70000006143 |
SRM Enquiry for Hiring Vehicle Light commercial vehicle or equivalent for the line patrolling at EHV Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali for period 2 months
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(336 KB)
EE/TDP/DyEE(O)/ T-15/494 on dtd.11.09.2017 |
Tst Dn Pune |
Enquiry for providing 1 No. of Diesel vehicle (Tata Sumo or Equivalent) with driver on hire for Testing Dn., Pune.
11-09-2017 |
20-09-2017 |
(41 KB)
7000006125 |
Replacement of existing ACSR Conductor by High Ampacity conductor of 220KV Mulund-Bhandup GIS Line (Bhandup LILO) under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa under EHV PC O&M Zone
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(395 KB)
7000006126 |
Replacement of existing ACSR Conductor by High Ampacity conductor of 220KV Nerul-Sonkhar Line under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(395 KB)
7000006124 |
Replacement of existing ACSR Conductor by High Ampacity conductor of 220KV Sonkhar-Trombay Line under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa.
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(395 KB)
7000006142 |
400KV R.S. Division, Khadka - Bhusawal: E-enquiry for work of annual maintenance contract(AMC) for work of servicing & repairing of split type air conditioners installed at control room,relay room & PLCC room of 400 kV RS
11-09-2017 |
18-09-2017 |
(927 KB)
7000005921 |
Cancellation Notice of SRM-Enq. RFxNo.7000005921-IIIrd Call for the Emergency Work of Battery Charger Maintenance with providing & fixing of required spares at 220KV Peth, 132KV Shirala,110KV Kundal & Borgaon
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(95 KB)
7000005522 |
Karad |
Cancellation notice of SRM-Enquiry RFx. No. 7000005522 for the Work of Replacement of 245KV & 145KV Isolators at 220KV Miraj S/Stn under EHV O&M Division, Sangli
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(94 KB)
5000000467 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. SP/T-0505/0917(Two Bid System) RFx No. 5000000467 : Procurement of 400KA 160 KN & 120 KN Porcelain Antifog Long Rod Insulators under EE(P&C), Mumbai.
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(26 KB)
5000000465 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. SP/T-0504/0817 (Two Bid System) : Procurement of 200MVA 220/132/11KV ICT along with oil under EE(P&C), Mumbai.
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(46 KB)
5000000463 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. SP/P&C/T-01/0817(Two Bid System) : Procurement of Insulated type Aerial Work-Platform (Articulating Boom Lift) under EE(P&C), Mumbai.
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(46 KB)
7000006027 |
E-Enquiry for RFx for Providing Tata Sumo or equivalent vehicle along with driver on hired basis at HVDC T&T Division, Padghe for the Year 2017-2018.
11-09-2017 |
11-09-2017 |
(193 KB)
7000006091 |
E-Enquiry for AMC order for hiring of hydraulic/mechanical crane for loading, unloading of equipments/materials & erection works etc as & when required at HVDC ID-OD, Padghe.
11-09-2017 |
11-09-2017 |
(280 KB)
7000006085 |
E-Enquiry for servicing, trials and attending troubles (if any) of various isolators with or without Earth Switches at HVDC Terminal Station Padghe during Annual Outage.
11-09-2017 |
10-10-2017 |
(290 KB)
EE/400 KV/RS DN./LONIKAND II/2017-18/ET-07 DATE: 08.09.2017 |
400KRSDn Lnkd-2 |
RFX no. 7000006119 AMC for Weed Control chemical Treatment & rodent control Treatment at 400KV R. S. Division Lonikand II
09-09-2017 |
24-09-2017 |
(61 KB)
E Enquiry No 347 Dt:08.09.2017 |
E-Enquiry for grass removal & weed control by chemical treatment at store yard premises of the office of Major store ‘A’, Baramati & its staff colony quarters Near Nakshatra Garden, Pencil Chowk, Baramati.
08-09-2017 |
14-09-2017 |
(89 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/Dn/NSK/Tech/1378 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Div,Nashik : Notice for providing vechile for Testing Unit Eklahare
08-09-2017 |
18-09-2017 |
(920 KB)
EE/EHV/PROJ/DIV/NSK/Tech/13780 |
EHV Construction Division,Nashik : Notice for E-enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (Diesel) preferably SUMO/BOLERO on per day basis for EHV Lines Projects Sub Division,Malegaon
08-09-2017 |
25-09-2017 |
(684 KB)
7000006053 |
400k RSDn AkudM |
SRM-Tender Notice T-01/2017-18 Rfx. No. 7000006053 for Supply of FRP Earthing /Discharge Rod ,Ladders, Hand Gloves, Safety Helmet & Safety Belt for 400KV RS DN, Alkud (M).
08-09-2017 |
08-10-2017 |
(202 KB)
1119 |
Karad |
E- Enquiry for the work of Replacement of 220/110-132 KV Bushings of 100MVA, CGL make ICT at 220KV Bidri Substation under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur.
08-09-2017 |
14-09-2017 |
(101 KB)