7000008017 |
Pune |
Extension-II for the RE-Tender for Work of stringing on DC 132 KV Purandawade Tap Line under Scheme for Second Circuit stringing on Existing SCDC of 132KV Purandawade tap line.(dated 25-04-2018)
08-03-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(159 KB)
406 |
Amravati |
E-QUOTATION Deepening of open well at 220KV S/Stn. Yavatmal.
25-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(43 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/PBN/433 |
Aurangabad |
Enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle i.e. Swift Dzire Tour Car or any of the same segments of any type with driver for the Executive Engineer, EHV (O&M) Division, Parbhani.
25-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(938 KB)
EE/EHV(O&M)/PBN/434 |
Aurangabad |
Enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle i.e. Tata Sumo / Tata Sumo Gold with driver for Predictive Testing Works, under EHV (O&M) Division, Parbhani.
25-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(836 KB)
7000008043 |
Karad |
Enquiry no.23 (RFx.No.7000008043) for Chemical Weed Control treatment work at 220 KV Lonand MIDC S/s.
25-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(28 KB)
Aurangabad |
E-enquiry for Geological investigation of 220kV S/Stn. Narangwadi, Dist. Osmanabad under CCCM Division Latur
25-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(83 KB)
EE/ PLCC/Dn./Pune/G-1/117 Dt.21.04.2018 |
Pune |
E- Enquiry for Supply& installation of Biometric Attendance System at PLCC Division, Pune including sub division offices under PLCC Division, Pune.(dated 21-04-2018)
21-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(444 KB)
7000008597 |
Nagpur |
Re-orientation of 400KV Khaparkheda bay at 400/220KV Koradi I S/s under 400KV R.S (O&M) Division Nagpur under EHV (O&M) Circle Nagpur
19-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(188 KB)
7000008593 |
Vashi |
Hiring of Tata Sumo/ Indica/ Equivalent vehicle along with vehicle driver for HVDC TL O&M Division Rajgurunagar
18-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(92 KB)
7000008563 |
Vashi |
Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 400kV Babhaleshwar-Padghe Ckt- I & II lines under Junnar sub division for the year 2018-19.
18-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(93 KB)
7000008567 |
Vashi |
Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 500kV Chandrapur-Padghe Bi-Pole HVDC line from loc. No. 1803 to 1970 under Padghe sub division for year 2018-19.
18-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(93 KB)
7000008543. |
Amravati |
E-TENDER Work of earth resistance measurement with stub cleaning of rusted tower legs, Applying anti-corrosive paint and cleaning of complete tower Platform of tower locations of 400 kV lines under LMSDN, Akot, under the jurisdiction of 400 kV R.S. Division.Akola.
17-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(32 KB)
7000008419 |
Nagpur |
Extension AMC for Providing of hydra crane(Capacity 14 Ton & bottom length 16 mtr or as per suitability of work at site) on hire basis at 400KV GCR S/s,400KV Switching S/s,400KV Chd-2 S/s & HVDC Indoor Dn under HVDC Circle,Chandrapur
04-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(235 KB)
7000008395 |
Vashi |
RFx for supply, installation & commissioning of SAS with existing 61850 compliant IED / Modbus MFM along with relevant modules and provision for remote access as per the MSETCL requirement at 400kV Padghe S/s for all existing and future Bays of 400kV and 220kV
04-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(272 KB)
7000008419 |
Nagpur |
AMC for Providing of hydra crane(Capacity 14 Ton & bottom length 16 mtr or as per suitability of work at site) on hire basis at 400KV GCR S/s,400KV Switching S/s,400KV Chd-2 S/s & HVDC Indoor Dn under HVDC Circle,Chandrapur
04-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(235 KB)
7000008412 |
Nagpur |
Supply of lighting material for 400 kV & 220 kV Switch Yard at 400 kV S/stn Chandrapur.
03-04-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(108 KB)
6000000490 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1832/MSETCL/CO/DC&M/D&T/SS-PreTender for Establishment of 220/132/33kV sub-station at Nagbhid Dist., Chandrapur under Nagpur zone, Chief Engineer (DC&M).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
31-03-2018 |
03-05-2018 |
(152 KB)
EE/TCC/Div/Abad/281 |
Aurangabad |
Quatation for hiring of 1 no of Tata Sumo diesel with driver on hire for Additional Executive Engineer, Carrier sub Division Parli under Testing/Telecom Division Aurangabad
27-04-2018 |
04-05-2018 |
(1.1 MB)
E-Enquiry No:0400 |
Pune |
1st Extension to E-Enquiry for AMC for various PC/Laptop & printer Xerox machine at various substations & Division office under EHV O&M Division Baramati.(dated 27-04-2018)
27-04-2018 |
04-05-2018 |
(437 KB)
Enquiry123 |
Vashi |
E-enquiry for the supply of Drinking water 20 Liter Jar at 100KV Mumbra substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa.
27-04-2018 |
04-05-2018 |
(245 KB)