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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000008522 Vashi

Tender for providing 1 No. semiskilled labour (typist /computer operator) & 1 No. unskilled labour (Peon)for office work at EHV Project Division Kalwa.

12-04-2018 11-05-2018 (256 KB)
7000008518 Vashi

RFx for hiring of 1 No. vehicle for TATA SUMO (or equivalent ) along with vehicle driver for Regional Training Centre under HVDC RS(O&M) Circle Padghe for F.Y.2018-19

11-04-2018 11-05-2018 (218 KB)
7000008513 Nagpur

Retender for work of Painting for 03 Nos. of 100 MVA BHEL 400/220/20 KV ICTs, 01 No. of 100 MVA BHEL 400/220/33 KV Spare ICT, 01No. of 315 MVA BHEL Make ICT & 1 No. 400KV TBC Bus Reactor at 400KV RS (O&M) Division, Koradi-I Nagpur

10-04-2018 11-05-2018 (33 KB)
EE/LBT/137 DTd 05.05.2018 Pune

Work of Servicing & Maintanance of A.C of control room at 400 kV R.S. Division Lamboti.

05-05-2018 12-05-2018 (134 KB)
7000008429 Amravati

SRM e-tender Extension Construction of 02 x 220kV end bays with civil works at 220kV Yavatmal S/S for 220kV Deoli- Ghaotdi DCDC line under EHV PC O&M Zone, Amravati (RFX no. 7000008429) 2nd call.

05-05-2018 12-05-2018 (5 KB)
7000008671 Aurangabad

Work of supplying & placing prestressed cable trench covers at 132kV S/Stn. Ujani & 132kV S/Stn. Koyana (L) Dist. Latur. under CCCM Division Latur

27-04-2018 12-05-2018 (41 KB)
7000008691 Nagpur

Engaging Typist,Office Assistance & Peon (Semi Skilled / Unskilled) on outsourcing basis at various Division offices & circle office under the jurisdiction of HVDC O&M Circle, Chandrapur(2nd call)

28-04-2018 12-05-2018 (210 KB)
7000007919 Karad

Work of Providing & Fixing of Universal Name Plate (i.e. which includes Phase Plate, Number Plate, Ckt Plate, Loc No., Name of Line, Danger Board, Voltage Level etc) for 220KV & 110KV Lines coming under EHV O&M Division Sangli.

13-04-2018 12-05-2018 (21 KB)
7000008534 Karad

eTender on website for Rfx 7000008534 for attending oil leakage by power patch I & II technology.

12-04-2018 12-05-2018 (15 KB)
7000008517 Nashik

EHV O & M Division, Jalgaon:E-tender Notice the for Work of AMC for overhauling/servicing along with supply of required spares for 11KV CGL Make Vaccum Circuit Breakers at various 132kV substations.

13-04-2018 12-05-2018 (16 KB)
7000008442 Pune

Extension-I to Re-Tender for Annual Rate Contract for the work of overhauling & repairing of 11/22/33 KV Circuit Breakers of various make at various EHV sub-stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar.(dated 07-05-2018)

07-05-2018 13-05-2018 (126 KB)
7000008722 Karad

Enquiry towards Replacement of insulator string for 220KV Halkarni-Mahalaxmi line under EHV O&M Subdivision Mumewadi under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur vide RFX No. 7000008722.

04-05-2018 13-05-2018 (142 KB)
7000008684 Vashi

Hiring of 01 Nos. Pick-up Van (TATA Xenon XT, Mahindra-bolero camper, Mahindra- Imperia Isuzu-D-Max) excluding fuel & including driver, for maintenance unit of 400 kV & 220kV &100kV Padghe, under 400kV RS(O&M) Division, Padghe

05-05-2018 13-05-2018 (609 KB)
7000008690 Vashi

Notice for 3rd call of SRM Tender for the work for Re-orientation of 100 kV Line Jambhul MIDC line at 220 kV Jambhul sub-stn under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

28-04-2018 13-05-2018 (32 KB)
7000008673 Vashi

Notice for 2nd call of SRM Tender for the work for Tree cutting at EHV lines at hill portion area and Normal area to avoid tripping of lines under Lines s/dn Padgha under EHV O&M Dn Dombivali

28-04-2018 13-05-2018 (418 KB)
7000008562 Karad

eTender Notice T-03/2018-19/ RFx. No. 7000008562 for SRM E-Tender for Work of providing of Outsource Skilled Computer Operators, LDC, Un-Skilled Peons for various Sections under 400KV RS Dn. Alkud (M)

14-04-2018 13-05-2018 (26 KB)
7000008555 Nagpur

Metal spreading at 66kv Sub Station Alapalli; Dist. Gadchiroli

14-04-2018 13-05-2018 (105 KB)
7000007632 Nagpur

2nd call to AMC for Electrical Maintenance of the HVDC Guest House & Training Center, HVDC Circle office ,HVDC Civil Unit of HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur.

14-04-2018 13-05-2018 (368 KB)
7000007715 Nagpur

2nd call to Annual maintenance for civil work at HVDC Regional Training Center, HVDC Guest House, HVDC Civil unit , HVDC Circle Chandrapur and HVDC TL O&M Dn., Chandrapur

14-04-2018 13-05-2018 (214 KB)
7000008558 Karad

SRM E-Tender for Painting of Power T/F & ICT at various S/s, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

13-04-2018 13-05-2018 (15 KB)