Nashik |
EHV Projects Division, Nasik :2nd Re e-enquiry for hiring of Vehicle on per day basis for EHV Substation Project Sub Division, Ahmednagar
29-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032448 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T – 08 (2024-25) (2nd Call) Work of supply of various type clamps of CT, Palm Pads, T Clamp and work of jumpering at 220 kV S. Y. Paras under EHV O&M Division, Akola.
27-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032447 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-10 (2024 – 25) Work of Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Advanced ESE type LCAT System at 132 kV S/Stn Karanja & 132 kV S/Stn Murtizapur under EHV (O&M) Division, Akola
27-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032446 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-09 (2024 – 25) Work of Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 3-Phase DSP system at 132 kV S/Stn Karanja & 132 kV S/Stn Murtizapur under EHV (O&M) Division, Akola
27-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
(150 KB)
CELDK/ Maint/FM-47/01468 Dt. 26.07.2024 |
SLDC Kalwa |
Invitation of sealed quotations for Annual contract of Rodent (Rats) & Pest Control at New & old SLDC office building & Premises at MSETCL, Kalwa Complex, Airoli
27-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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EE(st)/MSA/CSN/SM/Enquiry/No.188 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Refilling & supply of spare parts of DCP type & Mechanical Foam type Fire extinguishers at Custody Waluj under Major Store "A" Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad) for Six Months period.
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000031968 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of providing and fixing Mesh Line Tripping Protection Guard & anti-climbing device at Tower for monkeys & Peacocks at various EHV Lines under EHV Line Maintenance Sub-Division-Dharashiv Under EHV O&M Division, Beed.
27-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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EEC/EHV/CCCM/Dn./CSN/Tech/No.382 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry(Second Call): Refilling of fire extinguishers and AMC of fire fighting system/Fire Safety Audit of Administrative Building, MSETCL, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar., under EHV CCCM Division Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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EEC/Dn./PBN/Tech/W-56/No.436 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: The work of repair of existing bore well with provisional pipelines & gents toilet minor renovation at 132 kV S/S Pathri, Dist. Parbhani., under EHV CCCM Division Parbhani.
27-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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EE/400 kV/Thapati/Enq/Tech/216 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: AMC for the work of hiring of crane services ( 14 ton Farana type with bucket arrangement) along-with crane operator and helper on per day basis (Minimum 8 Hrs/day) as and when required for carrying out testing and preventive/ emergency / breakdown maintenance work at 400kV RS Thaptitanda.
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032443 |
Nagpur |
Tender for the Procurement/Supply of consumable items and essential material for day to day use during maintenance activities at 400kV GCR Substation Chandrapur under 400kV RS (O&M) division, MSETCL, Chandrapur.
27-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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885 |
Karad |
E - Enquiry for providing TATA SUMO/Bolero or equivalent vehicle on hiring basis alongwith driver for Office of Addl. Executive Engineer, S&I S/Dn., Kolhapur.
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032275 |
Karad |
Day to day civil maintenance works at 110 KV Aravali sub station, Dist. Ratnagiri. ( RFX No. 7000032275 ) 2nd call
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
(493 KB)
MSETCL/EE/400KV/TAL/TECH-14/No-245 |
Karad |
Hiring of Tata Sumo/Bolero/ Utility vehicle equivalent or above for maintenance unit & testing unit under 400kV R.S. Division Talandge
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032202 |
Nashik |
CANCELLATION OF SRM E-TENDER NOTICE for the Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for repairing, servicing with supply of spare parts suitable for 400 kV Pantograph Isolators, Centre Break Line Isolator & Earth Switch Isolator as and when required at 400 kV R.S. Dn, Khadka, 400 kV R.S. Dn, Dhule & 400 kV R.S. Dn, Deepnagar under EHV (O&M) Circle, Khadka-Bhusawal.
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032428 |
Nashik |
4th Call Notice for Work of supply of Isolator switches panel along with erection of panel, cable laying, dressing, termination (control cable) for the commissioning of new 220KV Bus-Bar Protection panel (Make- GE) at 220KV Dhule sub station, under 400KV R.S. O&M Division Dhule, under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal.
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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enquiry |
Vashi |
Supply & installation of CCTV camera at Hotline and PID unit Kharghar under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel.
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032413 |
Vashi |
E-tender for appointment of consultant for work of preparation of forest proposal and obtaining final NOC from forest department & obtaining the DTEPA permission towards " Construction of `32 KV Dahanu- boisar (Ambesari) lien for NHSRCL.
25-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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Tender No:- 13/2024-25 RFX No:-7000032436 |
Pune |
SRM E-Tender for the Work of Overhauling of 132KV/220 KV CB Poles and Mechanism of ABB Make with required spares at various substations under EHV (O&M) Division Baramati for the FY 2024-25.
27-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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7000032435 |
Amravati |
SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-6 Annul Maintenance Contract (AMC) proposal for work of providing & fixing of 33 kV Capacitor bank cell at various EHV Sub Stations under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana(second call)
26-07-2024 |
02-08-2024 |
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