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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
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N.A. Pune

Second call for E-Enquiry for providing office furniture at various EHV SS under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune.(dated 18-11-2017)

18-11-2017 02-12-2017 (172 KB)
EE/EHV/CONST/DIV/NSK/Tech/1663 Nashik

EHV Project Division,Nashik : Notice for e-inquiry for hiring of vehicle along with driver for EHV S/S project S/Dn. Nashik.

18-11-2017 02-12-2017 (934 KB)
7000006451 Vashi

Elastomeric Thermoplastic Graft Copolymer Anticorrosive Treatment to Support structures of Equipment & Gantry Structure at 132/33 kV Palghar S/S EHV O&M Division Boisar.

18-11-2017 27-11-2017 (353 KB)
7000006700 Nashik

400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division,Dhule : Notice for work of Measurement of Online Partial Discharge Test on 18.11.2017 from 00:01 Hrs. phase units of 400/220/33kV, 315MVA (3X105MVA) ICT - 1 & ICT – 2 under 400KV R.S Dn. Dhule 

18-11-2017 17-12-2017 (19 KB)
7000006669 Aurangabad

Work of destringing and restringing of loose spans for maintaining desired ground clearance at various locations of existing 132 kV Waghata-Narsi & 132 kV Waghala-Kandhar line under EHV O&M Division Nanded.

18-11-2017 17-12-2017 (142 KB)
7000006676 Aurangabad

Construction of 132kV LILO on 132kV Kagzipur-Kannad Line at 220kV Deogaon Rangari Sub-station under Project Circle Aurangabad

18-11-2017 25-12-2017 (51 KB)
7000006397 Pune

SRM E-Tender for the Work of carrying out paiinting to 400/220/330 KV ICT-I &400/220/33 KV spare ICT make BHEL at 400 KV RS Division Lamboti.

18-11-2017 18-12-2017 (419 KB)
7000006707 Karad

Shifting of existing Chainlink fencing of 33KV yard at 110 KV Sub-Station Ashta, Dist. Sangli. ender No.EEC /CIVIL /SGL / T-09/2017-18 Rfx No.7000006707

18-11-2017 18-12-2017 (128 KB)
7000006677 Karad

Providing aluminium precoated corrugated sheet roofing for Class III staff quarters building No. 2 ( 4 T ) at 110/33 KV Sub Station Bapat Camp, Dist-Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000006677 )

18-11-2017 17-12-2017 (149 KB)
7000006723 Amravati

Annual contract for transportation of Power TF/ICT and various equipments/ materials as and when required under EHV O&M Circle, Akola.

17-11-2017 18-12-2017 (26 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/TS/1416 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry  for purpose of 33kv Electrical Hand gloves for various EHV S/S under  EHV (O&M) Dn. Latur

17-11-2017 29-11-2017 (525 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/LTR/TS/1415 Aurangabad

E-enquiry of work of filtration of EHV grade T/F oil at various EHV S/S under EHV O&M Dn Latur

17-11-2017 29-11-2017 (393 KB)
EEC/CCCM/Dn/NGP/Quot./2017-18/Q-2/1421 Dt.16.11.2017 Nagpur Dismantling of old staff quarters in the premises of 132KV S/Stn Mankapur, Dist Nagpur. 17-11-2017 23-11-2017 (15 KB)
7000006350 Pune

Cancellation of Allied work with the Internal inspection of Power Transformer, 220 / 22 kV, 50 MVA make IMP, at 220 kV Nanded city SS under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune.
(dated 17-11-2017)

17-11-2017 17-11-2017 (165 KB)
7000006283 Pune

Cancellation of Replacement of 33 kV Current Transformers (CTs) -6 Nos. of 22 kV Tukainagar and Sainagar feeder at 220 kV Parvati s/s under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune.(dated 17-11-2017)

17-11-2017 17-11-2017 (165 KB)
N.A. Pune

Cancellation of Re-E-Enquiry for providing office furniture at various EHV SS under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune.(dated 17-11-2017)

17-11-2017 17-11-2017 (15 KB)
7000006647 Vashi

SRM Enquiry for repair  and  recondition of 22/33 KV failed CT of ratio  1600-800/1-1-1A  including  additional cores at  various Substation  under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup.

17-11-2017 27-11-2017 (48 KB)
7000006363 Vashi

Supply of log sheets & permit books at various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa for the year 2017-18.

17-11-2017 22-11-2017 (229 KB)
7000006364 Vashi

Work of arresting oil leakage of 50 MVA, 220/22KV Transformer No-3, at 220KV Temghar substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa.

17-11-2017 22-11-2017 (230 KB)
7000006678 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Division, Jalgaon : Notice for Work of dismantling, transportation, winching, loading & unloading of Power Transformer for transportation of 25 MVA 220/33 KV Vijai make power T/F Sr. No.90016E01 from 220 KV Mumewadi S/Stn (Dist: Kolhapur) to 220 KV Bambhori S/Stn under EHV O&M Division, Jalgaon.

17-11-2017 01-12-2017 (15 KB)