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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000006581 Vashi

e-Tender-44/ 2017-2018.Yard lightening maintenance work at various substations under EHV O&M Dn Bhandup for FY 2017-18.           

08-11-2017 24-11-2017 (35 KB)
7000006585 Vashi

e-Tender-43/ 2017-2018.E-tender for replacement and supply of  isolator mechanism boxes with servicing & alignment at 220Kv Mulund Substation under EHV O&M Dn Bhandup.           

08-11-2017 24-11-2017 (35 KB)
7000006622 Vashi

Providing semiskilled labour for filed work at 400kV maintenance unit Nagothane, 40kV Line Maintenance Unit, Nagothane under 400kV R.S. (O&M) Dn. Nagothane.

08-11-2017 24-11-2017 (279 KB)
7000006480 Vashi

Providing & fixing of Sheet Moulding Compound Trench ( chequered Trench Cover) at 132kV MIDC & 132kV  Palghar S/tn under EHV O&M Division Boisar ,Dist. Palghar under R/M.

23-10-2017 24-11-2017 (29 KB)
SE/O&M/Prli/1503 Aurangabad

Publication of Lottery notice on MSETCL Website for Unemployed Engineers under EHV O&M Circle Parli (V)

18-11-2017 23-11-2017 (1.2 MB)
EEC/CCCM/Dn/NGP/Quot./2017-18/Q-2/1421 Dt.16.11.2017 Nagpur Dismantling of old staff quarters in the premises of 132KV S/Stn Mankapur, Dist Nagpur. 17-11-2017 23-11-2017 (15 KB)
7000006415 Amravati

Annual Maintenance Contract for Refilling/Reconditioning & servicing of fire Extinguisher at various EHV S/S for year 2017-18 under EHV O&M Division Amravati.

17-11-2017 23-11-2017 (58 KB)
850 Nashik

400kV RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar : Notice for work of weed control  at 400 kV  Babhaleshwar residential colony 

14-11-2017 23-11-2017 (1.2 MB)
7000006684 Pune

SRM E-Enquiry for the work of providing & fixing of 20 Windows Microcontroller Annunciator scheme for C & R Panel to be used for Transformer/Feeder as per detail specification at various EHV substations under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur.

15-11-2017 23-11-2017 (69 KB)
7000006477 Vashi

Providing pest control services to various buildings and providing annual weed control by spraying chemical at various substations under E.H.V. Civil Const. Cum Maint. Sub Division-1, Airoli, for period upto 31.03.2018.

13-11-2017 23-11-2017 (533 KB)
EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/ LPO/2773; dtd: 09/11/2017 Pune

E-Enquiry for Hiring of Diesel Vehicles Tata Sumo/Bolero /Marshal for EHV ss projects S/Dn, Baramati under EHV Projects Dn-I, Pune.(dated 09-11-2017)

09-11-2017 23-11-2017 (738 KB)
N.A. Pune

Second call for Enquiry of supply of various consumables items required for day to day maintenance works at various S/Stns under EHV O&M Dn.-I, Pune.(dated 09-11-2017)

09-11-2017 23-11-2017 (162 KB)
6000000310 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1749/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/TKC-Lines/GEC for Turnkey construction of 132kV Sawantwadi-Kudal D/C line (Route Length-25km) under Karad Zone by Chief Engineer (Design, Contracts & Monitoring).

23-10-2017 23-11-2017 (40 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM/Dn/LTR/T/542 Aurangabad

E Enquiry for hiring of Vehicle for addi Ececutive engineer, CCCM SDn, Beed, under CCCM Divsion Latur

21-11-2017 22-11-2017 (1.8 MB)
7000006363 Vashi

Supply of log sheets & permit books at various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa for the year 2017-18.

17-11-2017 22-11-2017 (229 KB)
7000006364 Vashi

Work of arresting oil leakage of 50 MVA, 220/22KV Transformer No-3, at 220KV Temghar substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa.

17-11-2017 22-11-2017 (230 KB)
849 Nashik

400kV RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar : Notice for work of attending oil leakage by cold welding of ICT & reactor CT.

14-11-2017 22-11-2017 (1.1 MB)
Tender No. EE/400KVRS/(O&M)DN/LNKD/Tender/T-11/17-18 Pune

RFx No. 7000006344, Annual contract for hiring of 17+1 seator bus for movement of staff and students of MSETCL Lonikand from ‘Sambhajinagar’ (Lonikand) colony to Veer Savarkar Bhavan (i.e. Ma. Na. Pa.)…..extension thereof.(dated 15-11-2017)

06-10-2017 22-11-2017 (106 KB)
7000006683 Pune

SRM E-Enquiry for carrying out emergency work of repairing of OLTC for 25MVA, 132/33KV,BBL Make Transformer No.2 available at 132Kv Mohol substation under jurisdiction of EHV O & M Division, Solapur.

15-11-2017 22-11-2017 (167 KB)
7000006472 Karad

SRM Tender for Annual Contract for Attending Emergency fault & annual maintenance work at various EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division kolhapur.

23-10-2017 22-11-2017 (41 KB)