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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000032265 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Providing the Outsource Services of Semi-Skilled Civilians Security Guards (Shift-wise), for Watch & Ward, at various substation under EHV (O&M) Division, Jalna.

23-07-2024 29-07-2024 (36 KB)
7000029737 Nashik

3rd call notice SRM E-Tenders Work Of Biannual AMC for DGA Testing of Oil Samples of interconnecting Transformers,Reactor(of 400kV level) Emergency and spare Drum 400kV R.S.(O&M) Babhleshwar 

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (389 KB)
7000032342 Nagpur

AMC for the work of providing of hydra crane along with operator on hire basis as and when required at various substations under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (117 KB)
7000032135( 3rd call) Nagpur

Work of Mechanism Overhauling for 2No. CB of 3*167MVA 400/220/33KV ICT 1 & ICT 2 LV side i.e,245KV (Make-CGL) (TYPE -200-SFM-40B) at 400/220KV Warora S/Stn, under
EHV O&M circle Chandrapur (3rd Call)

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (1.3 MB)
7000032230 Nashik

SRM E-Tender Notice for work of BiAnnual Transportation Contract for work of loading, unloading & Transportation of EHV Material/Scrap/Oil Barrels/Oil Tanks of different capacities & sizes from Sub-Station to SubStation or site to Sub-Station or at required sub-station/subdivision/locations under EHV O&M Circle, Nashik.

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (100 KB)
7000031894 Vashi

Cancellation of I st call E-Tender for supply & Installation of sun protection film on glass facades at 220kV Mulund and 220KV GIS Bhandup substation under EHV(O&M) Dn., Bhandup.

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (94 KB)
7000031941 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of AMC for Servicing, repairing and Overhauling of BHEL make 33KV Circuit breakers at various EHV S/s under EHV (O&M) Division Nanded.

23-07-2024 29-07-2024 (698 KB)
7000031919 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(Third Call): Work of providing and fixing of single/Double suspension and tension hardware with arcing rods for various 132kV lines under Line Maintenance Sub-division II Nanded under EHV O&M Division Nanded.

23-07-2024 29-07-2024 (717 KB)
7000032126 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Circle, Nashik :Notice for work of supply and Installation of Passive fire protection advance cable transit system at various 220kV & 132kV SS under EHV (O&M) Division, Nashik

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (117 KB)
7000032319 Nashik

3rd call to SRM E-Tender Notice Work of Tree Cutting / Trimming under Span of 220kV & 132 kV EHV Lines under Jurisdiction of EHV (O&M) Division, Dhule.

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (57 KB)
7000032300,7000032301,7000032302 Vashi

1) Providing services of 6 nos of skilled labour at EHV CCCM DN Panvel, EHV CCCM Sub-Dn Panvel, Kharghar, Kalyan at EHV CCCM Dn Panvel for FY 2024-25.(01.07.2024 to 31.03.2025) (IIIrd call).

2) Hiring of light motor vehicle (L.M.V) having tourist permit for the office of the Addl. Executive Engineer(Civil), EHV CCCM SDn Kalyan (Annual Contract) for the year 2024-25. (01.07.2024 to 31.03.2025) (IIIrd call).

3) Annual civil maintenance works for Wasamabe Colony/220KV Apta/200KV Tambati/100KV Khopoli S/stn along with colony with other civil works for F.Y 2024-25. (IIIrd call).

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (190 KB)
7000032287 Nagpur

E-Tender for refilling of ultra Pure (99.9999%) Nitrogen Gas in cylinder for Valve Cooling System, HPT of cylinders & Transporting empty Nitrogen Gas cylinders from HVDC Terminal Station to Factory & filled Nitrogen Gas Cylinders from Factory to HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur for the year 2024-25.
Estimated cost :Limited to Rs. 5,00,000/- (Including Taxes)

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (17 KB)
7000031422 Karad

SRM 3rd Call Re-Tender Notice for Work of Bi-annual AMC of Refilling, Testing, Servicing of Fire Extinguisher cylinders & Providing & fixing of spares if required at 400 KV R.S. Karad.(22.07.2024)

20-07-2024 29-07-2024 (18 KB)
7000031257 Karad

SRM 3rd Call Re-Tender Notice for Work of Bi-annual servicing/maintenance & repairs of battery sets & battery chargers along with required spares at 400 kVRS Karad.(22.07.2024)

20-07-2024 29-07-2024 (18 KB)
7000031261 Karad

SRM 3rd Call Re-Tender Notice for Work of cold line washing (Manually) of Disc/PLR Insulators of various Tower Locations of 400KVTransmission Lines under 400KV R.S.(O&M) Dn.Karad.(22.07.2024)

20-07-2024 29-07-2024 (18 KB)
158 Karad

Re-enquiry for Annual contract for Refilling / Servicing / H.P. Testing of the Fire Extinguisher cylinder as per I.S..2190:1992 under at Major Store,Karad(Ogalewadi)(22.07.2024)

22-07-2024 29-07-2024 (1000 KB)
1261 Karad

Enquiry for work of Annual maintenance contract repair & maintenance of computers & printers under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.(19.07.2024)

19-07-2024 29-07-2024 (2.1 MB)
Tender No:- 10/2024-25 RFX No:-7000032291 Pune

SRM E-Tender for the Work of servicing & overhauling of 11/22/33KV Schneider (AREVA/ALSTOM) make VCB with required spares under EHV (O&M) Division, Baramati

19-07-2024 29-07-2024 (207 KB)
SE/EHV/PC/PN/T/1131 dt.18.07.2024 Pune

2nd call for E-enquiry for calling Budgetary offer for Empanelment of agency for the work of land valuation required in respect of the work of construction of 220kV downstream lines from 765kV Shikrapur (PGCIL).

19-07-2024 29-07-2024 (1.9 MB)
7000032032 Corporate Office

SITC of capacitor banks of voltage ratings of 22kV, 33kV & 132kV—315 MVAR in Phase-VI [6.1] at various EHV substations under Nashik & Vashi Zone in MSETCL

Document Title End Date File
Corrigendum-I 19-07-2024 (693 KB)
15-07-2024 29-07-2024 (202 KB)