E-TENDER Work of earth resistance measurement with stub cleaning of rusted tower legs, Applying anti-corrosive paint and cleaning of complete tower Platform of tower locations of 400 kV lines under LMSDN, Akot, under the jurisdiction of 400 kV R.S. Division.Akola.
eTender Notice (Rfx 7000008595) for work of Anticorrosive painting of EHV line tower passing through LOTE MIDC area.
E-Enquiry for annual maintenance contract (AMC) for Pest Control at Projects Circle, Kalwa for the year 2018-19
Hiring of Tata Sumo/ Indica/ Equivalent vehicle along with vehicle driver for HVDC TL O&M Division Rajgurunagar
Invitation SRM E-Tender for the work of renovation of earth mat at 100/22 kV Mhasala S/s under EHV O&M Dn.Mahad.
Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 400kV Babhaleshwar-Padghe Ckt- I & II lines under Junnar sub division for the year 2018-19.
Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 500kV Chandrapur-Padghe Bi-Pole HVDC line from loc. No. 1803 to 1970 under Padghe sub division for year 2018-19.
Work of Stub Strengthening of EHV towers under EHV line Sub-Division Latur under EHV O&M Division Latur
eTender Notice for Erection of demo bay for simulation at RTC Talandage, Dist. Kolhapur
CANCELLATION NOTICE for " Servicing and overhauling of 20 nos. of 22 kV VCB’s with replacement of worn-out parts of MSETCL approved OEM at 400 kV Chakan S/s.
Re-orientation of 400KV Khaparkheda bay at 400/220KV Koradi I S/s under 400KV R.S (O&M) Division Nagpur under EHV (O&M) Circle Nagpur
Tender No. T-1834/MSETCL/CO/DCM/D&T/LLSC for Turnkey works of interconnection by 220kV DCDC line between 220kV Waluj - Chitegaon line to 220kV Padegaon - Sawangi line (Route length- 20 kms) under Aurangabad Zone, Chief Engineer (D, C&M).
RE e-Tender for " Servicing and overhauling of 20 nos. of 22 kV VCB’s with replacement of worn-out parts of MSETCL approved OEM at 400 kV Chakan S/s.(dt. 19.04.2018)
Due date Extension for SRM E-Tender T-5R/2017-18, (RFx No. 7000007202) for construction of LILO line for proposed Traction S/stn. at Aravali Road and Kharepatan (Chinchawali) under Package - C upto 27.04.2018, 23:00 Hrs
eTender Notice T-02/18-19/ Rfx No.7000008063-IInd Call for the Work of Restringing of Conductor of various EHV Lines under Line-Maintenance S/Dn Borgaon coming under EHV O&M Division.
Annual Contract for hiring of 35+1 or more seater School cum Staff bus for daily trips from 400 kV Girwali Substation premises to Ambejogai Dist. Beed under 400 kV RS Division Girwali
2nd call of RFx for annual / monthly / weekly / daily maintenance & operation contract for PLC based ventilation system, centralized air-conditioning system, split AC system and window air conditioners at HVDC station, Padghe for the Year 2018-19
Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 500kV Chandrapur-Padghe Bi-Pole HVDC line from loc. No. 1575 to 1802 under Junnar sub division for year 2018-19
Hiring of Vehicle Tata Sumo / Bolero for EHV ss Projects Sdn, Baramati under EHV Projects Dn-I, Pune.(dated 21-04-2018)