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Total Records : 42382 SRM e-Tendering
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SE/EHV/O&M/NSK/C/ T - 18 A /2016 - 17

Notice for Work of refill & providing New spares of existing fire extinguishers available under EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar & 400KV Rs Div. Babhaleshwar. SRM-Tender No:- SE/EHV/ O&M/C/NSK/T-19A/2016-17 (Dtd 02.05.2017)

02-05-2017 31-07-2017 (223 KB)
- Enquiry for loading unloading & transportation of control cables from various stores to 220KV Chinchwad-II Substation. (dated 29-04-2017) 29-04-2017 31-07-2017 (209 KB)
- Cancellation of E-Tender for Work of Shifting of 132 KV line from 220 KV Baramati substation to 132 KV Baramati substation between Loc No 4 to 7 by replacing one tower at Loc. No 6 by Monopole Tower. (dated 04-05-2017) 04-05-2017 30-07-2017 (150 KB)
- Notice for pre-bid meeting for tender of RFx no 700001153 to 700001156 under EHV O&M Circle,Nashik (Dtd 04.05.2017) 04-05-2017 30-07-2017 (205 KB)
- Notice for E-enquiry for the work of 42W LED Panel at 400KV Deepnagar Bhusawal - II (Dtd 04.05.2017) 04-05-2017 30-07-2017 (201 KB)
- Enquiry RFX No.7000005321 for Attending of oil leakage by cold welding method at various joints & nut bolts of 400/220 KV 105 MVA, NGEF make,315 MVA BHEL make ICTs & 400 KV 50 MVAR PGCIL (Solapur) line Reactor at 400 KV R.S. Karad.(dated 04-05-2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (2.8 MB)
- Enquiry for Supply of Tyres & Tubes of any standard make i.e.Apollo/Bridgestone/MRF/Yokohama/JK Tyres for Departmental Vehicle (TATA Sumo) at Mumewadi & Bapat camp Subdivision under EHV O&M Kolhapur Division.(dated 04-05-2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (123 KB)
- E-Tender Notice for Re-Tender for the work of Supply & installation of digital communicable transformer Auxiliary Monitoring System for 2x50 MVA 132/33 kV Power T/F & 2x25 MVA 132/11 kV Power T/F at 132 kV Narayangaon EHV S/s under EHV O&M Division, Manchar. (dated 04-05-2017) 04-05-2017 30-07-2017 (81 KB)
- E-enquiry for hiring of vehicle with driver for Addl. Executive Engineer, CCCM S/Dn under CCCM Division, Aurangabad (Dated 04/05/2017 ) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (2.3 MB)
- Cancellation Tender Notice for Upkeepment of sub station yard and miscellaneous civil works of 132 KV yard at 132 KV sub station Kudal, Dist-Sindhudurg(RFX No.7000005105)(dated 04-05-2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (84 KB)
- Enquiry(No.SE/EHV PC/KOP/e-enquiry/No.448 dtd.03.05.2017) for the AMC of computer & its accessories.(dated 04-05-2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (178 KB)
- Notice for Work of insulator disc washing for suspension & tension towers, pilot strings of 220/132kV lines in cold line condition under Eklahare lines Subdivision, Nashik under EHV O&M Division, Nashik. (Dtd 04.05.2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (110 KB)
- Cancellation notice of the E-Enquiry, RFX No. 700000487 for E-Enquiry for work of renovation/repair of 7 Nos. earth pits at 100 kV Pawana substation. (dated 03-05-2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (51 KB)
- Cancellation notice of E-enquiry for E-enquiry for providing 1 no. diesel vehicle (Tata Sumo OR equivalent) with driver on hire for PID team staff under EHV O&M Circle, Pune.(dated 03-05-2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (203 KB)
- Extension notice for (RFX No.7000004986 ) Providing & fixing of spares required for High Mast Tower at various S/stn. under EHV O&M Dn. II, Pune.(dated 03-05-2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (48 KB)
- Notice for 2nd call for work of Refilling of fire fighter at Major Store Dhule (Dtd 03.05.2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (100 KB)
- E-enquiry for providing of 1 No. TATA Sumo or any equivalent Taxi Permit Vehicle along with Driver on hired basis for Addl.EE, testing Unit-II Nanded under Testing Division Nanded (Dated 03/05/2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (303 KB)
- Work of Augmentation of 2X25MVA, 110/33KV T/Fs by 2X50MVA, 132-110/33KV T/F along with associated work at 110KV Ashta S/Stn. (Labour Part) under EHV O&M Division Sangli.(Dated 03-05-2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (36 KB)
- SRMe-tender notice rfx 7000005243 for miscellaneous maintenance work at 220 KV MIDC chandrapur SS, Civil Division Nagpur. (Dated 03.05.2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (87 KB)
- SRMe-tender notice rfx 7000005216 T-02 2017-18 Construction UCR Protection wall and muffing to tower protection at 220 KV Gadchandure. (with corrected attacment) (Dated 03.05.2017) 01-07-2017 30-07-2017 (87 KB)