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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000006958 Vashi

E-Tender for Supply of clamp & connector at various substations under EHV O&M Division Boisar.

07-12-2017 26-12-2017 (556 KB)
SE/EHV/O&M/CIRCLE/TENDER/T-09/2017-18 (RFX NO-7000006061) Pune

Re-Tender for Supply of Rain Suits, for the Employee working under EHV (O&M) Circle, Pune for the Block Year 2017-20 (RFX-7000006061).
(dated 27-11-2017)

27-11-2017 26-12-2017 (177 KB)
SE/EHV/O&M/CIRCLE/TENDER/T-08/2017-18 (RFX NO-7000006068) Pune

Re-Tender for Supply of Safety shoes. (Standard make with ISI mark on each sole of shoes, as per IS 15298 , Low ankle, steel toe cap with light weight, Electric shock proof with injection mounded PU sole, bartain leather, upper resistance to oil, acid and alkali.RFX NO-7000006068.(dated 27-11-2017)

27-11-2017 26-12-2017 (170 KB)
7000006840 Karad

Providing & fixing 2 mtr. height chain link fencing and main gate for colony at 132 KV Kankawali Sub Station, Dist. Sindhudurg.

27-11-2017 26-12-2017 (165 KB)
7000006714 Karad

Annual civil maintenance works of staff quarter and sub station premises at 110 KV sub station, Kothali, Tal. Karveer, Dist. Kolhapur.

27-11-2017 26-12-2017 (147 KB)
7000006809 Karad

Balance work of 132 KV Chambukhadi-Kale line.

24-11-2017 26-12-2017 (140 KB)
7000006823 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Consolidated Annual Maintenance Contract(AMC) for PCs, Laptops, Printers & associated equipments and LAN and associated equipments at offices under zone premises for the period of 01 Year(Non-Comprehensive). under the office of System Analyst, IT Section, P.C.O&M Zone,Aurangabad

25-11-2017 26-12-2017 (23 KB)
7000006056 Aurangabad

1x132kV Jalkot end bay at 132kV Udgir sub station for 132kV S/C Udgir-Jalkot line under Project Circle Aurangabad

17-11-2017 26-12-2017 (52 KB)
7000006882 Pune

Due date Extension to Providing Technical Operators, Jr. Technicians on contract basis at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Baramati.

01-12-2017 25-12-2017 (9 KB)
7000006669 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Period Extension: Work of destringing and restringing of loose spans for maintaining desired ground clearance at various locations of existing 132kV Waghala-Narsi & 132kV Waghala-Kandhar line under EHV O&M Division Nanded.

19-12-2017 25-12-2017 (109 KB)
7000006987 Pune

Work of attending oil leakages from 245 KV ,HV Bushing turret of 50MVA,220/33KV, T&R make Transformer at 220KV Kurkumbh S/stn under EHV O&M Division Baramati.

12-12-2017 25-12-2017 (204 KB)
7000006803 Pune

Work of Conversion of SSN/STN to DSN/DTN at road ,river crossing locations of various OLD EHV division Baramti.

26-11-2017 25-12-2017 (42 KB)
7000006804 Pune

Work of Upgradation of existing 220 kv manual operated DBR Isolator to ABB make motorized center break isolator for SCADA compatibility at 400 kv Lamboti substation Under EHV O& Circle Solapur.

26-11-2017 25-12-2017 (28 KB)
7000006822 Pune

Work of maintanance /Servicing /overhauling of 400 kv & 220 kv Center/double break isolator at 400 kv Lamboti substations under EHV O&m Circle Solapur.

26-11-2017 25-12-2017 (27 KB)
7000005451 Nashik

EHV (O&M) DN Nasik : 2nd call : Notice for Work of renovation of DC power supply arrangement at 132KV Sinnar(old) ss under EHV O&M Div nashik

27-11-2017 25-12-2017 (359 KB)
7000006844 Pune

tender for (RFx No.7000006844) Work Contract of Supply of material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning for work of additional 2x132kV line bays at 132/22kV Rahatni S/s at Rahatni Pune with Civil and work of 220kV LILO for 132kV Rahatni Substation.(Dt.24-11-2017)

25-11-2017 25-12-2017 (19 KB)
7000006797 Vashi

SRM  E-tender for work of repairing/servicing along with reassembling of pole of 11/22/33 kV Circuit breaker of various substation  under EHV O&M Dn Bhandup.

23-11-2017 25-12-2017 (29 KB)
7000006767 Karad

Replacement of earth wire & its accessories of various EHV lines under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur under LE Scheme.

22-11-2017 25-12-2017 (90 KB)
7000006768 Vashi

SRM E-tender for attending emergency work of arresting oil leakage by replacment of oil seals gaskets from Transformer No.1(50 M ,220/33 KV ,IMP make Power Transformer ) at 220 KV Sonkhar Substation under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup

22-11-2017 25-12-2017 (30 KB)
7000006758 Vashi

SRM E-TENDER  for  Overhauling of 22 Kv Isolators at various substation under  EHV O&M  Division,Bhandup

22-11-2017 25-12-2017 (29 KB)