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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000030360 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-16 Work of Supply Installation Testing and Commissioning of Advanced ESE Type LCAT System at 132KV Malkapur & Buldhana S/Stn under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana( First Call)

01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (90 KB)
7000030125 Amravati

E-Tender towards the “ Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the work of attending emergency breakdown and urgent works as and when required on various 220 KV & 132 KV EHV Lines under EHV O&M Circle, Amravati”

01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (282 KB)
7000030343 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-15 Work of Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 3-Phase DSP system at 132kV Malkapur & Buldhana S/Stn under EHV O&M Division Buldhana( First Call)

01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (90 KB)
7000030331 Vashi

RFX for Hiring of Tata Sumo/ Mahindra Bolero/ vehicle with fuel along with vehicle driver for 500 kV HVDC TL O&M Sub Division, Babhleshwar for the FY 2024-25.

02-03-2024 08-03-2024 (286 KB)
7000030063 Vashi Hiring of Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero/Equivalent vehicle along with driver with fuel for 500kV HVDC TL (O&M) Sub-Division, Junnar for F.Y. 2024-25.   02-03-2024 08-03-2024 (287 KB)
7000030294 Vashi

Annual works contract for the work of cleaning and up-keeping services at various S/S, division office/Sub-Division office, colony premises of 220kV Temghar & 100kV Bhiwandi substation and cleaning of overhead and underground water tank for 2024-25 against admin budget under EHV O&M Division Kalwa.

01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (190 KB)
7000030251 Amravati

SRM e-TENDER NOTICE Strengthening of compound wall by replacing existing fencing at 132KV S/Stn.Tiwsa Dist. Amravati. ( 2nd call )

01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (343 KB)
7000029927 Vashi

 RE-Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract of Battery at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup for F.Y. 2023-25

01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (418 KB)
7000030282 Vashi E-Tender for  providing outsourcing services of 2 Nos. of Skilled labours against vacant post of LDC(F&A)/UDC(F&A) and 3 Nos. of unskilled labours against vacant post of Store Helper/ Peon at Major Stores, Panvel for the FY 2024-25 under Zone-I with ESIC. 01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (427 KB)
7000030209 Vashi

E-tender for procurement of various consumable material for maintenance of various R&M works at 400kV RS Kalwa and 220KV RS Kalwa under 400 KV RS Div Kalwa.

01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (828 KB)
7000030278 Vashi

SRM E-Tender for Hiring of one no. of light motor vehicle (LMV) for the office of the Executive Engineer, Major Stores, Panvel for Financial Year 2024-25.

01-03-2024 08-03-2024 (395 KB)
Enquiry L.No.91 dtd 28.02.2024 Pune

Budgetory offers through email are invited for 3 Phase 420kV,3150A 1 phase 400kV Circuit Breaker single pole tripping alongwith common control cabinet, support structure & other allied equipment. 63KA/3sec with spring-spring operating mechanism at 400kV Chakan S/S. (dated 28-02-2024)

28-02-2024 08-03-2024 (657 KB)
7000030188 SLDC Kalwa

Renewal of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server OS License (3 Nos) for Three years at SLDC Airoli .

02-03-2024 08-03-2024 (168 KB)
7000029323 SLDC Kalwa

Procurement of Microsoft 365 Cloud based email licenses for a period of Three [3] years for MSLDC, Airoli.

02-03-2024 08-03-2024 (138 KB)
MSETCL/EE/PAC-III/BSH/TECH/SR. No. 53 Date: 28/02/2024 Nagpur

Supply of material for Time stamping / Synchronization of Numerical Relays in existing GPS System at various RTU SCADA Based Sub stations under PAC Division –III, Ballarshah

28-02-2024 08-03-2024 (1.2 MB)
MSETCL/EE/PAC-III/BSH/TECH/SR.No.54 Dt:28.02.2024 Nagpur

Work of providing and fixing of Router at 220kv Warora and 220kv GCR Chandrapur Sub stations under PAC Division –III, Ballarshah for year 2023-24.

28-02-2024 08-03-2024 (1.2 MB)
RFx: 7000029991 Pune


PRE-BID Meeting 04.03.2024 @ 12:30 PM EHV O&M Circle Solapur

28-02-2024 07-03-2024 (103 KB)
7000030628, 7000030629 Vashi

1) Work of hiring of MMV- Mahindra Bolero Camper 5-Seater/ Tata Yodha Ex Crew Cabin Pickup 5- seater/ Isuzu D-Max Pickup 5- Seater or equivalent vehicle to attend the maintenance/ breakdown for 220KV Lines Sub-Division, Kalwa under EHV O&M Division, Kalwa for the year 2024-25. 

2) Work hiring of MMV- Mahindra Bolero Camper 5-Seater/ Tata Yodha Ex Crew Cabin Pickup 5- seater/ Isuzu D-Max Pickup 5- Seater or equivalent vehicle to attend the maintenance/ breakdown for 400KV Lines Sub-Division, Kalwa under EHV (O&M) Dn., Kalwa for the year 2024-25.

29-02-2024 07-03-2024 (115 KB)
7000030289 Vashi

Notice for providing services of 5 Nos of  Skilled labour (Typist / Steno-Typist/ LDC) at  Technical, Accounts & HR section & 4 nos of Unskilled labour (office attendant cum Peon) at EHV (O&M) Division, Dombivali & 1No of skilled labour (LDC cum typist) at Line S/Dn Padgha and 1No of skilled labour (LDC cum typist) at Line S/Dn Ambernath under EHV (O&M) Division Dombivali.

01-03-2024 07-03-2024 (24 KB)
7000030335 Nagpur

Annual Maintenance Contract for maintaining the substation yard clean, free from growth of any type of grass and disposing of the removed grass as directed by S/stn. Incharge at various Substations under EHV O&M Division Wardha.

01-03-2024 07-03-2024 (121 KB)