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Total Records : 42249 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
SE/EHV O&M/Circle/ Kop/T/LP/ No. 2130 Karad

Extension for E-Enquiry for fabrication of new departmental truck no. MH 50 - 0273 for office of Additional Executive Engineer, Hot Line Unit, Talandge Under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur

10-10-2017 16-10-2017 (47 KB)
7000005936 Karad

Cancellation of E Tender for Overhauling of OLTC of 3x105 MVA ICT-I & ICT-II also 25MVA T/F-I&II at 400KV R.S.Dn, New Koyna (Rfx no- 7000005936 )

10-10-2017 16-10-2017 (680 KB)
7000006053 Karad

Notice for extension for Bid Submission validity of SRM-TENDER No.T-01/17-18 Rfx No. 7000006053 of 400KV RS Division Alkud (M)

10-10-2017 16-10-2017 (198 KB)
E-enquiry through quatation Pune

E-enquiry for supply of Rain suits of various sizes for employees working under EHV Projects circle,Pune for block 2017-20.(dated 10-10-2017)

09-10-2017 16-10-2017 (3.2 MB)
E-enquiry through quatation Pune

E-enquiry for supply of safety shoes of various sizes for employees working under EHV Projects circle,Pune for block 2017-20.(dated 10-10-2017)

09-10-2017 16-10-2017 (1.4 MB)
7000006354 Vashi Zone

SRM Enquiry  for Supply of 36KV Current Transformer for Erection and Commissioning of 3 rd additional 1 X 50MVA 220/22KV Transformer at 220 kv  AKP S/S. under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup ( MBR NO. 102/17 DT. 24.8.2015)

09-10-2017 16-10-2017 (48 KB)
7000006270 Pune

Extension to the SRM E-enquiry for the work of Fire safety audit and security audit of 15 nos. EHV S/S and awareness training to employees at each substations under EHV O&M Division-1 Pune. (RFX No. 7000006270).(dated 09-10-2017)

09-10-2017 16-10-2017 (229 KB)
E-enquiry through quatation Pune

E-enquiry for supply of Rain suits of various sizes for employees working under EHV Projects circle,Pune for block 2017-20. (dated 07-10-2017)

09-10-2017 16-10-2017 (3.2 MB)
E-enquiry through quatation Pune

E-enquiry for supply of safety shoes of various sizes for employees working under EHV Projects circle,Pune for block 2017-20. (dated 07-10-2017)

09-10-2017 16-10-2017 (1.4 MB)
680 Amaravati

E-QUOTATION Waterproofing work at EHV O&M Circle & CCCM Circle Amravati

07-10-2017 16-10-2017 (38 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM Dn/NSK/Tech/1038 Nashik

EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Notice for E-quotation for the work of “Maintenance of fire fighting system at Administrative building, Racca Plot, Nashik Road, Nashik.”

06-10-2017 16-10-2017 (380 KB)
530 Karad

Enquiry for annual maintenance for computers & its accessories at 400KV R.S Dn New Koyna

05-10-2017 16-10-2017 (3 MB)
7000006310 Karad

tender for purchase of bay unit (BCU) required for extension of busbar protection to 1X50 MVA 220/33kV commissioned at 220 kV Wathar S/S.

29-09-2017 16-10-2017 (112 KB)
1221 Karad

Quotation for Purchase of Laptop, and printers for EHV Projects cum O&M Zone, MSETCL,Karad.

29-09-2017 16-10-2017 (796 KB)
7000006197 Nashik

EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar: Notice for Work of attending low N2 gas cylinder pressure & fire detector trip indication on CTR panel of 220/132kV, 200MVA ICT-II at 220kV Kedgaon

19-09-2017 16-10-2017 (102 KB)
7000006363 Vashi Zone

E-enquiry for supply of log sheets & permit books at various substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa for the year 2017-18.


09-10-2017 15-10-2017 (526 KB)
7000005782 Pune

Re-Teneder for providing Canteen & Housekeeping services at Regional training Centre trainee of 400kV R.S. Dn.(dated 29-09-2017)

28-09-2017 15-10-2017 (56 KB)
7000006298 Nagpur SRM Etender work of AMC for work of Overhauling/Servicing/Repairing of 33kV VCB’s of various make with supply of required spares at various EHV substations, EHV O&M Divsion Ballarsha. 30-09-2017 15-10-2017 (213 KB)
7000006190 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender Corrigendum: Work of arresting heavy oil leakages from various joints of ICT's, T/F's and other equipment's by using Power Patch I & II Dual technology cols welding method at 400kV R.S.Dn Waluj.

22-09-2017 15-10-2017 (120 KB)
7000006190 Aurangabad SRM E-Tender: Work of arresting heavy oil leakges from various joints of ICT's, T/F's and other equipment's by using Power Patch I & II Dual technology cold welding method at 400kV R.S. Dn Waluj. 16-09-2017 15-10-2017 (215 KB)