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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
EE(T)/EHV/Tech/51 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry(First Extension): Providing of 1 No. LMV (car with A/C) Taxi permit Vehicle Maruti swift desire or equivalent along with Driver on hired basis for Executive Engineer, Nanded under PAC Division Nanded as per the scope of work as per Schedule “A”.

29-02-2024 06-03-2024 (105 KB)
EE(T)/EHV/Tech/53 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry(First Extension): providing of 1 No. LMV Taxi Permit Vehicle(TATA SUMO or equivalent) along with Driver on hired basis for Additional Executive Engineer,Automation unit Nanded under PAC Division Nanded as per the scope of work as per Schedule “A”.

29-02-2024 06-03-2024 (105 KB)
EE(T)/EHV/Tech/54 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry(First Extension): Providing of 1 No. LMV Taxi Permit Vehicle(TATA SUMO & equivalent) along with Driver on hired basis for Addl.Executive Engineer, Communication Unit Nanded under PAC Division Nanded as per the scope of work as per Schedule “A”.

29-02-2024 06-03-2024 (105 KB)
7000030284 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-23 AMC for the work of repair/overhauling/Servicing & alignment of various make 220KV, 132KV & 33KV Isolators installed at various 220KV& 132kVSubstations under EHV O&M Division, Buldana (First Call)

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (317 KB)
7000029643 Amravati

SRM Etender Work of replacement of old 70kN Tension and Suspension Insulator string of 220kV Badnera S/Stn by new 70kN (Antifog) porcelain long rod insulator string.

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (233 KB)
7000030283 Amravati

SRM E-TENDER NOTICE T-22 AMC for reconditioning and maintenance of BCC unit along with P&F of associated spares at site at various substation under EHV O&M Division, Buldhana.(First Call)

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (308 KB)
7000030246 Vashi

 E-tender for Annual battery mainteanance work for various Substation under EHV O&M Division,Kalwa

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (87 KB)
7000030249 Vashi

 E-tender for AMC for ABT metering communication system through E- watch software at  various Substation under EHV O&M Division,Kalwa

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (88 KB)
7000030262 Vashi

E-Tender for procurement of Polythene Paper, Gray Cloth & Silica Gel for the year 2024-25 at various S/S under EHV O&M Division Boisar.

29-02-2024 06-03-2024 (457 KB)
7000030264 Vashi

E-Tender for Annual works contract for the work of cleaning and up-keeping services at various S/S, division office/Sub-Division office, residential buildings premises of staff quarters colony, rest house and cleaning of overhead and underground water tank for 2024-25 against admin budget under EHV O&M Division Boisar.

29-02-2024 06-03-2024 (458 KB)
7000030266 Vashi

E-Tender for the work of Tree Cutting/Trimming in the ROW (35 m for 220kV, 27 m for 132/100 kV) of various 220kV, 132kV & 100kV Lines for the Year 2024-25 under EHV Line Maintenance Sub-Division Boisar under EHV O&M Division Boisar.

29-02-2024 06-03-2024 (458 KB)
7000030230 Vashi

Rate Contract Work of Chemical Cleaning of dust/bird shit contaminated insulator strings by using High Voltage Insulator Cleaner and Protector on 400 kV Babhaleshwar-Padghe Ckt-I & Ckt-II lines & reconditioning of replaced(old) 120kN/160kN disc insulators by using high voltage insulator cleaner & protector & testing under the jurisdiction of Padghe & Junnar S/dn under Rajgurunagar Division for the F.Y.2024-25.

29-02-2024 06-03-2024 (287 KB)
NA Pune

Allotment of Various R&M work under EHV O&M Circle, Pune through lottery system to Unemployed Engineers registered under EHV O&M Circle,Pune (dated 28-02-2024)

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (576 KB)
197 Karad

Meeting of Unemployed Engineers for allotment of works 2023-24 on 07-03-2024

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (2.4 MB)
Tender No:- 01/2024-25 RFX No:-7000030280 Pune

SRM E-Tender for the Work of maintenance, servicing & repairing of 220/110/48V DC Battery sets & Battery charger at various EHV substations under EHV O&M Division Baramati. (dated 28-02-2024)

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (13 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.00226 Karad

Enquiry for Supply of Projector at EHV O&M Division Office Ratnagiri.

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (501 KB)
EE/EHV O&M DN/RTN/T/ No.00225 Karad

Enquiry Extension for Supply of Steel lockers & Office table for various EHV Substations & Subdivision, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (566 KB)
7000030276 Karad

Annual civil maintenance work of colony and office premises at 110/33 KV sub station, Bapat camp, Dist-Kolhapur.( RFX No. 7000030276 )

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (490 KB)
7000030254 Karad

Providing mess facility and eating joint for Regional training catering at 400 KV R.S. Talandge, Dist-Kolhapur. ( RFX No. 7000030254 )

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (483 KB)
7000030180 Karad

SRM E-Tender for Renovation of existing earthmat of 132kV Kudal S/s and 132kV Kankavali S/s, under EHV O&M Division, Ratnagiri.

28-02-2024 06-03-2024 (283 KB)