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Total Records : 42740 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
- E-enquiry for quotation to provide hire vehicle during 2017–2018 for the Executive Engineer Major Store ‘A’,MSETCL Badnera(dated 20.05.2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (296 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005420 )E-tender for the work of arresting oil leakage from top plate of main tank of 50MVA, 220/33-22kV T/F no. II EMCO make at 220 kV Nerul Substation under EHV O&M Dn., Bhandup (20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (25 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000004951 )Tender No. : EE/EHV (O&M)/DN/BND/SRM Enquiry No. -12/ 2017-2018. SRM .Enquiry for the AMC of drinking water cooler & water purifier at various Substation & Division under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup (20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (52 KB)
- E-Tender Extension RFx No. 7000005148,7000005149,7000005160 Supply,Erection,Testing&Commissioning of 2x5MVAr,33kV Shunt Capacitor Banks along with civil works at various EHV S/Stn under EHV O&M Circle,Amravati.(dated 20.05.2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (64 KB)
- E-tender No.MSETCL/SE/EHV O&M/C/AMT/Tech/2017-18/T-01,T-02,T-03(Package A,B&C) RFx No.7000005148/7000005149/7000005160 EHV O&M Circle,Amravati(dated 20.05.2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (69 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005295 ) RE SRM Enquiry AMC of CCTV system at 220 kV Kolshet, Trombay & Borivali substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup. (20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (25 KB)
- Re Tender (Rfx No.7000005450 for Cleaning (Manually) of porcelain disk insulator strings of various 220/132/110 KV Transmission lines by using high voltage insulators cleaner and protector under EHV O&M Circle, Karad.(dated 20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (448 KB)
- ETender Notice No.RFx No.-7000005462 for Providing roof shed for CL-II (Bldg No.2&6),Cl-III (Bldg No.7&11) & Cl-IV (Bldg No.15) building at 400KV Colony,Vijaynagar,Karad, Dist - Satara.(dated 20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (80 KB)
- Notice for the work of Annual Maintenance contract & attending emergency/breakdown maintenance work of 132kV & 220kV EHV Substation’s under EHV O&M Division, Dhule (Dtd 20.05.2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (108 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000004257 )E-Tender for the work of Establishment of 22kV GIS Switchyard at 220kV Vasai Substation excluding Civil work under EHV O&M Dn., Boisar (20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (394 KB)
- Cancellation of tender notice:Rfx No.7000004924.(dated 20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (189 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005036 )E-Tender for providing outsourcing services of ITI Grade in Electrician to work as Junior Technician in 8.00 hrs. per day shift round o’ clock duty at various substations for the year 2017-18 under EHV O&M Division Boisar. (20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (21 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx - 7000005037 )E-Tender for providing outsourcing services of ITI Grade in Electrician to work as Operators in 8.00 hrs. per day shift round o’ clock duty at various substations for the year 2017-18 under EHV O&M Division Boisar. (20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (21 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005152 )Hiring of vehicle with driver and fuel for the Additional Executive Engineer (Civil), E.H.V. Civil Construction cum Maintenance Sub Division-2, Airoli for the period FY 2017-18. (20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (1.2 MB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005141 )Hiring of vehicle with driver and fuel for the Executive Engineer (Civil), E.H.V. Civil Construction cum Maintenance Division, Airoli for the period FY 2017-18. (20-05-2017) 20-05-2017 31-07-2017 (1.2 MB)
- (RFX No.7000004986 ) extension notice for Providing & fixing of spares required for High Mast Tower at various S/stn. under EHV O&M Dn. II, Pune. (dated 19-05-2017) 19-05-2017 31-07-2017 (50 KB)
- Re-E-Enquiry for the work of conversion of 5A to 1A backup O/C+E/F Ashida make relay at 132kV Ganeshkhind S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn.-I, Pune. ( RFX No. 7000005433) (dated 19-05-2017) 19-05-2017 31-07-2017 (35 KB)
- Cancellation of Enquiry for the work of conversion of 5A to 1A backup O/C+E/F Ashida make relay at 132kV Ganeshkhind S/Stn under EHV O&M Dn.-I, Pune (RFX No. 7000003863). (dated 19-05-2017) 19-05-2017 31-07-2017 (14 KB)
- AMC for Weed Control chemical Treatment & Rodent control treatment at various substations under EHV(O&M) Division I, Pune for one year. (RFX No 7000005431) (dated 19-05-2017) 19-05-2017 31-07-2017 (17 KB)
- Re-E-Tender for 1.Replacement of HV bushing of 132/22kV, 50MVA Vijai make T/F at 132kV Mundhawa S/s 2.Repairing of CTR make OLTC of 25 MVA, 132/11 kV BBL make T/F at NCL S/s under EHV O&M Dn-I, Pune (RFX No. 7000005118). (dated 19-05-2017) 19-05-2017 31-07-2017 (14 KB)