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Total Records : 42736 SRM e-Tendering
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7000033569 Nagpur


25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (13 KB)
Enquiry (12/2024-25) No:-EE/680 Dt. 24.09.2024 Pune

E-ENQUIRY for the Annual rate contract for the work of making various types of heat shrinkable joints and allied works in r/o 33kV/22kV/11kV cables of various size at various substations under EHV O&M Division Baramati

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (1004 KB)
7000033542 Pune

RE-tender (5th call) for Work for Second Circuit Stringing on Existing 132 kV Degaon-Mandrup SCDC line along with 02 Nos. of end bays at 132 kV Degaon & 132 kV Mandrup S/s and erection of’ horizontal tower at Degaon substation under EHV O&M Circle, Solapur under Pune Zone.

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (313 KB)
7000033455 Vashi

Hiring of light motor vehicle (L.M.V) having tourist permit for the office of the Addl. Executive Engineer(Civil), EHV CCCM SDn Kalyan (Annual Contract) for the year 2024-25. (01.10.2024 to 31.03.2025)

25-09-2024 03-10-2024 (171 KB)
5000001290 Corporate Office

Procurement of 400kV, 50MVAr, 3-Ф Switchable Line Reactor (5 Nos.) along with NGR; Surge Arrestor and New Uninhibited Naphthenic Based High Grade Mineral Insulating Oil required for 400kV Girawali Sub-Station under Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Zone

Document Title End Date File
Clarification on Pre-Bid Quries-1 03-09-2024 (224 KB)
13-09-2024 03-10-2024 (239 KB)
7000033201 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for Supply of 220/110/33 kV FRP Earthing Discharge rods at various substations, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri (2nd call).

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (423 KB)
7000033714 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for Work of Overhauling, servicing & repair of 245kV AREVA/GEC/ALSTOM make Circuit breaker under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur (4th call).

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (426 KB)
7000033713 Karad

SRM Tender Notice for Work of Overhauling, servicing & repair of 145kV AREVA/GEC/ALSTOME make Circuit breaker under EHV O&M Division. Kolhapur (4th call).

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (426 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/DN/SGL/T/No. 1212 Karad

Annual Maintenance Contract for Computer & LAN at various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division, Sangli.

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (51 KB)
7000033473 Karad

Dismantling of damaged R.C.C. slabs & providing and laying new covers over various cable trenches in 400 KV & 220 KV Switch yard at 400 KV R.S. Talandage, Dist:- Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000033473 ) (2nd call)

27-09-2024 04-10-2024 (529 KB)
7000033736 Nashik

(3rd call) E-Tender Notice for Work of Providing Outsourcing Manpower against sanctioned outsourcing/vacant staff of non technical at various offices under 400 KV RS Div. Khadka Bhusawal-II (Deepnagar) & EHV (O&M) Circle, Bhusawal.

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (389 KB)
7000033708 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender(First Call): Work of Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of Ethernet Switches for communication of data /status to SCADA at various EHV substations under PAC Circle Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (700 KB)
7000033729 Amravati

SRM Etender For works of : Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning towards i) Additional 1 x50 MVA 132/33 kV, Transformer at 132 kV S/Stn Khamgaon. ii) Additional 1 x50MVA 132/33kV, Transformer at 132kV S/Stn Mehkar. iii) By replacement of existing 2*25 MVA, 132 / 33 kV Power T/F by 2 x 50 MVA Power T/F at 132kV S/Stn Dusarbid under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana

27-09-2024 04-10-2024 (118 KB)
7000033743 Amravati

E-Tender towards the “Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the work of Repairing/Overhauling of 33 KV & 11 KV Circuit Breakers to meet out emergency as and when required at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Circle, Amravati”

27-09-2024 04-10-2024 (283 KB)
1750 Karad

E-Enquiry No. 1750 Date.27.09.2024 for supply of petrol engine tree cutting machine ( branded make e.g stihl / Husqvarna ) at line maintenance subdivisions under EHV O&M DN, Kolhapur.

27-09-2024 04-10-2024 (87 KB)
7000032584 Karad

Supply of T&P at line S/Dn and substation maintenance unit under EHV O&M Dn, Kolhapur

27-09-2024 04-10-2024 (442 KB)
7000033737 Vashi

E-Enquiry for appointment of consultant for carrying out revenue survey allied services for the work of Shifting/Height rising of various EHV (400/220/100 kV) Transmission lines infringing in Mumbai Ahmadabad National High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd (NHSRCL) corridor, under ORC.

27-09-2024 04-10-2024 (272 KB)
EE/400kV/RS(O&M)/DN/LNKD-I/Tender/T-14/2024-25 dtd.27.09.2024 RFX No.7000033742 Pune

RE-tender (3rd Call) for the Work of Monkey patrolling of 400 KV grid lines under 400 KV R.S.O & M Division Lonikand-1

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (81 KB)
5000001297 Corporate Office

Procurement of 400 KV, 220 KV & 132 KV (Normal) & (Antifog) type Porcelain long rod insulators for R&M, LE Scheme works under various EHV PCC O&M Zones of MSETCL on VARIABLE PRICE basis. [2nd Call]

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. 1 10-11-2024 (331 KB)
Amendment No. 2 20-11-2024 (331 KB)
27-09-2024 04-10-2024 (440 KB)
7000033709 Vashi

Civil works for Replacement of various old 220/100/22 KV equipment’s at 220 KV Mulund, Colourchem,  Borivali and 100 KV Nocil substation under EHV O&M Division, Bhandup.

28-09-2024 04-10-2024 (502 KB)