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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
192 Karad

Meeting of Unemployed Engineers for allotment of works 1st Lottery 2023-24 on 06-03-2024

27-02-2024 06-03-2024 (1.3 MB)
7000030247 Karad

Retaining wall construction for 132KV suspension tower of 110 KV Kale Asurle Porle line at tower location no.80 (20 tower).( RFX No. 7000030247 )

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (451 KB)
7000030221 Nashik

Notice for Work of Providing services for utilization of Emergency Restoration System (ERS) for the balance work of construction of 2nd source to 132kv A’nagar MIDC from 220kV Sonewadi S/s (132KV A’nagar-Nimblak line) due to outage constraints,

27-02-2024 04-03-2024 (493 KB)
EE/EHV O&M/DN/SGL/T/ No. 273 Karad

Enquiry for Providing 1 No. of Diesel MARUTI SWIFT DEZIRE /INDIGO / HONDA AMEZ/ Equivalent or above Vehicle with driver on hire basis for the office use of The Executive Engineer EHV O&M Dn. Sangli.

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (44 KB)
N.A. Pune

E- enquiry for the work of calibration various Instruments/ testing kits available at various substations under EHV O&M Division –I, Pune (dated 27-02-2024)

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (267 KB)
EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/Tech/ 108 Date:- 27.02.2024 Pune

E-Enquiry for calling budgetory offer through e-mail for estimation purpose only for Work for testing, refilling & reconditioning of various types of Fire Extinguishers at 400kV Lonikand-1 S/stn. (dated 27-02-2024)

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (307 KB)
EE/400 KV /R.S.O&M /Dn/Lonikand-I/Tech/ 107 Date:- 27.02.2024 Pune

E-Enquiry for calling budgetory offer through e-mail for estimation purpose only for the Work of overhauling & servicing of various make 22 kV Circuit breakers under 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn Lonikand-I. (dated 27-02-2024)

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (310 KB)
85 Pune

The budgetary offers through mail are invited for work for Refilling, Testing of Various Type of Fire extinguishers at 400 kV RS Jejuri..as per Schedule ‘A’ (dated 27-02-2024)

27-02-2024 29-02-2024 (524 KB)
N.A. Pune

Re-call for Budgetary offer for supply, installation & commissioning of Neutral Grounding Reactor (NGR) at 220kV Phursungi under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune. (dated 27-02-2024)

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (328 KB)
190 Karad

E-enquiry & Schedule B - Supply of Laptop & printer at EHV CCCM Circle, Kolhapur.

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (545 KB)
20 Karad

E- enquiry for Supply of 2 nos of Digital clamp on meter (Tong tester), 2 nos of mini digital clamp leaker (AC leakage clamp-on- meter), 4 nos of digital multimeter and 2 nos of Analog multimeter for protection units under PAC Division Sangli.

27-02-2024 04-03-2024 (1.2 MB)
7000029889 Karad

Cancellation notice:- Supply of 2 nos of Digital clamp on meter (Tong tester), 2 nos of mini digital clamp leaker (AC leakage clamp-on- meter), 4 nos of digital multimeter and 2 nos of Analogue multimeter for protection units under PAC Division Sangli

27-02-2024 04-03-2024 (241 KB)
7000030238 Nagpur

Monkey patrolling of HVDC line and 400KV lines under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (290 KB)
7000030229 Nagpur

3rd call SRM E-Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Cassette type of inverter AC at 400 KV Koradi II S/S under 400 KV S/S Division Koradi II.

27-02-2024 06-03-2024 (57 KB)
E-Enquiry (16-2023-24) No: EE/144 Dt.27.02.2024 Pune

Work of supply of office chair at EHV O&M DIVISION BARAMATI, MSETCL. (dated 27-02-2024)

27-02-2024 04-03-2024 (329 KB)
7000030222 Amravati

SRM Etender AMC for towards work of providing of Pipe type & Counter poise type earthing to towers of various 220 kV & 132 kV lines under EHV O&M Division, Akola for FY 2024–25

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (292 KB)
5000001202 Corporate Office

Procurement and Retrofit of Existing Old Quadruple Break SF6 Circuit Breakers ( Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning) by New one alongwith Dismantling of Existing 400kV Quad Circuit Breakers for HVDC-II Line Bay & TBC bay at owners yard of 400kV Chandrapur & Padghe S/s.

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (427 KB)
7000030141 Corporate Office

Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of capacitor banks of various voltage rating under various Substations at Pune Zone under Phase VI of MSETCL.

Document Title End Date File
Amendment No. I 21-03-2024 (261 KB)
Amendment No. II 28-03-2024 (264 KB)
27-02-2024 12-03-2024 (204 KB)
7000030216 Amravati

SRM Etender AMC for Overhauling, Servicing & Alignment of 220 kV, 132 kV and 33 kV DB Isolators of all makes along with supply of Spares at 220 kV Sub-Station Akola under the jurisdiction of 400kV R.S. Division, Akola. (First Call).

27-02-2024 05-03-2024 (424 KB)
EE/EHV PD-I/PN/T-01/2023-24(RFX NO.7000029171 Pune

E-tender for Biennial rate contract for the work of preliminary, detail & check survey as & when required for various projects for system strengthening and for shifting/height raising/ reorientation of EHV lines for Highway crossing/ Railway crossing & ORC consumers etc. under jurisdiction of EHV Project Division 1 ,Pune (dated 26-02-2024)

27-02-2024 04-03-2024 (52 KB)