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Total Records : 42278 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000006971 Vashi

SRM E-Enquiry for for printing of Log Sheets Permit at various substations under  EHV (O&M) Dn. Bhandup for year 2017-2018

16-12-2017 22-12-2017 (48 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/TS/1545 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Providing services of housekeeping works at 220kV S/s, 132kV S/s and Administrative offices under EHV(O&M) Division,Latur.

15-12-2017 22-12-2017 (523 KB)
7000007067 Vashi

RFX for arresting of Oil leakages of oil filled equipments by Cold welding method in emergency at HVDC, Padghe

16-12-2017 22-12-2017 (270 KB)
7000006623 Nashik

EHV O & M Division, Jalgaon : Extension : Notice for Work of AMC for overhauling/servicing along with supply of required spares for 11KV Vaccum Circuit Breakers at various
132kV substations.

16-12-2017 22-12-2017 (16 KB)
7000006884 Pune

Extension I: E-Tender Notice for work of Integration of 2No of line bays in existing Bus Bar Protection and SCADA system at 220 kV Phaltan S/S.

15-12-2017 22-12-2017 (18 KB)
EE/400kV RS Dn/Deepnagar-BSL-II/0064 Nashik

400 KV R.S. Dn. Deepnagar : Notice for E-Enquiry for Gardner & Sweeping at 400kV RS Division Deepnagar-Bhusawal-II.

11-12-2017 22-12-2017 (190 KB)
7000006630 Pune

Civil maintenance and upkeepment of various civil works at colony 132KV SPSL ESSAR S/Stn. Dist-Pune.(dated 24-11-2017)

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (77 KB)
7000006694 Pune

The probable expenses that will be incurred for the work of maintenance of various civil works of 132KV S/Stn. at Yawat Dist-Pune.(dated 24-11-2017)

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (77 KB)
7000006697 Pune

The probable expenses that will be incurred for the work of maintenance of various civil works of 132KV S/Stn. at Ganeshkhind Dist-Pune.(dated 24-11-2017)

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (78 KB)
7000006721 Pune

The probable expenses that will be incurred for the work of maintenance of various civil works of 220KV S/Stn. at Kurkumbh Dist-Pune.(dated 24-11-2017)

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (77 KB)
7000006598 Pune

Civil maintenance and upkeepment of various civil works at colony 132 KV S/Stn. Phursungi Dist-Pune.(dated 24-11-2017)

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (77 KB)
7000006696 Pune

The probable expenses that will be incurred for the work of maintenance of various civil works of 220KV S/Stn. at Theur Dist-Pune.(dated 24-11-2017)

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (77 KB)
7000006602 Pune

Civil maintenance and upkeepment of various civil works at colony 400KV Lonikand-I Dist-Pune.(dated 24-11-2017)

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (77 KB)
7000006824 Pune

Civil maintenance and upkeepment of various civil works at 132KV Baramati (Jalochi) colony area Dist-Pune.(dated 24-11-2017)

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (78 KB)
7000006783,7000006784,7000006785 Nashik

EHV PC (O&M) Zone,Nashik: Notice for Work of construction of 1X132kV TSS End Bay at 132kV Dharangaon, Nandurbar & Nardana Sub-stations

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (15 KB)
7000006776 Amravati

SRM E-Tender Work of overhauling, servicing along with supply of required spares for intank OLTC & flange type OLTC at various EHV SS under EHV O&M Circle, Akola .

22-11-2017 22-12-2017 (45 KB)
7000006774 Nashik

400KV R.S. Division, Khadka - Bhusawal : Notice for the work of conversion of 11kV Underground cable to 11kV Overhead feeder at 400kV RS Dn. Khadka Bhusawal.

23-11-2017 22-12-2017 (497 KB)
EEC/NSK/T-09/2017-18 Nashik

EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Notice for Providing & fixing Projector, Motorized Screen, Audience chairs, Centre table for Auditorium of Administrative Building, Racca Plot, Jail Road, Nashik Road, Nashik.

16-12-2017 21-12-2017 (172 KB)
7000006863 Amravati

E-Tender Extension dates: Work of Shifting/ Modification of towers of 132kV Akola-Paras Ckt.I & II D/C line, near Laxminagar, Akola due to conversion of Akola-Khandwa MG Railway Line to BGin Akola-Akot section

14-12-2017 21-12-2017 (7 KB)
1428 dt.14.12.2017 Pune

Hiring of vehicle (Indica/Indigo /swift or equivalent) for a period of One year for 2017-18 for the EHV CCCM S/Dn-III, under EHV CCCM
Division office, Pune. ....................second call thereof.......

14-12-2017 21-12-2017 (89 KB)