AMC of Oil Arresting from various oil filled equipments by latest technology of Online Gasketing i.e. Power Seal Method under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe for FY 2024-25.
SP/T-0623/0824 (Rfx No.5000001284) [4th call] for Procurement of 25kg & 50kg SF6 Gas filled Cylinder against R&M scheme for various EHV PC O&M Zones, MSETCL.
1st call to SRM E-Tender Notice Work of Providing & fixing of sheet moulding compound (SMC) trench cover chequered plate for indoor application at 220kV Shivajinagar Substation & 132kV Visarwadi Substation under EHV O&M Division Dhule
SRM E-Enquiry (3rd Call) for the work of Anti-termite, Anti-reptile & Anti- rodent control treatment (including Anti Mosquito, Anti Lizard, Anti Cockroach & Snake Control treatment) for the premises under 400 kV RS. Dn, Deepnagar Bhusawal-II.
CANCELLATION NOTICE OF SR.M E-TENDER 4th call for the work of Bi-Annual AMC of servicing & overhauling of 33kV VCB & 440V ACB with repairing of 33kV CT/PT equipments and allied works as when required at 400 kV RS Dn. Deepnagar-BhusawaI-II.
CANCELLATION NOTICE OF SR.M E-TENDER 4th call for the work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the work of repairing of ICT cooling fans as and when require at 400k V R.S. Division, Deepnagar. BSL-II.
SRM E-Tender Notice (3rd call) Particulars Work of supply of best quality Blue Silica gel for Power Transformers/ICTs available at various EHV Substations under EHV O&M Division,Nashik.
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik: (3rd Call) Notice for work of Enhancement in transformation capacity of substation by Work of Augmentation of substation by replacement of 2X25MVA 132/33kV TF by 2X50 MVA 132/33kV TF at both 132kV Nimbhora and 132kV ECR Deepnagar under Nashik Zone under MSKVY Phase 2.0 under EHV O&M Circle, Bhusawal (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)
Enquiry 02nd call for inviting Quotation for 'Hiring of 1 No. of .utility vehicle (like TATA Sumo/Mahindra Bolero/ Suzuki Swift Dizire OR any equivalent make and model with fuel and driver for Diagnostic testing work at various EHV substations under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division, Nashik
EHV PC O&M Zone, Nashik :Notice for Work of replacement of old disc insulator strings for conversion of Single Tension (STN) string to Double Tension (DTN) string & Single Suspension (SSN) to Double Suspension (DSN) for various EHV Lines under EHV (O&M), Circle, Bhusawal
2nd call E-tender for procurement of Damper actuator at HVDC Terminal Station, Chandrapur for the year 2024-25.Estimated Cost : Rs. 4,53,120/- ( Inclusive of all taxes).
4th Call Tender for the AMC for the work of replacement of failed/sick various substation equipment's during planned outage and emergency/breakdown along with the allied activities on as & when required basis in 400kV & 220kV S/Y and supply / providing of various spares/materilas required during outage work under 400kV substation, GCR-1, MSETCL, Chandrapur.
1st call to SRM E-Tender Notice : Work of Providing & fixing of sheet moulding compound (SMC) trench cover chequered plate for indoor application at 220kV Shivajinagar Substation & 132kV Visarwadi Substation under EHV O&M Division Dhule.
3rd call SRM E-Tender Notice for Work of providing & fixing of BIS certified 45/48W LED Street lights fitting including lamps at various EHV sub-stations & premises under EHV O&M Division, Dhule.
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Work of Overhauling / Servicing of 145kV SIEMENS make Circuit Breakers, at various S/stn. under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
SRM E-Tender(Second Call): Annual Maintenance Contract for the Work of Demonstration, Preventive Maintenance as well as Repairing Works including supply of required spares, of CTR make Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection Systems of various ICTs & Power Transformers installed at various S/stns. under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
Annual Maintenance Service Contract (Comprehensive) of REDSM Software for a period of One years with Back-to-Back support from OEM at SLDC Airoli.
SRM Tender 2nd call for Replacement of existing 220V, 110V & 48V Battery sets by new Tubular SAN container lead acid battery set at various S/s, under EHV O&M Division Ratnagiri.
SRM Tender 2nd call for Deep Earthing with DDCP (Deep dug conductive pit) method dedicated earthing system at 220kV Niwali S/s & 132kV Talebazar S/s, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.