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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000031425 Pune

E-tender for work of Servicing / Overhauling of ABB make, 145kV & 245kV SF6 Circuit Breakers (CBs) with supply of mandatory spares & non-mandatory spares at various Substations under EHV O&M Circle, Pune (2nd Call)

26-07-2024 02-08-2024 (332 KB)
7000032277 Nashik

Notice for Work of Providing electrical maintenance kit for various 132 kV/220 kV S/Stn and Subdivision under EHV O&M Dn, Jalgaon and Dhule under EHV (O&M) Circle, Khadka-Bhusawal.

26-07-2024 02-08-2024 (76 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NSK/Tech/1012 Nashik

EHV Projects Division,Nasik:2nd Re e-enquiry for hiring of Vehicle on per day basis for EHV Substation Project Sub Division, Ahmednagar

25-07-2024 02-08-2024 (2.5 MB)
7000032219 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE  Supply and erection of 33 KV, 400 Sqmm, 3 Core XLPE Power Cables for 33 KV Incomer no.-2 at 220 KV Pusad S/stn under EHV O&M Division, Yavatmal

26-07-2024 02-08-2024 (139 KB)
NA Pune

E- enquiry for the work of Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for 01 year of Computers (Desktops, Laptops and such a devices), Printers, general purpose and system software including supply, installation & maintenance at various SS, S/Dn. Under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune, PAC Dn.2: Pimpri Chinchwad S/Dns(Sharda Center) , Hot line unit Pune, PID Unit Pune under EHV O&M Circle Pune

24-07-2024 02-08-2024 (849 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DlV/NSK/Tech/1010 Nashik

8th Re e-Enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle preferably Sedan class alon with vehicle driver on per day basis for EHV Projects Division. Nasik

24-07-2024 02-08-2024 (2.9 MB)
7000032216 Nashik

Notice for Work of Providing Technical Skilled outsourced Manpower against sanctioned vacant staff as Senior Technician (T.S) /Technician I (T.S) / Technician II (T.S) / Assistant Technician (General) at various EHV Substations (132kV, 220kV Substations) ), EHV Line Maintenance Subdivisions under EHV (O&M) Division, Nashik and PAC Division Nashik.

19-07-2024 02-08-2024 (213 KB)
7000032280 Nagpur

Supply & ETC for the work of replacement of existing 0.4 ACSR conductor along with hardwares by High Performance Conductor (HPC) along with hardwares of a) 220kV Khaparkheda (new)- Kanhan (61.53km), b) 220kV Khaparkheda (old)- Suryalaxmi (56.35km) & c) 220kV Suryalaxmi- Kanhan (19.5km) under EHV PC O&M Zone, Nagpur . EMD Rs. 8447958/- & Tender Fees: Rs. 25000/- (GST extra)

18-07-2024 02-08-2024 (235 KB)
7000032040 Corporate Office

SITC of capacitor banks of voltage ratings of 11kV,22kV& 33kv—305 MVAR in Phase-VI [6.4] at various EHV substations under Pune zone in MSETCL

Document Title End Date File
Corrigendum-I 08-08-2024 (1.5 MB)
16-07-2024 02-08-2024 (202 KB)
7000031453 Corporate Office

Augmentation of Substation by Providing additional 3 x 500MVA 765/400/33kV ICT with HV & IV Bays alongwith 400kV Interconnection Line between ICT-III -765kV side to 400kV side at 765kV R.S. Ektuni, under EHV (O&M) Circle,Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (ICT will be supplied by MSETCL)

11-07-2024 02-08-2024 (485 KB)
7000032037 Corporate Office

SITC of capacitor banks of voltage ratings of 11kV, 22kV & 33kV--525MVAR in Phase-VI [6.2] at various EHV substations under Pune zone of MSETCL

Document Title End Date File
Corrigendum-I 16-08-2024 (974 KB)
11-07-2024 02-08-2024 (202 KB)
7000032452 Karad

Annual contract for Providing Skilled Labour i.e. Computer Operators & Unskilled Labour i.e. Peons for EHV PC O&M ZONE Office, Karad.

27-07-2024 03-08-2024 (18 KB)
7000032440 Karad

SRM Re-Tender for Providing Skilled & unskilled (Non Technical) outsourced staff i:e Steno typist (01 no.), Office Assistant(F&A) (01 no.), Peon (02 nos.) under 400kV R.S.Division, Talandge

27-07-2024 03-08-2024 (684 KB)
7000032411 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Work of Overhauling / Servicing of 145kV Hitachi (Erstwhile ABB) make Circuit Breakers, at various S/stn. under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

27-07-2024 03-08-2024 (379 KB)
7000032445 Vashi

E-tender for appointment of consultant for work of preparation of forest proposal and obtaining final NOC from forest department & obtaining the DTEPA permission towards " Construction of `32 KV Dahanu- Boiser (Ambesari) lien for NHSRCL.

26-07-2024 03-08-2024 (379 KB)
7000032422 Karad

Publishing SRM tender notice towards Providing Non technical Outsourcing Staff (LDC & Driver) under PAC Division, Kolhapur

27-07-2024 03-08-2024 (440 KB)
7000032439 Vashi

AMC for work of Weed Control treatment at various s/s under 400 KV RS (O&M) Division Nagothane under EHV (O&M) Circle, Panvel for f.y. 2024-25.

26-07-2024 03-08-2024 (13 KB)
7000032433 Vashi

II nd call E-Tender for AMC for the work of Garden maintenance at Various substation under EHV O&M Dn., Bhandup.

27-07-2024 03-08-2024 (362 KB)
7000032449 Pune

Cancellation of The SRM 1st call e-tender (Tender- 05/2024-25) for Providing Skilled & Unskilled manpower on contract basis working at various EHV Sub-Stations, Line Maintenance S/Dn & EHV O&M Division Office under EHV O&M Division, Pimpri Chinchwad

28-07-2024 04-08-2024 (458 KB)
EE/400kV/RS(O&M)/Dn/GRL/Tech/No.0553 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry(Second Call): Firm quotation for Work of Supply & Services (AMC) for Repairs, Overhauling, Servicing & Alignment of 220 KV Isolators at 400kV Girwali Sub Station under 400kV RS O&M Div, Girwali.

29-07-2024 04-08-2024 (63 KB)