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Total Records : 42249 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
5000001290 Corporate Office

Procurement of 400kV, 50MVAr, 3-Ф Switchable Line Reactor (5 Nos.) along with NGR; Surge Arrestor and New Uninhibited Naphthenic Based High Grade Mineral Insulating Oil required for 400kV Girawali Sub-Station under Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Zone

Document Title End Date File
Clarification on Pre-Bid Quries-1 03-09-2024 (224 KB)
13-09-2024 03-10-2024 (239 KB)
6000001238 Corporate Office

Establishment of 132/33 kV Bazargaon Substation, Dist. Nagpur along with associated transmission line under Nagpur Zone

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No.1 07-10-2024 (459 KB)
16-09-2024 07-10-2024 (526 KB)
6000001232 Corporate Office

Establishment of 132/33kV Mukutban Substation, Tal. Zari, Dist. Yawatmal along with associated line under Amravati Zone.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No.1 07-10-2024 (286 KB)
Cancellation Notice 14-10-2024 (183 KB)
16-09-2024 07-10-2024 (197 KB)
7000033193 Pune

Corrigendum-I : E-Tende for the work of replacement of existing twin conductor, insulators, all accessories & hardwares by High Ampacity twin HPC conductor equivalent to 0.5 Moose conductor along with insulators & suitable hardwares & accessories of 400kV Talegaon (PG) to Chakan line along with associated bay strengthening work at 400kV Chakan R.S. under Pune Zone.


06-09-2024 07-10-2024 (839 KB)
6000001236 Corporate Office

Establishment of 400/220 kV substation at Nandgaon Peth Dist., Amravati along-with associated transmission lines under Amravati Zone

Document Title End Date File
LOAs 10-03-2025 (2.5 MB)
10-09-2024 10-10-2024 (315 KB)
6000001237 Corporate Office

Construction of 220 KV D/C Line from 400/220 KV Koradi -II to Mankapur s/s. (O/H + U/G) Line) under Nagpur Zone

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1 04-11-2024 (26 KB)
Amendment No.2 12-11-2024 (26 KB)
Amendment No.3 20-11-2024 (26 KB)
Cancellation Notice 26-11-2024 (10 KB)
11-09-2024 11-10-2024 (468 KB)
7000033973 Nagpur

Supply of Digital Multimeters for various units under PAC Division – II, Nagpur

07-09-2024 14-10-2024 (106 KB)
7000031828 Corporate Office

Implementation of on-premise data backup solution for MDAS and MDP for AMR project at SLDC, Airoli along with provisioning of cloud infrastructure for storing second copy of backup.

Document Title End Date File
Schedule of E-Tender Notice (2nd call) 04-10-2024 (207 KB)
E-Tender Notice (3rd call) 15-10-2024 (208 KB)
12-09-2024 15-10-2024 (306 KB)
7000035778 Vashi

Hiring of Car/Vehicle Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero (or Equivalent) vehicle along with driver on hired basis with fuel for Regional Training Centre under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle, Padghe for F.Y. 2025-26.

01-01-1970 28-03-2025