EEC/EHV/CCCM Dn/NSK/Tech-941 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik : Notice for E-quotation for the work of “Painting to control room at 132 KV OCR Eklahare Sub station, Dist:- Nashik.
20-09-2017 |
21-09-2017 |
(439 KB)
EE/TD/NSK/Tech/T-17/V-5/390 |
Nashik |
Testing Division Nashik : Notice for E-Enquiry for Providing Tata Sumo /Mahindra Xylo/ Bolero (Diesel) or equivalent vehicle along with driver on hired (per day) basis at Babhaleshwar testing unit
20-09-2017 |
29-09-2017 |
(955 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/Dn./DHL/Tech/No.- 01791 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Div Dhule : Notice for E-Enquiry for Hiring of the LMV Tata Sumo/Long Bolero/Scorpio or other equivalent vehicle along with driver for Line maintenance Sub.Division
20-09-2017 |
05-10-2017 |
(126 KB)
EE/EHV/ O& M/Dn/SUR/T/No.1275 Dtd.19.09.2017. |
OM Dn Solapur |
Enquiry for hiring of LMV vehicle (TATA-SUMO/BOLERO, etc) along With driver for period of one year for Substation Maintenance unit Degaon under Jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur.(dated 20-09-2017)
20-09-2017 |
27-09-2017 |
(48 KB)
7000005407 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender(3rd Call) Cancellation: Work of Providing & Fixing of conical type Bird Guards(as per drawing) for various EHV line under EHV O&M Division Nanded.
20-09-2017 |
20-09-2017 |
(215 KB)
7000005529 |
Aurangabad |
SRM E-Tender Cancellation: Work of replacement of 400kV 50MVAR Line Reactor of 400kV Girwali-Lonikand Ckt-II with Supply of allied material & Structure by new 400kV 50MVAR Line Reactor with allied material & sturcture at 400kV S/s Girwali under EHV O&M Circle Parli-V.
20-09-2017 |
20-09-2017 |
(222 KB)
RFX No.7000006200 |
Karad |
Corrigendum for tender for the Work of arresting oil leakage from various joints of the Transformers at various S/Stn. under EHV (O&M) Division Karad by using Power patch-I & II dual technology cold welding method.
20-09-2017 |
19-10-2017 |
(69 KB)
Re E-enquiry through quatation |
Re E-enquiry for supply of Rain suits of various sizes for employees working under EHV Projects circle,Pune for block 2017-20.(dated 20-09-2017)
20-09-2017 |
28-09-2017 |
(2.8 MB)
939 |
Karad |
Enquiry for the work of Oil Filtration of T/F OLTC at various S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn Karad
20-09-2017 |
27-09-2017 |
(166 KB)
1096/2029 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Hiring of Tourist Diesel Vehicle TATA Sumo/Mahindra Bolero (Seater Vehicle) with Driver for office of Additional Executive Engineer, Hot Line Unit, Talandge Under EHV O&M Circle, Kolhapur
20-09-2017 |
29-09-2017 |
(36 KB)
Re E-enquiry through quatation |
Re E-enquiry for supply of safety shoes of various sizes for employees working under EHV Projects circle,Pune for block 2017-20.(dated 20-09-2017)
20-09-2017 |
28-09-2017 |
(1.4 MB)
Re E-enquiry through quatation |
Re E-enquiry for providing professional services for filling of E-TDS return(24Q) relating to employees salary (2nd, 3rd & 4th quater) & online generation of form 16 for financial year 2017-18.(dated 20-09-2017)
20-09-2017 |
26-09-2017 |
(992 KB)
T05/2017-18 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Division, Jalgaon : Short Tender Notice- e-Tender Spec No. T-05/2017-18 for "Renovation & Strengthening of Old T/F Plinth & Allied Civil Fdn at 400KV Khadka [Bhusawal] sub-stn, Dist. Jalgaon
20-09-2017 |
06-10-2017 |
(961 KB)
0517 |
Karad |
Extension to Enquiry for Transportation of various EHV equipments/materials from MSETCL stores to 400KV R.s dn new Koyna & vice versa.(dated 19-09-2017)
20-09-2017 |
27-09-2017 |
(844 KB)
EE/400KV/RS O& M/Dn/LBT/T/No.238 |
400K RSD Lmboti |
Enquiry for providing 1 No. of Diesel TATA –Sumo,Mahindra Bolero Equivalent along with driver on hired basis for the use of 400 KV Line Maintenance S/Dn Lamboti. (dated 19-09-2017)
20-09-2017 |
28-09-2017 |
(1.2 MB)
7000006208 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for providing office furniture at various EHV SS under EHV O&M Division-1, Pune. (dated 06-10-2016)
19-09-2017 |
11-10-2017 |
(27 KB)
7000006217 |
Pune |
Notice of 1st Extension of due datefor work of weed control by chemical treatment at 400/220 KV switchyard and control room surrounding area of 400 KV R.S.(O&M)Dn. Jejuri. (dated 03-10-2017)
19-09-2017 |
09-10-2017 |
(29 KB)
7000006208 |
Pune |
SRM E-enquiry for providing office furniture at various S/S under EHV O&M DN-I Pune ( RFX. No. 7000006208) (dated 25-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
03-10-2017 |
(42 KB)
E-Enquiry No:1231 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Hiring of Vehicle along with driver for SE O&M Circle Office Parli.
19-09-2017 |
25-09-2017 |
(424 KB)
E-ENQUIRY No. 1680 dtd. 19.09.17 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for Hiring of vehicle (LMV) for ACVO under EHV PC O&M Zone, Pune. (dated 19-09-2017)
19-09-2017 |
27-09-2017 |
(511 KB)