |
02-01-2018 |
(204 KB)