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Total Records : 42253 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
4620 Amravati

E-enquiry for Work of Carrying out Reconnaissance,Alignment and Detailed survey work of 132KV LILO on Paras–Akot Line for proposed 132KV S/Stn at(Karanja Ramzanpur) Mauje Khatka,Tq.Telhara,Dist Akola.-4.5KM"

21-11-2017 28-11-2017 (2.4 MB)
EE/400kV/Rs/Dn/BBLR/Tech/865 Nashik

400kV RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar : Notice for E-enquiry for catring services at RTC Babhaleshwar.

21-11-2017 28-11-2017 (1.4 MB)
7000006763 Vashi

Providing architectural consultancy for construction of administrative building and allied works at Kalwa complex, Airoli.

21-11-2017 21-12-2017 (795 KB)
EE/400kV RS/Div./K'saon/I.{anded/F.No.43/273 Aurangabad

Enquiry for the work of testing of EHV grade transformer oil samples (DGA) at site by mobile van NABL accredited laboratory at 400 kV Kumbhargaon Substation under 400 kV R S Division Kumbhargaon, Nanded

21-11-2017 11-12-2017 (381 KB)
7000006350 Pune

SRM Short Re-E-Tender for Allied work with the Internal inspection of Power Transformer, 220 / 22 kV, 50 MVA make IMP, at 220 kV Nanded city SS under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune.(dated 21-11-2017)

21-11-2017 06-12-2017 (13 KB)
7000006772 Pune

SRM Short Re-E-Tender for Replacement of 33 kV Current Transformers (CTs) -6 Nos. of 22 kV Tukainagar and Sainagar feeder at 220 kV Parvati s/s under EHV O&M Division-1.(dated 21-11-2017)

21-11-2017 06-12-2017 (13 KB)
783 Dtd.2O. tL.2OLT Karad

Supply, Installation & Commissioning & Testing of new SAS (Sub-Stn. Automation System) at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

21-11-2017 30-11-2017 (1.9 MB)
7000006632 Karad

eTender Notice T-02/2017-18 Rfx. No. 7000006632 for Work of testing of EHV Grade transformer oil samples (DGA) at 400KV Receiving Station Alkud, under 400KV RS Dn. Alkud(M).

21-11-2017 20-12-2017 (17 KB)
7000006733 Karad

Repairs to existing sump well of staff colony at 110 KV Ichalkaranji Sub-Station, Ichalkaranji, Dist. Kolhapur. (Tender No.EEC/CIVIL /SGL/T-08/2017-18 Rfx No.7000006733 )

21-11-2017 21-12-2017 (128 KB)
789 Dtd.20. tL.20t7 Karad

Extension : Annual maintenance for computers, peripherals and Networking at 400 KV R.S. Dn. Karad.

20-11-2017 24-11-2017 (2.6 MB)
7000006308 Karad

Re-Tender notice to SRM e-tender of RFx. No. 7000006308 for Preliminary and detailed survey of 132/220/ 400KV lines in Sangli & Satara District under EHV Projects Division, Sangli.

20-11-2017 05-12-2017 (15 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NND/T/1626 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for Carrying out the Work of Transportation of 25MVA, 220KV/33KV Vijay Make Power Transformer along with accessories from 220KV Narsi Sub-Station to 220KV Krushnoor Sub- Station, Under EHV Project Division, Nanded.

20-11-2017 29-11-2017 (57 KB)
7000006713 Pune

Re E-Tender for annual maintenance (AMC ) for ABT Metering System at various EHV substations under EHV (O&M) Dn. II, Pune. (dated 20-11-2017)

20-11-2017 20-12-2017 (26 KB)

Enquiry for Supply of water cooler & purifier as per schedule'A' at 400kV R.S. Division Talandge

20-11-2017 26-11-2017 (41 KB)

Enquiry for Supply of furniture as per schedule'A' at 400kV R.S. Division Talandge

20-11-2017 26-11-2017 (41 KB)
7000006550 Vashi

SRM .re Enquiry for DGA & other std tests of transformer oil at various substations under EHV   O&M Dn Bhandup for year 2017-2018 .

20-11-2017 27-11-2017 (42 KB)
6000000373 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1773/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/ SS-Pretender for 400 kV Nanded (Kumbhargaon) substation, Dist.: Nanded under Chief Engineer (DC&M).

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1. 01-01-2018 (88 KB)
Amendment No. 2. 12-01-2018 (88 KB)
Amendment No. 3. 29-01-2018 (255 KB)
Amendment no. 4. 06-02-2018 (146 KB)
Amendment No. 5. 14-02-2018 (87 KB)
20-11-2017 29-01-2018 (261 KB)
1634 Nashik

EHV Project Division,Nashik :Notice for E-enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (Diesei) along with vehicle driver on per day basis for EHV Projects Substation Subdivision, Babhaleshwar

20-11-2017 01-12-2017 (749 KB)
70000006437 Vashi

2nd call for SRM Enquiry for work of replacement of 7/3.15 G.I. Earthwire at 100 kV PAL – Dombivali  Line between Loc No. 1 to 11 under Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.

20-11-2017 26-11-2017 (25 KB)
70000006436 Vashi

2nd call for SRM  Enquiry for work of replacement of 22 kV BUS-SECTION Isolator  (2 Nos) at 100 kVAmbernath s/stn under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.

20-11-2017 26-11-2017 (25 KB)