Overhauling & Servicing of 33kV CGL make Circuit Breakers, at various S/stns. under EHV (O&M) Division, Parbhani.
Work of Providing & Tightening of N&B of Jumpers/Clamps of Various 400KV Lines under 400KV S/S O&M Dn, Warora. (2nd Call)
Tender No. SP/T-0503/0418 (Two Bid System) for Supply of Normal Disc and Antifog Long Rod Insulators of various types for various zones in phase-I for R&M scheme in MSETCL system, under Executive Engineer (P&C).
Amendment –III :extension to tender for 132KV line bay 1 No. at 220 KV Bidri(Mudhaltitta) S/s. under Karad Zone.
Enquiry for Providing diesel vehicle(TATA Indigo Car/Maruti Sift Dzire or its equvalent )with driver on hire basis for one year for EHV O & M Circle Karad
Enquiry of supply of UV protected goggles for Hot line unit and PID Unit Ogalewadi under EHV O & M Circle Karad
Enquiry for supply of safety shoes for Hot line unit and PID Unit Ogalewadi under EHV O & M Circle Karad
400 KV R.S. (O&M) Division,DHULE:Extension of E-tender –Notice for Conversion of 220 KV Interconnector line -1 & 2 bays single conductor to twin conductor at 220kv Substation Dhule (Old switch-Yard) and Jumper Replacement on interconnector-I tower
Enquiry for supply of rain suites & safety shoes for employees working under Testing Dn Kolhapur.
Work of Stub Strengthening of EHV towers under EHV line Sub-Division Latur under EHV O&M Division Latur
eTender Notice for Erection of demo bay for simulation at RTC Talandage, Dist. Kolhapur
Re- E- Tender for Work of repair of faulty 33/22/11 kV CT’S & PT’S available at various 220/132 kV Substation under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division –I, Pune.
SRM E-TENDER Extension Engaging Typist,Office Assistance & Peon (Semi Skilled / Unskilled) on outsourcing basis at various Division offices & circle office under the jurisdiction of HVDC O&M Circle, Chandrapur
RFx for hiring of 1 No. vehicle for TATA SUMO (or equivalent ) along with vehicle driver for Regional Training Centre under HVDC RS(O&M) Circle Padghe for F.Y.2018-19
Enquiry No.333 Dtd.11.05.2018 for Transportation of various EHV equipments/material from MSETCL Stores to 400 KV R.S.Karad & Vice versa.
Enquiry No.332 Dtd.11.05.2018 for Work of day to day cleaning & sweeping of 400 KV Control Room building & surrounding area under 400 KV R.S.Karad including Dn.office.
Extension for the SRM E-Tender for the providing various consumables items for pre monsoon maintenance at various location under Mahad Dn for the year 2018-19.
Providing Housekeeping Services at 400kV R.S. (O&M) Dn., Kharghar
Enquiry towards designing of earth mat at various substations under EHV O&M Division Kolhapur vide RFX No. 7000008790
eTender (RFX No. 7000008668) notice for the Work of Restringing of conductor of various EHV lines under LMSDN, Ogalewadi under EHV O&M Dn Karad