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Total Records : 42249 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000006546 Nashik

EHV CCCM Division,  Jalgaon : Various  Civil  R&M  works  of  EHV  Sub-stations  under  jurisdiction  of   EHV  CCCM Dn  Jalgaon.

04-12-2017 03-01-2018 (1.6 MB)
7000006844 Pune

Extension of due date to the Work Contract of Supply of material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning for work of additional 2x132kV line bays at 132/22kV Rahatni S/s at Rahatni Pune with Civil and work of 220kV LILO for 132kV Rahatni Substation.

25-11-2017 02-01-2018 (7 KB)
7000006987 Pune

Due date extension for Work of attending oil leakages from 245 KV ,HV Bushing turret of 50MVA,220/33KV, T&R make Transformer at 220KV Kurkumbh S/stn under EHV O&M Division Baramati.

12-12-2017 02-01-2018 (204 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/Thap/361 Aurangabad

E enquiry for providing outsource service of Peon at 400 kV R S Division, Thaptitanda

26-12-2017 02-01-2018 (349 KB)
7000006947 Nagpur

Work of reorientation of existing 132kV D/C Mankapur-Kanhan Ckt line LILO at 132kV Uppalwadi Substation under EHV Projects Circle, Nagpur

11-12-2017 02-01-2018 (284 KB)
EE/EHV/PD-III/SOLAPUR/1425 dt-26/12/2017 Pune

E-enquiry for the work of HT LT line shifting at village Borgaon & Bondale Tal-Malshiras, Dist-Solapur.(dated 26-12-2017)

27-12-2017 02-01-2018 (46 KB)
E-Enquiry No: 1021 Pune

Re-Enquiry for Work of loading/unloading, transportation of material from various stores to various substations & from various substation to substation under EHV O&M DN Baramati.

19-12-2017 02-01-2018 (176 KB)
7000005607 SLDC Kalwa

(2nd Call) for Supply, installation and commissioning of Servers along with Operating System & Database licenses, Personal Computers for Data Warehousing Servers at ALDC Ambazari Nagpur.

Document Title End Date File
(2nd Ext) (2nd Call) for Supply, installation and commissioning of Servers along with Operating System & Database licenses, Personal Computers for Data Warehousing Servers at ALDC Ambazari Nagpur. 19-01-2018 (189 KB)
(3rd Ext) (2nd Call) for Supply, installation and commissioning of Servers along with Operating System & Database licenses, Personal Computers for Data Warehousing Servers at ALDC Ambazari Nagpur. 24-01-2018 (189 KB)
(4th Ext) (2nd Call) for Supply, installation and commissioning of Servers along with Operating System & Database licenses, Personal Computers for Data Warehousing Servers at ALDC Ambazari Nagpur. 03-02-2018 (213 KB)
(5th Ext) (2nd Call) for Supply, installation and commissioning of Servers along with Operating System & Database licenses, Personal Computers for Data Warehousing Servers at ALDC Ambazari Nagpur. 14-02-2018 (226 KB)
04-12-2017 02-01-2018 (197 KB)
7000006907 Karad

Work of P&F of Buchholz & Oil Surge Relay & Oil flow Indicators of 03 Nos of ICTs at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

03-12-2017 02-01-2018 (1.3 MB)
7000006886. Karad

Work of Painting for 04 Nos of 105 MVA 400/220/33 KV ICTs, 315 MVA BHEL Make ICT at 400 KV R.S. Karad.

03-12-2017 02-01-2018 (1.3 MB)
7000006913 Pune

Second call for E- Tender of Annual rate contract for the work of overhauling & repairing of 22/11kV circuit breakers at various substations under EHV O&M Dn-I Pune.

02-12-2017 02-01-2018 (24 KB)
7000006906 Pune

Annual Transport Contract for Transportation, Loading, Unloading, Winching, Turning & Clearing, Dismantling & Erection of Power Transformers/ICTs/Reactors, Weights ranging from 20 MT to 180MT by standard/Hydraulic Trailers under EHV PC O&M Zone, Pune.

02-12-2017 02-01-2018 (196 KB)
700006849 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Dn Nasik : Notice for work of replacement of 220KV & 132KV bushing at various ss   under EHV (O&M) Division Nasik.

03-12-2017 02-01-2018 (357 KB)
7000006763 Vashi

Providing architectural consultancy for construction of administrative building and allied works at Kalwa complex, Airoli.

26-12-2017 01-01-2018 (23 KB)
7000006056 Aurangabad

Ammendment -II and Extension to 1x132kV Jalkot end bay at 132kV Udgir sub station for 132kV S/C Udgir-Jalkot line

17-12-2017 01-01-2018 (54 KB)
7000007056 Nagpur

SRM Etender ETENDER / T-15 / 2017-18  Work of Strengthening of main leg joint by providing star leg to existing towers of 220kV GCR-Sicom D/c Line from Loc. No. 31 to 49 in live condition under Line Maintenance Subdivision-I, Ballarshah under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah.

18-12-2017 01-01-2018 (215 KB)
7000006989 Nagpur

SRM Etender T-10/2017-18, Work of reorientation of existing 132kV D/C Mankapur-Kanhan Ckt line LILO at 132kV Uppalwadi Substation with ERS under EHV Projects Circle, Nagpur

17-12-2017 31-12-2017 (284 KB)
7000006872 Karad

Miscellaneous civil works and upkeeping of 33KV yard at 110 KV Sub Station Kothali, Tal-Karveer, Dist-Kolhapur. (RFX No. 7000006872)

01-12-2017 31-12-2017 (498 KB)
7000006808 Pune

cancellation of SRM E-enquiry for the work of Fire safety audit and security audit of 15 nos. EHV S/S and awareness training to employees at each substations under EHV O&M Division-1 Pune. (dated 01-01-2018)

30-12-2017 30-12-2017 (15 KB)
EE/TDP/DyEE(O)/T-15/732 dtd.22.12.2017 Pune

Enquiry for supply of 5 Nos. of Tyres & Tubes for TATA Sumo Vehicle No. MH-42/B-183.(dated 21-12-2017)

22-12-2017 30-12-2017 (24 KB)