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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000031145 Karad

Supply of Trip supervision relay at various EHV substation under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.

30-07-2024 07-08-2024 (440 KB)
6000001213 Corporate Office

Construction of LILO on 400kV Lonikand-I – Jejuri Ckt-I with Quad Moose Conductor at 765kV Power Grid (Shikhrapur) Substation under Pune Zone, MSETCL, Maharashtra. Route Length (28.869 km).

25-07-2024 07-08-2024 (263 KB)
6000001212 Corporate Office

Establishment of 220/33 kV s/s at Mudhale, Tal. Baramati, Dist. Pune with associated line under Pune Zone

Document Title End Date File
Corrigendum No.1 07-08-2024 (292 KB)
24-07-2024 07-08-2024 (481 KB)
7000031359 Karad

SRM Re-E-tender(3rd call) notice for Supply of Equipments/Material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning including Civil works for providing additional 3x167 MVA, 400/220/33 kV ICT alongwith HV/LV bays, extension of 400 kV & 220 kV Bus, shifting of 400 kV TBC Bay, Installation of RRS and allied works at 400 kV R.S. Talandge S/Stn against MBR No. 162/18 Dtd. 08.08.2023 on TURN- KEY basis.(24.07.2024)

24-07-2024 07-08-2024 (303 KB)
7000031737 Karad

SRM Re-E-tender (3rd call) notice for Supply of Equipments/ Material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of installation of 1 x 125 MVAR, 3 Phase, 400 kV Bus Reactor (Shunt Reactor) and bay at 400 kV R.S. Dn., New Koyna S/Stn under Karad Zone, against MBR No. 166/19 Dtd. 19.01.2024 on Turnkey basis.(24.07.2024)

24-07-2024 07-08-2024 (282 KB)
budgetary offer Vashi

Enquiry for submission of budgetary offer for Supply of 24 kV  Current Transformer installed in  AC Filter, DC Filter & Neutral bay  at 500 kV  HVDC Bi-pole Station  Padghe of MSETCL.

24-07-2024 07-08-2024 (94 KB)
7000031369 Vashi

RFx  E-tender for Hiring of LMV vehicle for EHV lines Sub-Division Panvel-2 under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel for period 01.07.2024 to 31.03.2025...5th  call.

28-06-2024 07-08-2024 (310 KB)
RFX No. 7000032531 Pune

SRM E-Tender Work of Rate Contract for maintenance, servicing & repairing of 220/110/48V Battery Sets & battery charger available at various 220/132/110kV S/stn & EHV Cogen, Consumers under jurisdiction of EHV (O&M) Division, Solapur.

01-08-2024 08-08-2024 (12 KB)
RFX No. 7000032511 Pune

SRM E-Tender AMC for the work of Servicing, Repairing & Maintenance of Computer, Laptop & Printers available at various 220/132/110KV Substations, Line Subdivision offices & Division office under jurisdiction of EHV (O&M) Division, Solapur

01-08-2024 08-08-2024 (12 KB)
7000032527 Nagpur

E-tender for procurement of Damper actuator at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur for the year 2024-25.
Estimated Cost : Rs. 4,53,120/- ( Inclusive of all taxes).

01-08-2024 08-08-2024 (16 KB)
7000032517 (4th Call) Nagpur

Engaging of Manpower i.e. Technician at various S/stn under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chandrapur.

01-08-2024 08-08-2024 (11 KB)
7000031646 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T – 07 (2024-25) (3rd Call)  Work of providing and fixing of RTCC panels for 132/11 kV, 25 MVA TF & 132/11 kV, 16 MVA TF at 132 kV S/Stn MIDC, Akola under EHV O&M Division, Akola.

02-08-2024 08-08-2024 (150 KB)
EE/400kV RS/Div./K’gaon/Nanded/TS/File No.43/No.294 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry: Availing the service of detail survey for modifications to existing 400kV Chandrapur- Kumbhargaon LILO Line due to new Railway line works by RVNL for Yevatmal- Nanded new Railway track under the jurisdiction 400 kV RS Div Kumbhargaon, Nanded.

02-08-2024 08-08-2024 (405 KB)
7000032498 Nashik

1st call to SRM E-Tender" Notice AMC for the work of Testing, Refilling, Reconditioning & Painting of various types of Fire Extinguishers along with spares at various 220kV & 132kV Sub-stations under EHV O&M Division, Dhule.

02-08-2024 08-08-2024 (85 KB)
7000032268 Nashik

SRM E-Tender (2nd call)Notice Procurement of 33kV LA under EHV PC O&M Zone Nashik 

01-08-2024 08-08-2024 (264 KB)
7000032187 Nashik

EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik: SRM E-Tender Notice Enhancement in transformation capacity of substation by Work of Augmentation of substation by replacement of 2X25MVA 132/33kV TF by 2X50 MVA 132/33kV TF at both 132kV Nimbhora and 132kV ECR Deepnagar under Nashik Zone under MSKVY Phase 2.0 under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)

01-08-2024 08-08-2024 (120 KB)
budgetary offer Vashi E-enquiry to submission of budgetary offer for providing and fixing of saver assembly at various span of Railway, National Highway, River and EHV Lines Crossing Locations of various 220kV & 100kV Lines under EHV Lines S/Dn 1 & 2 under EHV O&M Division Panvel.   01-08-2024 08-08-2024 (236 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/ Dn/SUR/T/No. 1044 Dtd. 31.07.2024 Pune

Enquiry for Hiring 1 No. of LMV Vehicle TATA INDICA/INDIGO/MARUTI SWIFT DEZIRE/ Equivalent (Car) along with driver on hire basis for period of one year for the office use of the Executive Engineer, Trans (O&M) Division, Solapur

01-08-2024 08-08-2024 (329 KB)
7000032006 Karad

SRM E-Tender (2nd call) for Mechanism Overhauling and Servicing of 220kV Siemens make CB at 400kV R.S. Division Talandge.

02-08-2024 08-08-2024 (460 KB)
7000031346 Karad

SRM Re-Tender (3rd call) for Annual Maintenance Contract of 220V, 48V Battery Chargers & 48V, 220V DC Battery sets for period of 2 Years at 400KV R.S.Talandge.

02-08-2024 08-08-2024 (460 KB)