Procurement of 400kV, 50MVAr, 3-Ф Switchable Line Reactor (5 Nos.) along with NGR; Surge Arrestor and New Uninhibited Naphthenic Based High Grade Mineral Insulating Oil required for 400kV Girawali Sub-Station under Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Zone
Establishment of 132/33 kV Bazargaon Substation, Dist. Nagpur along with associated transmission line under Nagpur Zone
Establishment of 132/33kV Mukutban Substation, Tal. Zari, Dist. Yawatmal along with associated line under Amravati Zone.
Corrigendum-I : E-Tende for the work of replacement of existing twin conductor, insulators, all accessories & hardwares by High Ampacity twin HPC conductor equivalent to 0.5 Moose conductor along with insulators & suitable hardwares & accessories of 400kV Talegaon (PG) to Chakan line along with associated bay strengthening work at 400kV Chakan R.S. under Pune Zone.
Establishment of 400/220 kV substation at Nandgaon Peth Dist., Amravati along-with associated transmission lines under Amravati Zone
Construction of 220 KV D/C Line from 400/220 KV Koradi -II to Mankapur s/s. (O/H + U/G) Line) under Nagpur Zone
Supply of Digital Multimeters for various units under PAC Division – II, Nagpur
Implementation of on-premise data backup solution for MDAS and MDP for AMR project at SLDC, Airoli along with provisioning of cloud infrastructure for storing second copy of backup.
Hiring of Car/Vehicle Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero (or Equivalent) vehicle along with driver on hired basis with fuel for Regional Training Centre under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe for F.Y. 2025-26.