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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
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Enq1234 Vashi

E-Enquiry for providing clean drinking water through tanker at  220 kV Washala Sub-stn under EHV O&M Dn  Dombivali for the year 2018-19.

02-04-2018 09-04-2018 (49 KB)
7000008078 Nagpur

Providing & placing Cable Trench Covers at 132 kv substation Arvi, Dist Wardha.(Corrigendum)

02-04-2018 08-04-2018 (15 KB)
7000008076 Nagpur

Providing & placing Cable Trench Covers at 132 kv substation Arvi, Dist Wardha.(Corrigendum)

02-04-2018 08-04-2018 (15 KB)
7000008075 Nagpur

Providing & placing Cable Trench Covers at 132 kv substation Talegaon, Dist Wardha.(Corrigendum)

02-04-2018 08-04-2018 (15 KB)
7000008079 Nagpur

Providing & placing Cable Trench Covers at 220 kv substation Wardha II, Dist Wardha.(Corrigendum)

02-04-2018 08-04-2018 (15 KB)
EE/TCD/ABD/TS/H-1/219 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Sealed and super scribed quotations are invited for hiring of 1 no. of Indica Vista or Swift Dezire/Swift/Xylo etc sedan or any of the same segment of any type with driver on hire for the Executive Engineer, Testing/Telecom Division, Aurangabad

02-04-2018 09-04-2018 (894 KB)
EE/TCD/ABD/TS/H-1/220 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Sealed and super scribed quotations are invited for hiring of 1 No. of TATA Sumo diesel with driver on hire Additional Executive Engineer, Testing Unit I under MSETCL, Tseting/Telecom Dn, AUranagabd.

02-04-2018 09-04-2018 (872 KB)
EE/TCD/ABD/TS/H-1/218 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Sealed and super scribed quotations are invited for hiring of 1 No. of TATA Sumo diesel with driver on hire for Additional Executive Engineer, Testing Unit-II under MSETCL, Testing/Telecom Dn, AUrangabad.

02-04-2018 09-04-2018 (856 KB)
7000008167 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Period Extension: Contract for providing outsource services of ITI Certified Technicians in Electrical trade as Operators & Technicians under EHV O&M Division, Parbhani.

02-04-2018 22-04-2018 (13 KB)
88 Karad

Providing diesel vehicle(TATA SUMO)with driver on hire basis for260 days (10 Months) for Addl. Ex. Engineer, Testing Unit, Sangli under Testing Division,Karad.

02-04-2018 09-04-2018 (219 KB)
7000008414 Nagpur

E-Enquiry for AMC of Transformer Oil Sample testing (Including DGA) of 400/220/33KV, 500MVA ICT-I , ICT-II & Spare ICT at 400/220KV Substation Koradi-II for the year 2018-2019.

02-04-2018 09-04-2018 (83 KB)
7000007839 Pune

Annual contract for Providing 13 Nos. of Outsourcing Skilled /Semi-skilled/Un-skilled manpower at 400kv RS O&M Dn Chakan.

02-04-2018 08-04-2018 (319 KB)
7000008394 Karad

Providing Outsourcing Staff ( Typist, Steno typist, LDC, Peon & Driver) for various offices under Superintending Engineer EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur.

02-04-2018 02-05-2018 (89 KB)
7000008286 Vashi

SRM Enquiry for the work of sweeping, cleaning & up keeping  as well as  garden maintenance at  EHV Project Division Kalwa & Lines S/Dn  Panvel for          financial year   2018-19.


02-04-2018 09-04-2018 (161 KB)
7000008418 Nagpur

Extension for AMC for Cleaning/Upkeeping Premises of 400KV & 220KV Koradi S/S from the period of 08.05.2018 to 07.07.2018 (2 Months)
under 400KV R.S (O&M) Division Nagpur.

03-04-2018 15-04-2018 (43 KB)
7000008418 Nagpur

AMC for Cleaning/Upkeeping Premises of 400KV & 220KV Koradi S/S from the period of 08.05.2018 to 07.07.2018 (2 Months)

03-04-2018 10-04-2018 (42 KB)
2016 Amravati

E-Enquiry for supply of Fire Fighting Equipment at 132 KV Deulgaon Raja S/Stn. On Risk & Cost of M/S ECI.

03-04-2018 10-04-2018 (316 KB)
7000008206 Amravati


03-04-2018 11-04-2018 (192 KB)
7000007154 Amravati

Cancellation of RFx No.7000007154 for Annual Maintenance Contract for carrying out breakdown maintenance and routine maintenance of 400 KV Line under jurisdiction of 400 KV Line Maintenance S/Dn Yavatmal under EHV O&M Division,Yavatmal

03-04-2018 03-04-2018 (103 KB)
7000007696 Karad

Extension Notice for SRM-Tender T-25/17-18 Rfx No.7000007696 for the Work of Overhauling of 245/145KV Siemens-Make Circuit Breakers with providing & fixing of required C. B. spares at various S/S under EHV Sangli Dn

03-04-2018 09-04-2018 (11 KB)