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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
1257 Amaravati

E-Enquiry for hiring of light vehicle (AC) Hyundai Verna /Maruti Suzuki- Ciaz or Swift desire or its equivalent type of vehicle for office of the Superintending Engineer EHV (O&M)Circle,Akola

24-10-2017 31-10-2017 (38 KB)
No.EE(T)/NND/TS/475 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry Extension: Extension of due date for submission of Quotations for hiring of taxi permit Vehicle for Executive Engineer, Testing Division Nanded.

24-10-2017 31-10-2017 (137 KB)
7000006199 Pune

TIME LIMIT EXTENSION NOTICE ( II CALL) IN R/O. OF SRM E-Tender for the Work of initial weed control & regular recurring treatment at various 220KV/132/110kV substations under jurisidiction of Line Maintenance Subdivision, Degaon.

24-10-2017 31-10-2017 (248 KB)
7000006215 Pune

II TIME LIMIT EXTENSION NOTICE IN R/O. OF SRM E-Tender for the Work of initial weed control & regular recurring treatment at various 220KV/132/110kV substations under jurisidiction of Line Maintenance Subdivision, Kurduwadi.

24-10-2017 31-10-2017 (248 KB)
1282 Karad

Enquiry for supply of papers for various Printers and Xerox Machine at EHV PC O&M Zone,Karad.

17-10-2017 31-10-2017 (361 KB)
7000006419 Nashik

EHV (O&M) Division, Dhule : Notice for the supply of 132kv NCT at various EHV S/s under EHV(O&M) Division, Dhule.

16-10-2017 31-10-2017 (166 KB)
7000006298 Nagpur Extension of Tender Work of AMC for work of Overhauling/Servicing/Repairing of 33kV VCB’s of various make with supply of required spares at various EHV substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah 30-09-2017 30-10-2017 (417 KB)
7000006336 Amaravati

Corrigendum Notice SRM E-Tender Notice ( eT-02 2017-18 RFX No. 7000006336 ).under EHV Civil Const.Cum MAint.Division,Amravati

26-10-2017 30-10-2017 (294 KB)
7000006490 Pune

Enquiry for engaging Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant firm/company as an Auditor for MVAT Audit for FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 till 30th June 2017.

25-10-2017 30-10-2017 (630 KB)
7000006336 Amaravati

Extension SRM e-Tenders vide tender specification No.EE/Civil/Amt/eT-02,2017-18 for various civil works under the jurisdiction of EHV Civil Const.Cum Maint.Dn.Amravati.

23-10-2017 30-10-2017 (15 KB)
1314 Amaravati

Enquiry for Up gradation of Printer on Buy-back basis for HR, Finance & Vigilance Section under the office of EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati

18-10-2017 30-10-2017 (225 KB)
7000006430 Pune

Replacement of HV bushing of 50MVA, 132/22 kV Vijai make T/F at 132kV Mundhawa SS 2.Repairing of CTR make OLTC of 25 MVA, 132/11 kV BBL make T/F at NCL SS under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune.(dated 17-10-2017)

14-10-2017 30-10-2017 (26 KB)
7000006283 Pune

Replacement of 33 kV Current Transformers (CTs) -6 Nos. of 22 kV Tukainagar and Sainagar feeder at 220 kV Parvati s/s under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune.(dated 07-10-2017)

28-09-2017 30-10-2017 (86 KB)
7000006306 Pune

SRM E-Tender for the Work of servicing & Maintenance of Window/Split (1.5/2 Ton) Air Conditioner of various Makes available at various 220/132KV substations under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur. (dated 03-10-2017)

30-09-2017 30-10-2017 (347 KB)
7000006248 Vashi Zone

E-tendering for Supply of Desktops ,Laptop ,Printer and 36 no’s of MS office 2016 licenses for Technical, HR ,FI section and TCC Circle, IT Section and Buy Back of 16 Old Desktops at EHV PC O&M Zone, Vashi.

29-09-2017 30-10-2017 (462 KB)
5000000482 Corporate Office

Tender No. SP/T-0506/0917 (Two Bid System) for Procurement of Unused Uninhibited Naphthenic Based High Grade Mineral Insulating oil and Paraffin based New Insulating Oil for Transformers & Switchgears under EE(P&C).

28-09-2017 30-10-2017 (27 KB)
7000005901 Vashi Zone

Re-tender( 1st call) for Height rising work of 132kv Dahanu Boisar MIDC Line( crossing no.08) infringing M/s DFCCIL under EHV Projects Dn, Kalyan.Labour portion.

28-09-2017 30-10-2017 (172 KB)
7000006266 Pune

Work of Servicing & maintenance of Air conditioners at various s/stn under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune. (dated 27-09-2017)

01-10-2017 30-10-2017 (26 KB)
7000006222 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Work of Providing & Fixing of Conical type Bird Guards for various 132kV EHV Transmission Lines under EHV(O&M) Sub-Division Latur.

27-09-2017 30-10-2017 (28 KB)
6000000269 Corporate Office

Tender No. T-1746 MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/SS-Pretender for Invitation for Bidding (IFB) for turnkey contract for work of Establishment of 400/220 KV GIS Nashik (Eklahare) substation at Dist. Nashik, under Chief Engineer (DC&M).

Document Title End Date File
Reschedule of Pre Bid meeting. - (9 KB)
Amendment No. 1. - (265 KB)
Amendment No. 2. - (172 KB)
Amendment No. 3. - (288 KB)
Amendment No. 4. - (103 KB)
Amendment No. 5. - (152 KB)
Amendment No. 6. - (87 KB)
Clarification. - (242 KB)
Amendment No. 7. - (161 KB)
Amendment No. 8. - (230 KB)
Amendment No.9 - (88 KB)
Special Note. 01-01-1970 (157 KB)
Cancellation of Tender. 01-01-1970 (54 KB)
27-07-2017 30-10-2017 (340 KB)