7000006352 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) Circle, Nashik : Notice for Supply of parm grip clamps suitable for 0.4 ACSR Conductor for Hot Line Unit ,Satpur
06-11-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(273 KB)
7000006520 |
Vashi |
RFx for AMC of split AC for VIP Guest House, Recreation Hall & Circle Office for year 2017-18 under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe.
01-11-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(268 KB)
7000006426 |
Karad |
Tender for supply of 250V DC, 32 Amp, contactor with 3 No & 3 NC contacts as per schedule at 400kV R.S. Division Talandge
16-10-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(31 KB)
7000006398 |
Nashik |
400KV R.S. Div , Khadka - Bhusawal : Notice for work of P&F of pipe type earthing to tower lines under 400kV line maintaince s/stn Akot
12-10-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(198 KB)
7000006397 |
Pune |
SRM E-Tender for the work of carrying out painting to 400/220/33KV-3 x 167 MVA ICT-I & 400/220/33 KV -1 x 167 MVA spare ICT make BHEL at 400 KV RS Division Lamboti. (dated 11-10-2017)
14-10-2017 |
14-11-2017 |
(143 KB)
EEC/NSK/T-07/2017-18 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Extension notice for the work of "Renovation of Rest House at 220 KV Babhaleshwar, Tal:- Rahata, Dist:- Ahemdnagar."
06-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(301 KB)
EE/EVH O&M/Beed/Tech/1926 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry forFirm quotationforProviding Outsourcing Drivers (Skilled) fordepartmental Vehicles, underEHV (0&M) Dn., Beed.
06-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(1.5 MB)
EE/EVH O&M/Beed/Tech/1925 |
Aurangabad |
E- Enquiry forthe Detailed Surveyoflow line clearance location ofvarious 220kV & 132kV EHV Lines underEHV (0&M) Division Beed
06-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(1.1 MB)
Enq-112 |
Vashi |
Enquiry for preparation & submission of ETDS form in respect of employees & Other than Employees [Vendors] under EHV O&M Division Dombivali for the FY 2017-18.
06-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(37 KB)
Unemployed Engineers through Lottery system |
Amaravati |
Notice regarding allocation of works to Unemployed Engineers through Lottery system in r/o EHV O&M Circle, Akola.v
03-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(81 KB)
7000006564 |
Vashi |
Garden Maintenance at Division Office Boisar and various S/S for the year 2017-18 under EHV O&M Boisar Division.
03-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(28 KB)
NA |
Pune |
Enquiry for annual maintenance contract for centralize Air conditioner plant at 400kV R.S. Divi. Jejuri.(dated 02-11-2017)
02-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(610 KB)
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for hiring vehicle i.e. Air conditioned Diesel Car with driver for Additional Executive Engineer EHV CCCM Sub-Division Parbhani
06-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(1.6 MB)
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for hiring vehicle i.e. Air conditioned Diesel Swift Car with driver for Executive Engineer EHV CCCM Division Parbhani.
06-11-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(1.6 MB)
7000006431 |
Pune |
SRM Short Re-E-Tender for Work of Monkey Patrolling for various EHV lines under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune.
27-10-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(24 KB)
Tender No. 03/2017-18,RFx No:7000006421 |
Pune |
Work of Annual contract for weed control chemical treatment at various sub-stations under EHV O&M Division Baramati.(Dt.16.10.2017)
14-10-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(8 KB)
Tender No. 03/2017-18 RFx No:7000006421 |
Pune |
Work of Annual contract for weed control chemical treatment at various sub-stations under EHV O&M Division Baramati.(Dt.14-10-2017)
14-10-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(8 KB)
7000006415 |
Amaravati |
SRM E-TENDER Annual Maintenance Contract for Refilling/Reconditioning & servicing of fire Extinguisher at various EHV S/S for year 2017-18 under EHV O&M Division Amravati.
13-10-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(56 KB)
6000000351 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. MSETCL/GEC/ T-1754 for (i) Kardha-Ashti D/C line(Partly on M/C)(R.L-45.552 km) (ii) 2nd circuit stringing of Georai- Beed SCDC line(Route Length 35 km) under Chief Engineer (D, C&M).
13-10-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(10 KB)
6000000360 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T- 1765 MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/ SS-Pretender for Establishment of 220/33kV GIS substation at Vikharan for Dondaicha Solar Park Dist. Dhule with associated bays (including Civil Work) under Chief Engineer (DC&M).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
12-10-2017 |
13-11-2017 |
(195 KB)