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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000008517 Nashik

EHV O & M Division, Jalgaon:E-tender Notice the for Work of AMC for overhauling/servicing along with supply of required spares for 11KV CGL Make Vaccum Circuit Breakers at various 132kV substations.

13-04-2018 12-05-2018 (16 KB)
7000008562 Karad

eTender Notice T-03/2018-19/ RFx. No. 7000008562 for SRM E-Tender for Work of providing of Outsource Skilled Computer Operators, LDC, Un-Skilled Peons for various Sections under 400KV RS Dn. Alkud (M)

14-04-2018 13-05-2018 (26 KB)
7000008561 Nagpur

AMC for Repairing/ Servicing/ Overhauling of 1.5T window/split AC at various 132 KV S/Stns. under R.S. Ringmain Division Nagpur

14-04-2018 20-04-2018 (329 KB)
7000008555 Nagpur

Metal spreading at 66kv Sub Station Alapalli; Dist. Gadchiroli

14-04-2018 13-05-2018 (105 KB)
7000008554 Nagpur

Providing & placing Cable Trench Covers at 132 kv substation Arvi, Dist Wardha.

14-04-2018 29-04-2018 (105 KB)
7000008527 Nagpur

Providing & placing Cable Trench Covers at 132 kv substation Talegaon, Dist Wardha.

14-04-2018 29-04-2018 (105 KB)
7000007632 Nagpur

2nd call to AMC for Electrical Maintenance of the HVDC Guest House & Training Center, HVDC Circle office ,HVDC Civil Unit of HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur.

14-04-2018 13-05-2018 (368 KB)
7000008401 Nagpur

Extension to Engaging Semi Skilled / Unskilled Manpower on outsourcing basis at various Division offices & circle office under HVDC O&M Circle, Chandrapur

Document Title End Date File
Cancellation of tender for Engaging Semi Skilled / Unskilled Manpower on outsourcing basis at various Division offices & circle office under HVDC O&M Circle, Chandrapur 02-05-2017 (366 KB)
14-04-2018 20-04-2018 (209 KB)
7000007715 Nagpur

2nd call to Annual maintenance for civil work at HVDC Regional Training Center, HVDC Guest House, HVDC Civil unit , HVDC Circle Chandrapur and HVDC TL O&M Dn., Chandrapur

14-04-2018 13-05-2018 (214 KB)
7000007432 SLDC Kalwa

Re-tender for RE-Tender for awarding annual contract for general housekeeping/cleaning in New SLDC building & premises at MSLDC,MSETCL complex, Airoli.

14-04-2018 01-05-2018 (67 KB)
7000008546 Vashi

RFx for annual maintenance contract for providing of fire fighting   manpower for HVDC Complex, Padghe

14-04-2018 28-04-2018 (250 KB)
RFx - 7000008123 ₹. 24,83,939/- Pune

SRM E-Tender for the Work of routine maintenance work during outage & attending emergency breakdown work on various 400K Lines under jurisidiction of 400KV R.S Division, Lamboti.(dated 13-04-2018)

14-04-2018 22-04-2018 (122 KB)
7000008449 SLDC Kalwa

 Providing Trafford sheet roofing weather shed at the terrace of 8 no. SLDC staff quarters buildings at Kalwa complex Airoli

15-04-2018 01-05-2018 (67 KB)
7000008229 Vashi

Notice for 1st time extension of SRM Tender for the Repair, Recalibration of ACCORD Make Multifunction Meter with Up gradation of Hardware & Software with latest version “at 220 kV Pal S/S, 220 kV A'Nagar S/S, 220kV Washala S/S, 100kV Dombivali S/S, 100 kV Ambernath S/S, 100 kV Mohane S/S, 100KV Shahapur S/S &110 kV Neral S/S under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

16-04-2018 23-04-2018 (423 KB)
Tender No. EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/Tender-01/2017-18 RFX No.:7000007885 Pune

Detail Survey & profiling for 400kV DC line from 400kV Shikrapur (PGCIL) substation to 400kV Lonikand-II substation.(dated 24-04-2018)

16-04-2018 02-05-2018 (17 KB)
7000007771 Pune

Re- E- Tender for Work of repair of faulty 33/22/11 kV CT’S & PT’S available at various 220/132 kV Substation under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division –I, Pune.

16-04-2018 17-05-2018 (157 KB)
CELDK/MAINT/FM-15/836 DT. 16.04.2018 SLDC Kalwa

SITC of conference Public address system at 3r floor Conference hall, New SLDC building, Airoli.

16-04-2018 02-05-2018 (144 KB)
7000008556 Nagpur

Work of Fire & Safety Audit of 400KV S/S, Warora under 400KV (O&M) Division Warora.

16-04-2018 22-04-2018 (1.7 MB)
SE/EHV/(O&M) Circle/BSL/T/No. 0622 Nashik

EHV O & M Circle,(Khadka)Bhusawal:E-Enquiry for hiring of one light motor vehicle alongwith driver for Hot line Unit Bhusawal

16-04-2018 28-04-2018 (182 KB)
Tender No. EE/EHVPD-I/PN/T/Tender-01/2017-18 RFX No.:7000007885 Pune

Detail Survey & profiling for 400kV DC line from 400kV Shikrapur (PGCIL) substation to 400kV Lonikand-II substation.(dated 16-04-2018)

16-04-2018 23-04-2018 (345 KB)