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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
EE/400KV/RS O& M/Dn/LBT/T/No.257 Dtd.03.10.2017. Pune

Enquiry for providing 1 No. of Diesel TATA –Sumo,Mahindra Bolero Equivalent along with driver on hired basis for the use of 400 KV Line Maintenance S/Dn Lamboti. (dated 03-10-2017)

04-10-2017 10-10-2017 (508 KB)
7000006272 Nagpur Work of “Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 3 ½ x 240 Sq.mm. LT armored cable from K’Kheda Generation plant to 400KV K’Kheda control room at 400KV Khaperkheda Sub-station. Under 400KV R.S.(O&M) Dn MSETCL, Khaperkheda 03-10-2017 03-11-2017 (87 KB)
7000006251 Karad

EXTENSION NOTICE:- Bid Submission validity of this Office SRM-ENQUIRY No.1422 Dated 25 /09/2017; Rfx No. 7000006251, herewith extended for 7 days up to 11/10/2017.

03-10-2017 11-10-2017 (164 KB)
7000006051 Karad

EXTENSION NOTICE Bid Submission validity of this Office SRM-TENDER No. T-13/17-18 Rfx No. 7000006051, herewith extended for 7 days up to 08/10/2017.

03-10-2017 08-10-2017 (164 KB)
7000006051 Karad

Clarification regarding Rfx No. 7000006051 for the Work of providing of Outsource Un- Skilled Housekeepers (Sweepers) for various EHV S/Stns & Offices under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.

03-10-2017 03-11-2017 (95 KB)
111 Vashi Zone

Enquiry for Providing 1 No. Inverter along with Battery for the Office of Executive Engineer,EHV Testing Division, Panvel at Bhingari.

03-10-2017 10-10-2017 (576 KB)
7000006063 Nagpur Extension to E-Tender (RFx) Notice Half yearly maintenance contract for cleaning/up keeping premises at 400KV Koradi I under 400KV RS (O&M) Division Nagpur 03-10-2017 09-10-2017 (47 KB)
7000006308 Karad

Preliminary and detailed survey of 132/220/400KV lines in Sangli & Satara District under EHV Projects Division,Sangli.

02-10-2017 17-10-2017 (16 KB)
7000006266 Pune

Cancellation of the E-Tender Work of Servicing & maintenance of Air conditioners at various s/stn under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.

01-10-2017 14-11-2017 (51 KB)
7000006266 Pune

Work of Servicing & maintenance of Air conditioners at various s/stn under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune.(dated 07-11-2017)

01-10-2017 14-11-2017 (48 KB)
7000006266 Pune

Work of Servicing & maintenance of Air conditioners at various s/stn under EHV O&M Dn-II, Pune. (dated 27-09-2017)

01-10-2017 30-10-2017 (26 KB)
7000006298 Nagpur Extension of Tender Work of AMC for work of Overhauling/Servicing/Repairing of 33kV VCB’s of various make with supply of required spares at various EHV substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah 30-09-2017 30-10-2017 (417 KB)
7000006306 Pune

SRM E-Tender for the Work of servicing & Maintenance of Window/Split (1.5/2 Ton) Air Conditioner of various Makes available at various 220/132KV substations under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur. (dated 03-10-2017)

30-09-2017 30-10-2017 (347 KB)
7000006298 Nagpur SRM Etender work of AMC for work of Overhauling/Servicing/Repairing of 33kV VCB’s of various make with supply of required spares at various EHV substations, EHV O&M Divsion Ballarsha. 30-09-2017 15-10-2017 (213 KB)
7000006305 Nagpur SRM Tender SEC/EHV/CCCM/NGP/T-01/17-18 Construction and asphalting of WBM road from Uppalwadi Naka to 132kv sub station Uppalwadi Dist Nagpur. 30-09-2017 14-10-2017 (74 KB)
N.A. Pune

E- enquiry for the work of providing hired vehicle (Indica car ,TATA Sumo or equivalent ) for Executive Engineer, EHV O & M Division-I, Pune for 7 months.(dated 03-10-2017)

29-09-2017 10-10-2017 (174 KB)
7000006284 Nagpur E-enquiry for the procurement of Blue silica gel of 4-6 mesh in air tight seal packed plastic container at HVDC Circle Chandrapur 29-09-2017 05-10-2017 (204 KB)
7000006303 Nashik

EHV PC (O&M) Zone, Nashik : Notice for Work of Additional 1X100MVA, 220/132 kV ICT along with HV & LV bays at 220kV Bhenda under EHV O&M Division, Babhaleshwar, Dist-Ahmednagar

29-09-2017 29-10-2017 (21 KB)
7000006025 Nashik

400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division Dhule : Notice (Extension of sale period) for RFx-7000006025

29-09-2017 06-10-2017 (163 KB)
6000000332 Corporate Office

Tender No. MSETCL/GEC/ T-1751 for 1) 132kVD/C line from 132kV Ahmednagar S/Stn - Supa S/stn (Route Length -23.5 Kms) 2) 220 kV 2nd Ckt Stringing of Jamde- Valve SCDC Line- Route Length-13.31 kms) 3) 132kV 2nd Ckt Stringing of Nandurbar Visarwadi Line (Route Length - 43.75 Kms) under Chief Engineer (D, C&M).

29-09-2017 28-10-2017 (10 KB)