7000006089 |
Pune |
TIME LIMIT EXTENSION NOTICE IN R/O. SRM Enquiry for the work of servicing, Alignment & Maintenance of 220/ 132/33/11KV Isolators available at various 220/132KV substations under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur.(dated 13-10-2017)
14-10-2017 |
22-10-2017 |
(248 KB)
7000006294 |
Nagpur |
E-enquiry for AMC for antirodent fro the year 2017-18 at 400KV GCR-1,400KV GCR-2 & 400KV Switching S/s under HVDC RS O&M Circle, Chandrapur
11-10-2017 |
22-10-2017 |
(205 KB)
7000006335 |
Vashi Zone |
E-Enquiry For Annual Maintenace Contract for N2 Fire Protection System (for 315MVA ICT II, 315MVA ICT III & 80MVAR Reactor)
09-10-2017 |
22-10-2017 |
(66 KB)
7000006325 |
Nashik |
400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division DHULE : Notice for Work of AMC for Monkey Patrolling & tree cutting of 400KV DHL-SSNNL line I&II & DHL-BBLR line–I&II
07-10-2017 |
22-10-2017 |
(18 KB)
7000005941 |
SLDC Kalwa |
SRM E-tender notice for AMC for Final Balancing Settlement Mechanism (FBSM) Software for period of two years at MSLDC, MSETCL complex, Airoli.
04-10-2017 |
22-10-2017 |
(376 KB)
7000006336 |
Amaravati |
SRM e-TENDER Construction of Bay Control Rooms, Cable trench crossing culvert and RCC Retaining wall for 132 KV Level at 220KV S/Stn. Nandgaon Peth Dist- Amravati
07-10-2017 |
21-10-2017 |
(18 KB)
7000006224 |
Vashi Zone |
Work of erection of 220/33 KV 50MVA Transformer at 220KV Jeur EHV S/stn under the jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division Solapur.(dated 25-09-2017)
22-09-2017 |
21-10-2017 |
(29 KB)
5000000441 |
Corporate Office |
Amendment No.1 : Tender No. SP/T-0807/0817 (Two Bid System) Procurement of 7/3.15 sq.mm. GI Earthwire.
22-09-2017 |
21-10-2017 |
(25 KB)
5000000461 |
Corporate Office |
Amendment 1 : Tender No. SP/T-0809/0817 (Two Bid System) for Procurement of Portable type Dissolved Gas Analyzer (DGA) Kit under Ee(P&C).
22-09-2017 |
21-10-2017 |
(26 KB)
Corporate Office |
RFP for Selection of Project Management Consultant for providing consultancy services for Implementation of Corporate Level Data Warehouse in MSETCL.
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
22-09-2017 |
21-10-2017 |
(1.5 MB)
EE/TD/NSK/Tech/T‐17/V‐5/391 |
Nashik |
Testing Division Nashik :Notice for E-Enquiry for Providing Tata Sumo /Mahindra Xylo/ Bolero (Diesel) or equivalent vehicle along with driver on hired (per day) basis at Nashik testing unit 1
22-09-2017 |
21-10-2017 |
(168 KB)
7000005993 |
Karad |
Cancellation of RFX No-7000005993 for providing of skilled outsource labours (Technical) at 400kV R.S.Division Talandge
17-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(26 KB)
7000006322 |
Karad |
Cancellation of tender:Yearly maintenance of gardens, lawns, flower beads and tree plantation providing and supplying water tanker during summer season and misc. civil maint. work 110 KV Gokul Shirgaon sub-station and at 220/33 KV Mumewadi sub-station, Dist.:- Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000006322)
17-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(132 KB)
7000006311 |
Karad |
Cancellation of tender: Civil maintenance works for control room, colony, S/Stn. yard and annual maintenance of garden at 110 KV S/Stn. Kale, Tal.Panhala, Dist. Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000006311)
17-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(126 KB)
7000006299 |
Karad |
Cancellation of tender:Misc. civil maintenance works for S/Stn., Control room & yearly garden maintenance at 220 KV sub-station Mudshingi, Tal.- Karveer, Dist.:- Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000006299)
17-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(125 KB)
7000006295 |
Karad |
Cancellation of tender: Miscellaneous civil works and day to day maintenance of gardens, lawns, flower beds etc. at 132 KV S/Stn. Bambawade, Dist. Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000006295)
09-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(125 KB)
7000006301 |
Karad |
Cancellation of tender :Maintenance of civil assets and maintenance gardens, lawns,tree plantation etc. at MSETCL Bapat Camp office premises Dist.:- Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000006301)
06-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(125 KB)
7000006276 |
Karad |
Cancellation of tender :Misc. civil maintenance works for S/Stn., Control room & yearly garden maintenance at 220/132/33 KV sub-station Wathar, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist:-Kolhapur ( RFX No. 7000006276)
06-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(126 KB)
7000006214 |
Vashi Zone |
Tender for AMC for 400/220/100/22 kV bay maintenance works under 400kV R.S. division.Padgha.
07-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(552 KB)
7000006219 |
Vashi Zone |
Providing & fixing of SMC chequred cable trench covers at 400kV R.S. division Padgha
07-10-2017 |
20-10-2017 |
(552 KB)