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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
SE/EHV/PC/KLW/Tech/No. 422 Vashi

E-Enquiry for filling of E-TDS returns under the Income Tax Act. at EHV Projects Circle, Kalwa for financial year 2018-19.

11-05-2018 11-05-2018 (445 KB)
7000007948 Vashi

E-tender for daily Housekeeping work for various substations including  Division office under EHV(O&M)Bhandup Division for the year 2018-2019

11-05-2018 11-05-2018 (39 KB)
700000 7921 Karad

Re-tender notice RFx. No. 700000 7921 for Balance work of 132 KV Inter link line from 220 KV Jath to 110 KV Jath substation and 1x132 KV end bay at 110 KV Jath S/s

08-05-2018 11-05-2018 (15 KB)
445 Amravati

E-QUOTATION Deepening of open well at 220KV S/Stn. Yavatmal. (2nd Call )

05-05-2018 11-05-2018 (43 KB)
EE/EHV/PD-III/SOLAPUR/458 dt-05/05/2018 Pune

E-enquiry for the work of Providing security services (Civilians- 6Nos) at 132 kV
Wagdhari Sub-Station

05-05-2018 11-05-2018 (103 KB)
1058 Pune

Extension of E-enquiry for Hiring of Tata Sumo /Bolero for EHV S/s Project S/Dn, Baramati under EHV Project. Dn-I, Pune.(dated 05-05-2018)

04-05-2018 11-05-2018 (313 KB)
7000008720 Nagpur

E-enquiry for Procurement/supply of various type clamps & connectors required for Maintenance work at 400KV Substation, Chandrapur.

05-05-2018 11-05-2018 (41 KB)
7000008714 Pune

SRM E-enquiry in r/o work of Tree pruning/ trimming for 220kV, 132kV lines under EHV Line Maintenance Sub Division, Pimpri Chinchwad,Pune.(dated 04-05-2018)

05-04-2018 11-05-2018 (59 KB)
7000008567 Vashi

Work of Annual Maintenance Contract for 500kV Chandrapur-Padghe Bi-Pole HVDC line from loc. No. 1803 to 1970 under Padghe sub division for year 2018-19.

04-05-2018 11-05-2018 (93 KB)
EE/493 Dt: 03.05.2018 Pune

Publication of extension notice of Re-E-Enquiry for Hiring of Vehicle (TATA SUMO/Pick up vehicle or of similar category) along with driver for Addnl. Executive Engineer, Line Maintenance Sub-division II, Pune under EHV (O&M) Dn. II, Pune for the period of one year.(dated 03-05-2018)

28-03-2018 11-05-2018 (48 KB)
EE/400kV/Rs/Dn/BBLR/Tech/370,371 Nashik

400kV RS(O&M)Division,Babhaleshwar: Notice for

1.Supply & erection of 400kV single phase brake isolator with one E/S 105MVA spare ICT at 400kV RS Babhaleshwar.

2. Supply of emergency spare 400kV clamp & connector at 400kV RS Babhaleshwar.

02-05-2018 11-05-2018 (2.2 MB)
E-Enquiry No:0394 Pune

E-Enquiry for Work of attending oil leakages through LV Bushings of R, B & Neutral Bushing of 132/33kV 25MVA IMP Make Transformer at 132kV Walchandnagar Substation under EHV O&M Dn Baramati.

27-04-2018 11-05-2018 (367 KB)
992 Pune

Filing of e-TDS Return during financial year 2018-2019 for EHV Projects Division-I, Pune.

27-04-2018 11-05-2018 (402 KB)
7000008226 ,7000008231 Nashik

Testing and Communication Circle, Nashik:Extension of Sale period for SRM e-Tender  No. T-01 & T-02 i.e; Rfx.No.:7000008226 & 7000008231.

26-04-2018 11-05-2018 (191 KB)
RFX No. 7000008661 Pune

SRM Short Re-E- Tender for the work of Replacement of existing 220 kV and 132 kV C&R panels at 220 kV Theur SS under EHV (O&M) Division-I, Pune (dated 25-04-2018)

25-04-2018 11-05-2018 (65 KB)
7000008521 Amravati

Etender Construction of 02 x 132kV end bays with civil works each at 220kV Anjangaon S/S & 132kV Durgwada S/S under EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati.

11-04-2018 11-05-2018 (233 KB)
7000008511 Amravati

Etender Construction of 02 x 132kV end bays with civil works each at 132kV Washim S/S and at 132kV Jambazr S/S under EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati.

11-04-2018 11-05-2018 (234 KB)
7000008498 Amravati

Etender Construction of 02 x 132kV end bays with civil works each at 132kV Akot S/S and at 132kV Hiwerkhed S/S under EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati.

11-04-2018 11-05-2018 (234 KB)
7000008497 Amravati

Etender Construction of 02 x 132kV end bays with civil works each at 132kV Malegaon S/S and at 132kV Mehekar S/S under EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati.

11-04-2018 11-05-2018 (234 KB)
7000008298 Nagpur

Supply of Best quality indicating type blue silica gel special grade with high activation in 25 kg plastic bags (packed), size-3/4 mesh for maintenance of transformers at various substations under EHV (O&M) Division, Ballarshah.

12-04-2018 11-05-2018 (215 KB)