Supply of 33 kV equipments as spare required for tertiary side of 400/220/33 kV 3*167 MVA ICT I & 400/220/33 kV 3*167 MVA ICT II for delta formation at 400/220 kV Khaperkheda Substation under 400 kV RS (O&M) Division, Khaperkheda
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-4 work of providing and fixing of non conductive Turbo Wind Driven Conical Bird Guards on Tower of various EHV Lines under EHV Line Maintenance Subdivision, Khamgaon under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana(First call)
SRM E-Tender: Work of carrying out Earthing audit (Health assessment) of existing earth mat and soil resistivity measurement at 132 kV Ashti,132kV Omerga, 132kV Georai, 132kV Telgaon, and 132kV Kaij Sub Stations Under EHV (O&M) Division Beed.
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of replacement of 245kV and 145kV Current Transformer (with higher Tan Delta Value and No Tan Delta Point ) at various S/Stns under EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik.
SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of Anti Corrosive Coating/ Painting with chemical resistive coating/ Painting of Transformers at various EHV Sub-stations under EHV (O&M) Division Babhaleshwar.
SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of servicing & overhauling of 145kV Circuit Breaker CG Make with mandatory/non-mandatory spares at various EHV S/Stn under EHV (O&M) Division Nashik & Babhaleshwar under EHV O&M Circle Nashik.
Repairing communication network and confirmation healthiness of bus bar at 220kV Airoli Knowledge Park substation (2nd Call).
Supply of Coupling Devices (LMU) for various EHV lines under Communication Unit, PAC Division – III, Ballarshah
SRM E Tender No.10 Third call for Double Jumpering Work (Bypass Jump) by Providing & Fixing of Wedge Connector for various 132 kV Line under LMSD-I, Pune under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune.
Refilling of SF6 Gas into 4 nos 50kg SF6 Gas Cylinder at 400kV RS Dn., New Koyna.
Work of testing of EHV Grade transformer oil samples at site by mobile testing laboratory at various Substation under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur.
Work contract for Bi-annual maintenance & attending emergency breakdown work of 400 KV Transmission Lines as & when required under 400 KV LMSD-I & II Karad.
Work of annual maintenance contract for cleaning/upkeeping premises of various 132 KV sub-stations, RS Ring main Division and LMU S/Dn Nagpur for year 2024-25
1st Call for Hiring of 1 No of Tata Sumo/ Mahindra Bolero or Equivalent vehicle along with vehicle driver & fuel on per day rental basis for the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 for 500 KV HVDC TL (O&M) Sub Division, Ch. Sambhajinagar under 500KV HVDC TL O&M Division Jalna. F.Y 2024-25.
1st Call for Hiring of 1 No of Tata Sumo/ Mahindra Bolero or Equivalent vehicle along with vehicle driver & fuel on per day rental basis for the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 for 500 KV HVDC TL (O&M) Sub Division, Jintur under 500KV HVDC TL O&M Division Jalna. F.Y 2024-25.
6th Call E-tender for Biennial Maintenance Contract (Quarterly visit) for 02 years for trouble shooting of VESDA system at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur for the year 2023-24 & 2024-2025.Estimated Cost:- Rs. 3,54,000 /- (Including Taxes)
1st call for Hiring of 1 No of Tata Sumo/ Mahindra Bolero or Equivalent vehicle along with vehicle driver & fuel on per day rental basis for the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 for 500 KV HVDC TL (O&M) Sub Division, Jintur & Ch. Sambhajinagar under 500KV HVDC TL O&M Division Jalna. (Common vehicle to be shared alternately monthly by each Sub Division) for F.Y 2024-25.
Supply of Tools for Hot Line Unit, Ogalewadi under EHV O&M Circle, Karad
Supply, Civil, ETC works of 400kV 1x125MVAr 3ph bus reactor with NGR along with allied equipment and Civil Works at 400kV Chandrapur switching S/Stn - (Excluding supply of 400KV 1X125MVAR bus reactor) EMD Rs. 392,715.66/- & Tender Fees: Rs.5000/- (GST extra)
Re-E-Enquiry: Hiring of Vehicle on per day basis for EHV Substation Project Sub Division, MSETCL, Nashik.