SE/EHV/O&M/CIRCLE/TENDER/T-2432 dtd-07.11.2017 |
Pune |
E-enquiry for the AMC of air conditioners at EHV O&M Circle,Office,Pune.
07-11-2017 |
21-11-2017 |
(667 KB)
SE/EHV/O&M/CIRCLE/TENDER/T-2415 dtd-06.11.2017 |
Pune |
E-enquiry for Providing new electrical & telephone wiring in EHV(O&M)Circle Office, Pune.
07-11-2017 |
21-11-2017 |
(894 KB)
EE/EVH O&M/Beed/Tech/1931 |
Aurangabad |
07-11-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(1.1 MB)
01216 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Transportation of various EHV equipments/materials from MSETCL S/Stn. & Stores to RTC Talandage for 132KV Demo Line bay.
07-11-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(364 KB)
7000006589 |
Vashi |
AMC for the work of battery and battery chargers at various substations under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel.
07-11-2017 |
05-12-2017 |
(259 KB)
7000006498 |
Pune |
SRM E-Tender for Rate contract for repair/ maintenance of High Mast Towers/ Substation Switchyard lighting at various S/stn.under EHV O&M Dn. I, Pune.
07-11-2017 |
07-12-2017 |
(13 KB)
7000005564 |
Pune |
Cancellation of E-Tender for the Work of dismantling of old (6+2) no’s 33KV bay & erection of new (8+2) no’s of 33KV bays at 132KV Degaon EHV S/S under EHV O&M Division, Solapur.
07-11-2017 |
07-11-2017 |
(143 KB)
7000006350 |
Pune |
Extension no -1 for SRM e-Tender of Allied work with the Internal inspection of Power Transformer, 220 / 22 kV, 50 MVA make IMP, at 220 kV Nanded city SS under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune.(dated 07-11-2017)
07-11-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(229 KB)
7000006283 |
Pune |
Extension no -1 for SRM e-Tender of Replacement of 33 kV Current Transformers (CTs) -6 Nos. of 22 kV Tukainagar and Sainagar feeder at 220 kV Parvati s/s under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune.(dated 07-11-2017)
07-11-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(229 KB)
7000006338 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar : Notice for 2nd Call for work of supply, erection,Testing and commissioning of Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System for addl 220/132kV, 200MVA ICT-3 at 220kV Kedgaon (A’Nagar) S/Stn
07-11-2017 |
21-11-2017 |
(254 KB)
7000006493 |
Nashik |
400KV R.S. Division Khadka - Bhusawal : Extension notice for Work of Dismantling/removing of old redundant copper/Aluminum cables of Various sizes from 400/220/132 KV Yard & control room & stacking them properly by coiling in the cable yard and lying of new cable of various sizes
07-11-2017 |
10-11-2017 |
(193 KB)
7000006603 |
Pune |
Cancellation of the Re-E-Enquiry, for work of Repairing of faulty LV cable of 132/22kV, 25MVA, BBL make Power T/f – 2 at 132 kV Varasgaon under EHV O&M Dn. II, Pune.(dated 07-12-2017)
06-11-2017 |
20-11-2017 |
(58 KB)
7000006544 |
Nagpur |
Work of Supply, Civil & ETC for 1 x 50 MVA 132/33 kV at Uppalwadi substation Dist. Nagpur.
06-11-2017 |
06-12-2017 |
(15 KB)
7000006543 |
Nagpur |
Balance work of Supply, Civil & ETC for 2 x 132 kV end bays at Lakhandur substation Dist. Bhandara.
06-11-2017 |
06-12-2017 |
(23 KB)
E Enquiry ( RFX not applicable) |
Pune |
Hiring of vehicle for EHV CCCm Sdn Lonikand.
06-11-2017 |
17-11-2017 |
(3.1 MB)
E Enquiry ( RFX not applicable) |
Pune |
Hiring of vehicle for EHV CCCm Sdn III.
06-11-2017 |
17-11-2017 |
(3.1 MB)
EEC/NSK/T-07/2017-18 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Extension notice for the work of "Renovation of Rest House at 220 KV Babhaleshwar, Tal:- Rahata, Dist:- Ahemdnagar."
06-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(301 KB)
7000006588 |
SLDC Kalwa |
supply, installation, testing & commissioning of road blocker at SLDC, Airoli
06-11-2017 |
05-12-2017 |
(89 KB)
7000006603 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for work of Repairing of faulty LV cable of 132/22kV, 25MVA, BBL make Power T/f – 2 at 132 kV Varasgaon under EHV O&M Dn. II, Pune.(dated 07-11-2017)
06-11-2017 |
20-11-2017 |
(48 KB)
EE/400KV/RS/DN/KDK/BSL/T/789 |
Nashik |
400KV R.S. Division, Khadka - Bhusawal : Notice for work of Fabrication of equipment Support structures for erection of equipments for shifting of 400 KV 50MVAR reactor at 400 KV RS Dn.
06-11-2017 |
15-11-2017 |
(2 MB)