E-enquiry through quatation |
E-enquiry for providing professional services for filling of E-TDS return(24Q) relating to employees salary (2nd, 3rd & 4th quater) & online generation of form 16 for financial year 2017-18. (dated 15-09-2017)
12-09-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(999 KB)
7000006149 |
Karad |
Tree plantation at 132 KV Sub-station Bambawade, Tal. Shahuwadi,Dist-Kolhapur.(RFX No. 7000006149)
12-09-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(533 KB)
7000006153 |
Karad |
Enquiry For Tree Plantation at 132KV sub-Station Kankawali and 220 KV Sub Station Insuli, Dist-Sindhudurg.(RFX No. 7000006153 )
12-09-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(537 KB)
-- |
CCCMDn Solapur |
E-Enquiry for the work of Providing, Supplying & installing 5 HP submersible pump in existing bore well at 15.00 Solapur. Solapur. 132/33 kV S/Stn. at Karajagi,Dist. Solapur. (Extension)
13-09-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(1.5 MB)
7000005984 |
Karad |
ETender (RFX No- 7000005984) for overhauling & servicing of OLTC of 400/220kV 315MVA ICT-I & ICT-II at 400kV R.S.Division Talandge.(dated 22-08-2017)
21-08-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
(37 KB)
7000005993 |
Karad |
ETender for providing of skilled outsource labours (Technical) at 400kV R.S.Division Talandge.(dated 22-08-2017)
21-08-2017 |
19-09-2017 |
7000006007 |
400RSD Akola |
Extension RFX No.7000006007 Annual Maintenance Contract for Repairs and Servicing of Air conditioners at various EHV Sub Stations under EHV O&M Circle, Akola,for the year 2017-18.
12-09-2017 |
18-09-2017 |
(18 KB)
7000006142 |
400KV R.S. Division, Khadka - Bhusawal: E-enquiry for work of annual maintenance contract(AMC) for work of servicing & repairing of split type air conditioners installed at control room,relay room & PLCC room of 400 kV RS
11-09-2017 |
18-09-2017 |
(927 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/Dn/NSK/Tech/1378 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M Div,Nashik : Notice for providing vechile for Testing Unit Eklahare
08-09-2017 |
18-09-2017 |
(920 KB)
7000005957 |
HDC Ot Dn C |
Tender Notice for the RFx No. 7000005957 for AMC of Providing services (skilled labour operator ) for operation, maintenance and monitoring of all firefighting equipment of pump house at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur and 33kV Earth Electrode Station Chincholi
19-08-2017 |
18-09-2017 |
(26 KB)
7000005969 |
Karad |
Day to day maintenance for civil assets of Colony & 400 KV Sub-Station, at Vijaynagar, Karad, Dist –Satara.
24-08-2017 |
18-09-2017 |
(81 KB)
7000005612 |
SRM e-tender Extension Construction of 02 x 220kV end bays with civil works at 220kV Yavatmal S/S for 220kV Deoli- Ghaotdi DCDC line under EHV PC O&M Zone,Amravati
13-09-2017 |
17-09-2017 |
(5 KB)
7000005580 |
Amaravati |
SRM e-tender Extension Supply,Erection,Testing and Commissioning of additional 1x25MVA,132/33kV transformer along with 132kV&33kV bus extension and allied equipments with civil works at 132 kV Dhad substation,under EHV O&M Division Buldhana
13-09-2017 |
17-09-2017 |
(5 KB)
7000005603 |
Amaravati |
SRM e-tender Extension Creation of 33kV level by replacement of existing 2x25MVA,132/66kV T/Fs by 2x25MVA,132/33kV T/Fs along with 6x33kV feeder bays and allied equipments with civil works at 220kV Amravati substation,under EHV O&M Division Amravati
13-09-2017 |
17-09-2017 |
(5 KB)
7000005574 |
Amaravati |
Extension Supply,Erection,Testing and Commissioning of additional 1x25MVA,132/33kV transformer along with 2x132kV PT bays,conversion of 33kV single bus to twin bus and allied equipments with civil works at 132kV Lalkhadi substation,under EHV O&M Div Amravati
13-09-2017 |
17-09-2017 |
(5 KB)
7000005967 |
400K RSLonikand |
RFx No. 7000005967, Re-tender for AMC for Weed Control Chemical treatment of various locations in 400kV R.S. Lonikand-I…..extension thereof.
11-08-2017 |
17-09-2017 |
(146 KB)
7000005979 |
Nashik |
EHV O&M DN Jalgaon : 2nd call for SRM e-enquiry 08/2017-18
08-09-2017 |
17-09-2017 |
(2.9 MB)
EE/400KV/RS/O&M/DN,DHL/ 1076 |
Nashik |
400KV RS(O&M) Dn, Dhule : E-Enquiry for the work of providing air conditioned diesel Ambassador/Diesel Indica car or equivalent car on hiring basis for the Executive Engineer & other Dn. Office work at 400KV RS(O&M) Dn, Dhule
08-09-2017 |
16-09-2017 |
(857 KB)
3529 |
E-Enquiry for hiring of Diesel Taxi Vehicle (Tata Vista/Tata Indica) at EHV Sub Station Project S/Dn., Khamgaon under EHV Project Division, Akola.
08-09-2017 |
16-09-2017 |
(348 KB)
Enquiry No: 419 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry: Providing of 1No.TATA Sumo or any equivalent LMV taxi Permit Vehicle along with Driver on hired basis for Addl.EE, telecom lab Sub Division Nanded under Testing Division Nanded as per scope of work as per Schedule "A".
06-09-2017 |
16-09-2017 |
(723 KB)