192 |
Karad |
Meeting of Unemployed Engineers for allotment of works 1st Lottery 2023-24 on 06-03-2024
27-02-2024 |
06-03-2024 |
(1.3 MB)
7000030247 |
Karad |
Retaining wall construction for 132KV suspension tower of 110 KV Kale Asurle Porle line at tower location no.80 (20 tower).( RFX No. 7000030247 )
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(451 KB)
7000030221 |
Nashik |
Notice for Work of Providing services for utilization of Emergency Restoration System (ERS) for the balance work of construction of 2nd source to 132kv A’nagar MIDC from 220kV Sonewadi S/s (132KV A’nagar-Nimblak line) due to outage constraints,
27-02-2024 |
04-03-2024 |
(493 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/DN/SGL/T/ No. 273 |
Karad |
Enquiry for Providing 1 No. of Diesel MARUTI SWIFT DEZIRE /INDIGO / HONDA AMEZ/ Equivalent or above Vehicle with driver on hire basis for the office use of The Executive Engineer EHV O&M Dn. Sangli.
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(44 KB)
N.A. |
Pune |
E- enquiry for the work of calibration various Instruments/ testing kits available at various substations under EHV O&M Division –I, Pune (dated 27-02-2024)
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(267 KB)
EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/Tech/ 108 Date:- 27.02.2024 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for calling budgetory offer through e-mail for estimation purpose only for Work for testing, refilling & reconditioning of various types of Fire Extinguishers at 400kV Lonikand-1 S/stn. (dated 27-02-2024)
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(307 KB)
EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/Tech/ 107 Date:- 27.02.2024 |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for calling budgetory offer through e-mail for estimation purpose only for the Work of overhauling & servicing of various make 22 kV Circuit breakers under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn Lonikand-I. (dated 27-02-2024)
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(310 KB)
85 |
Pune |
The budgetary offers through mail are invited for work for Refilling, Testing of Various Type of Fire extinguishers at 400 kV RS Jejuri..as per Schedule ‘A’ (dated 27-02-2024)
27-02-2024 |
29-02-2024 |
(524 KB)
N.A. |
Pune |
Re-call for Budgetary offer for supply, installation & commissioning of Neutral Grounding Reactor (NGR) at 220kV Phursungi under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune. (dated 27-02-2024)
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(328 KB)
190 |
Karad |
E-enquiry & Schedule B - Supply of Laptop & printer at EHV CCCM Circle, Kolhapur.
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(545 KB)
20 |
Karad |
E- enquiry for Supply of 2 nos of Digital clamp on meter (Tong tester), 2 nos of mini digital clamp leaker (AC leakage clamp-on- meter), 4 nos of digital multimeter and 2 nos of Analog multimeter for protection units under PAC Division Sangli.
27-02-2024 |
04-03-2024 |
(1.2 MB)
7000029889 |
Karad |
Cancellation notice:- Supply of 2 nos of Digital clamp on meter (Tong tester), 2 nos of mini digital clamp leaker (AC leakage clamp-on- meter), 4 nos of digital multimeter and 2 nos of Analogue multimeter for protection units under PAC Division Sangli
27-02-2024 |
04-03-2024 |
(241 KB)
7000030238 |
Nagpur |
Monkey patrolling of HVDC line and 400KV lines under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(290 KB)
7000030229 |
Nagpur |
3rd call SRM E-Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Cassette type of inverter AC at 400 KV Koradi II S/S under 400 KV S/S Division Koradi II.
27-02-2024 |
06-03-2024 |
(57 KB)
E-Enquiry (16-2023-24) No: EE/144 Dt.27.02.2024 |
Pune |
Work of supply of office chair at EHV O&M DIVISION BARAMATI, MSETCL. (dated 27-02-2024)
27-02-2024 |
04-03-2024 |
(329 KB)
7000030222 |
Amravati |
SRM Etender AMC for towards work of providing of Pipe type & Counter poise type earthing to towers of various 220 kV & 132 kV lines under EHV O&M Division, Akola for FY 2024–25
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(292 KB)
5000001202 |
Corporate Office |
Procurement and Retrofit of Existing Old Quadruple Break SF6 Circuit Breakers ( Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning) by New one alongwith Dismantling of Existing 400kV Quad Circuit Breakers for HVDC-II Line Bay & TBC bay at owners yard of 400kV Chandrapur & Padghe S/s.
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(427 KB)
7000030141 |
Corporate Office |
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of capacitor banks of various voltage rating under various Substations at Pune Zone under Phase VI of MSETCL.
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
27-02-2024 |
12-03-2024 |
(204 KB)
7000030216 |
Amravati |
SRM Etender AMC for Overhauling, Servicing & Alignment of 220 kV, 132 kV and 33 kV DB Isolators of all makes along with supply of Spares at 220 kV Sub-Station Akola under the jurisdiction of 400kV R.S. Division, Akola. (First Call).
27-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
(424 KB)
EE/EHV PD-I/PN/T-01/2023-24(RFX NO.7000029171 |
Pune |
E-tender for Biennial rate contract for the work of preliminary, detail & check survey as & when required for various projects for system strengthening and for shifting/height raising/ reorientation of EHV lines for Highway crossing/ Railway crossing & ORC consumers etc. under jurisdiction of EHV Project Division 1 ,Pune (dated 26-02-2024)
27-02-2024 |
04-03-2024 |
(52 KB)