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Total Records : 42249 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
CE/EHV PC(O&M)/A’bad/IT/1922 Aurangabad

e-Enquiry for Supply installation & Commissioning of EPABX 4X32 system in Aurangabad Zone premises of MSETCL

25-10-2017 03-11-2017 (657 KB)
7000006272 Nagpur Work of “Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 3 ½ x 240 Sq.mm. LT armored cable from K’Kheda Generation plant to 400KV K’Kheda control room at 400KV Khaperkheda Sub-station. Under 400KV R.S.(O&M) Dn MSETCL, Khaperkheda 03-10-2017 03-11-2017 (87 KB)
7000006051 Karad

Clarification regarding Rfx No. 7000006051 for the Work of providing of Outsource Un- Skilled Housekeepers (Sweepers) for various EHV S/Stns & Offices under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.

03-10-2017 03-11-2017 (95 KB)
7000006207 Pune

TIME LIMIT EXTENSION NOTICE ( IInd CALL) IN R/O. OF SRM E-Tender for the Work of initial weed control & regular recurring treatment at various 220KV/132/110kV substations under jurisidiction of Line Maintenance Subdivision, Pandharpur.

27-10-2017 02-11-2017 (248 KB)
70000006492 Vashi

SRM Enquiry for  replacement of existing 2 Nos of 245 kV Circuit Breakers at 220/100 kV Jambhul sub-stn under EHV O&M Dn., Dombivali.

26-10-2017 02-11-2017 (25 KB)
7000006107 Karad

Extension Notice to SRM-RE E-Tender RFX No.7000006107 in respect of 400 KV R.S.Dn.Karad.

26-10-2017 02-11-2017 (1.5 MB)
7000006260 Karad

Extension Notice to SRM-E-Tender RFX No.7000006260 in respect of 400 KV R.S.Dn.Karad.

26-10-2017 02-11-2017 (1.5 MB)
7000006255 Vashi

SRM Tender for Renovation of Centralized Air Conditioning system at 220 kV PAL sub-stn under EHV (O&M) Dn.,Dombivali.

26-10-2017 02-11-2017 (33 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/06 Aurangabad

Firm quotation for hiring of vehicle for Addl. Executive Engineer, 400 kV Line Maint. Sub- Division -II, Girwali

25-10-2017 02-11-2017 (294 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/07 Aurangabad

Firm quotation for providing of Swift Desire car or equivalent car vehicle on hire basis for Executive Engineer, 400 kV RS Division Girwali 

25-10-2017 02-11-2017 (325 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Dn/GRL/05 Aurangabad

Firm quotation for hiring of vehicle for Addl. Executive Engineer, EHV Line Maint. Sub-Division, Girwali

25-10-2017 02-11-2017 (293 KB)
7000006335 Vashi

Extension for Enquiry Annual Maintenace Contract for N2 Fire Protection System at 400KV Kharghar S/s under 400kV R.S. (O&M) Div.

25-10-2017 02-11-2017 (497 KB)
7000006446 Vashi

E-Enquiry for supply, Installation & Commissioning of 400KV Control Panel Window annunciator in replacement to faulty annunciator at 400kV R.S. (O&M) Div., Kharghar.

25-10-2017 02-11-2017 (128 KB)
7000006094 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Division, Dhule : Notice for extension of sale for AMC for the Work of servicing & overhauling of 33KV & 11KV CB of various make & Types along with requirement of various spares as per actual at various EHV Ss under EHV O&M Dvn Dhule.

19-10-2017 02-11-2017 (21 KB)
7000006052 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Division, Dhule : Notice for extension of sale for Retendering for the Work of Annual Maintenance contract & attending emergency/breakdown maintenance work of 132kV & 220kV EHV Substation’s under EHV O&M Division, Dhule.

18-10-2017 02-11-2017 (41 KB)
7000006049 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(2nd Call): Construction of Tap Line on 132kV Jalna-Rajur Circuit-II D/C Line to 132kV Jalna-MIDC Substation by utilizing 132kV Jalna-Kanhyanagar(Jalna Old) Line under EHV O&M Division Aurangabad.

18-10-2017 02-11-2017 (13 KB)
734 Dtd.26. LO.2OL7. Karad

Providing skilled labour as a Computer Operator against sanction post of Operators for Nodal AE in Shift at 400 KV.R.S. Karad.

26-10-2017 01-11-2017 (2.1 MB)
70000006479 Vashi

SRM Enquiry for supply of various type of paint material at various sub-stn under EHV O&M  Dn, Dombivali.

26-10-2017 01-11-2017 (24 KB)
SE/EHV O&M/Circle/ Kop/T/LP/No. 2186 Karad

ReE-Enquiry for Hiring of Tourist Diesel Vehicle TATA Sumo/Mahindra Bolero (Seater Vehicle) with Driver for office of Additional Executive Engineer, Hot Line Unit, Talandge under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur

25-10-2017 01-11-2017 (42 KB)
70000006437 Vashi

SRM Enquiry for work of replacement of 7/3.15 G.I. Earthwire at 100 kV PAL – Dombivali  Line between Loc No. 1 to 11 under Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali.

25-10-2017 01-11-2017 (24 KB)