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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000006209 Pune

1 st extention notice for annual maintenance contract for Centralize Air Conditioning Plant at 400 KV R.S.(O&M)DnJejuri.(dated 10-10-2017)

27-09-2017 17-10-2017 (27 KB)
7000006286 Pune

Annual Contract for work of DGA & various testing of EHV Transformer insulating oil of various Power Transformer & ICT’s installed at various 400/220/132 KV Substation under EHV O&M Circle Solapur" RFx No- 7000006286.(dated 28-09-2017)

27-09-2017 26-10-2017 (22 KB)
7000006209 Pune

Enquiry for annual maintenance contract for Centralize Air Conditioning Plant at 400 KV R.S.(O&M)Dn Jejuri. (dated 27-09-2017)

27-09-2017 07-10-2017 (59 KB)
7000006270 Pune

SRM E-enquiry for the work of Fire safety audit and security audit of 15 nos. EHV S/S and awareness training to employees at each substations under EHV O&M Division-1 Pune. (RFX No. 7000006270) (dated 27-09-2017)

27-09-2017 09-10-2017 (336 KB)
7000005439 Pune

Re E-enquiry for the work of dismantaling of 11kV indoor panel at 132kV Ganeshkhind S/stn & erection of 11kV indoor panel at 220 kV Khadki S/stn under EHV O&M Dn-I, Pune. (RFX No. 7000005439) (dated 27-09-2017)

27-09-2017 27-09-2017 (15 KB)
7000005728 Pune

Re-orientation work of two no.s of 220 kV lines at 220 kV Theur S/stn (Lonikand & Magarpatte Circuit) (RFX No. 7000005728) (dated 27-09-2017)

27-09-2017 27-09-2017 (15 KB)
7000006053 Karad

Corrigendum for Rfx No. 7000006053 for the Work of Supply of FRP Earthing /Discharge Rod, Ladders, Hand Gloves, Safety Helmet & Safety Belt for 400KV RS DN, Alkud (M).

27-09-2017 26-10-2017 (403 KB)
355 Vashi Zone

E-Enquiry No. No.:MSETCL/EE/400KVSS/DN/KRD-II/355,Date- 27/09/2017, E-Enquiry for AMC of weed control by chemical treatment at 400/220KV Koradi-II S/s,under 400KV Koradi-II Division.

27-09-2017 04-10-2017 (76 KB)
7000006258 Vashi Zone

Tender Notice for RFX No. 7000006258 for AMC for all risk protection Annual/Monthly/Weekly / Daily maintenance & operation contract for PLC based ventilation system, centralized AC system, split AC system, window AC at HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur.

27-09-2017 26-10-2017 (183 KB)
Addl.EE/EHV /400kV/LPSD-I/Tech/187 dt. 21.9.17 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for providing TATA SUMO or Equivalent vehicle on hiring basis with driver for 400kV Lines  Project Sub Division-I  , Aurangabad

27-09-2017 04-10-2017 (137 KB)
7000006256 Vashi Zone

Providing services of semiskilled labour and unskilled labours for attending day-to-day office work at E.H.V. Civil Construction cum Maintenance Division and three sub division offices, Airoli for 6 months duration (October 2017 to March 2018).

27-09-2017 14-10-2017 (199 KB)
7000006255 Nashik

400 KV R.S. Dn. Deepnagar : Notice for E-tender for Rfx 7000006255 for 400 kv Deepnagar

27-09-2017 26-10-2017 (123 KB)
EE/TD/NSK/Tech/T-17/V-8/399 Nashik

Testing Division,Nashik:Notice for E-Enquiry for Providing Tata Sumo /Mahindra Xylo/ Bolero  (Diesel)  or equivalent vehicle along with driver on hired (per day) basis at Nashik testing unit 2

27-09-2017 11-10-2017 (448 KB)
7000006019 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Period Extension: Augmentation by addition of 25MVA 132/33kV Power Transformer along with 33kV Bus extension at 132kV Basmat Substation, Parbhani under EHV(O&M) Circle Aurangabad.

27-09-2017 03-10-2017 (16 KB)
7000006222 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Work of Providing & Fixing of Conical type Bird Guards for various 132kV EHV Transmission Lines under EHV(O&M) Sub-Division Latur.

27-09-2017 30-10-2017 (28 KB)
7000006260 Karad

Work of draining out & filtration of oil of 06 Nos of 105 MVA 4OOl22O KV NGEF make ICTs & 5O MVAr 4O0 KV PGCIL (Solapur) Line Reactor which is having high moisture content at 400 KV R.S.Karad

27-09-2017 26-10-2017 (564 KB)
7000006089 Pune

Time Limit Extension notice in r/o. SRM Enquiry for the work of servicing, Alignment & Maintenance of 220/ 132/33/11KV Isolators available at various 220/132KV substations under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur.(dated 26-09-2017)

27-09-2017 05-10-2017 (263 KB)
7000006078 Pune

Time Limit Extension notice in r/o. SRM E-Enquiry for the work of filtration of Oil of various Transformers & ICT’S available at various Substations under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur.(dated 26-09-2017)

27-09-2017 05-10-2017 (264 KB)
6000000331 Corporate Office

Tender No. MSETCL/GE C/ T-1759 for Supply, Erection, Associated Civil Works, Testing & Commissioning of (i) 2nd Circuit Stringing of 220kV Miraj - Ichalkaranji (Tilwani) (ii) 132kV 2nd Ckt Stringing of Aundh Dahiwadi (Route Length-30kms) Transmission Line on Turnkey Basis.

26-09-2017 25-10-2017 (27 KB)
6000000300 Corporate Office

Amendment No. 1 : Bidders are requested to take note that earlier notice for the cancellation of the said tender published on web-portal on 4.09.2017 is revoked and the tender with same RFx is continued.

26-09-2017 25-10-2017 (124 KB)