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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000029953 Vashi

Supply of 40 Nos. of Mid Back Chairs with writing pad and leather upholstery for Regional Training Centre, Padghe.

22-02-2024 28-02-2024 (248 KB)
7000029630 Amravati

SRM Etender Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of additional 1 x 25MVA,132/33 kV T/F along with Bay equipments and all allied equipments with Civil works at 132kV Arni substation, under EHV O&M Division Yavatmal on turnkey basis under MSKVY 2.0 (T/F will be provided by MSETCL)

22-02-2024 28-02-2024 (319 KB)
7000030057 Nashik

(3rd call)Notice for Work of Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract and attending EmergencyBreakdown work as &Whenrequired for 400kV S/C & D/C Lines under 400kV LMSD Akot Side & Babhaleshwar side under 400kV RS Dn. Khadka-Bhusawal

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (124 KB)
7000030052 Vashi

E-Tender for Work of Health Assessment of grounding system & soil resistivity measurement (Earthing Audit) of existing earth mat at 220/132/33 kV Boisar-II S/S under EHV O&M Division Boisar.


22-02-2024 28-02-2024 (457 KB)
7000030039 Vashi

E-Tender 1st call Notice for work of Supply and Installation of EPDM based Modular Advance Multi Cable Transit System for cable entry points for control and power cables at 220kV Kolshet, Mulund & 100kV Vashi Substation under EHV O&M Dn. Bhandup.

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (428 KB)
7000030060 Vashi

E-Tender 1st call Notice for work of Supply & Erection of 33/22kV CT, PT, CB LA which were removed from Spare / Unutilized bays during emergencies at other S/stn. under EHV (O&M) Division, Boisar . 

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (444 KB)
7000030061 Vashi

RFX for Hiring of Swift Desire/Honda Amaze vehicle along with fuel and driver on hired basis for 500kV HVDC TL(O&M) Dn, Rajgurunagar for F.Y. 2024-25.

22-02-2024 28-02-2024 (288 KB)
E-Enquiry Vashi

E-Enquiry  for submission of budgetary offer for Provision of 2x60 MVAr, 220 kV Shunt Capacitor Bank at 220 kV Padghe Substation under  400k V RS (O&M) Dn, Padghe  under HVDC RS (O&M) Circle,  Padghe.

22-02-2024 28-02-2024 (2.1 MB)
7000030055 Vashi

E-tender for annual maintenance contract for cleaning & sweeping of office premises area under 400KV RS Dn Kalwa & EHV (O&M) Circle, Kalwa and EHV O&M Testing Dn Kalwa for the year 2024-25.

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (870 KB)
7000029904 Vashi

2nd call E-tender for CB air compressor overhauling at 220kV RS Kalwa and 400KV R S Kalwa under 400kV RS division Kalwa

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (1.7 MB)
7000030067 Vashi

E-tender Notice for RFx e-tender for AMC for work of overhauling/repairing of T/F and ICT Cooling Fan at various substations under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel on MSETCL Website.

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (205 KB)
7000029761 Vashi

E-tender Notice for RFx Re-e-tender for work of rewiring of 3 nos of 22kV C & R double feeder panel in new control room at 220kV ONGC SS Panvel under EHV (O&M) Division Panvel on MSETCL Website.

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (206 KB)
7000030058 Nagpur

Measurement of Tower Footing Resistance of various lines under HVDC TL O&M Division, Chandrapur for FY 2024-25

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (466 KB)
7000030005 Nagpur

AMC for cleaning of premises of the 500KV HVDC TL O&M Division along with HVDC TL O&M S/Dn Cpur, 400KV LM Sdn Cpur, HVDC TL O&M S/Dn Ytl, Security office, Parking Shed in front of Lines Office and lines stores Chandrapur for 2024-25

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (659 KB)
7000030037 Nagpur

AMC for 2023-24 for the Work of complete Repairs/Overhauling/Servicing/alignment of 245 KV , 145KV & 33KV various Bus & Line Isolators at 220KV and 132KV EHV S/stn under EHV O&M Dn. Bhandara.

22-02-2024 29-02-2024 (604 KB)
7000029091 SLDC Kalwa

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 4 No’s of Desktop Computers and 4 No’s of Laptops(along with Microsoft office) on buyback basis at SLDC Airoli.

22-02-2024 28-02-2024 (121 KB)
NA Pune

Cancellation of E Enquiry for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computers (Desktops, Laptops and such a devices), Printers, general purpose and system software including supply, installation & maintenance at various SS under EHV O&M Division-I, Pune, SS Maint. S/Dn-I, Pune, Line maintenance S/Dn-I, Pune, PAC Dn.2: Pimpri Chinchwad S/Dn- 03 Nos. at Sharda Centre, Hot line unit Pune, PID Unit Pune for the period of 01 years

21-02-2024 26-03-2024 (284 KB)
7000029927 Vashi

“Extension to E-Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract of Battery at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup for F.Y. 2023-25

21-02-2024 28-02-2024 (417 KB)
7000030059 Nagpur

Work of providing & fixing of various make 220KV Isolator moving blade & Earth blade with allied Isolator parts at 220kV MIDC Chandrapur, 220KV Tadali & 220KV Nagbhid substation under EHV O&M Division, Ballarshah

21-02-2024 27-02-2024 (90 KB)
252 Amravati

cancellation of E-enquiry for hiring of diesel vehicle (LMV) along with driver for utilization of drones along with driver for day to day working at line maintenance Sub-Division,Khamgaon under EHV (O&M)Division ,Buldhana FY 2024-25

21-02-2024 21-02-2024 (214 KB)