7000008703 |
Karad |
eTender Notice T-06/18-19/ Rfx No.7000008703-IInd Call for the Annual Work Contract of Transportation of Equipments /Material from Major Stores, Karad to various EHV S/Stns vice versa & S/Stn to S/Stns under EHV O&M Division Sangli
29-05-2018 |
12-06-2018 |
(19 KB)
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for overhauling / repair of intank type OLTCs of 220/33 kV 50 MVA BHEL make Power Transformers at 220 kV Osmanabad s/s under EHV O&M Division Beed
06-06-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(187 KB)
7000009083 |
Vashi |
Notice for SRM Enquiry for the work of repairs of 22 kV CT’s/PT’s at various sub-stn under EHV O& Dn., Dombivali.
07-06-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(487 KB)
RFX No:- 7000008719 |
Pune |
Time Limit Extension Notice in r/o. SRM Tender for the work of Servicing, Alignment & Maintenance of 220/132/33/11KV Isolators available at various 220/132 KV Substations under jurisdiction of Trans O & M Division, Solapur.
06-06-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(75 KB)
7000008599 |
Amravati |
E-TENDER Work of replacement of punctured disc strings having 03 & above nos. of punctured discs, detected in PID of 400kV Akot- Akola LILO line, on urgent basis under LMSDN, Akot, under the jurisdiction of 400 kV R.S. Division. Akola.(Second Call).
29-05-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(32 KB)
7000008781 |
Aurangabad |
Package –C - Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 132kV, 2 X 15MVAR & 1X15MVAR Capacitor Banks along with associated HV bays & Civil works at various EHV Substations under EHV P. C. O&M Zone, Aurangabad.
14-05-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(13 KB)
7000008780 |
Aurangabad |
Package –B - Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 132kV, 2 X 15MVAR & 1X15MVAR Capacitor Banks along with associated HV bays & Civil works at various EHV Substations under EHV P. C. O&M Zone, Aurangabad.
14-05-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(13 KB)
7000008783 |
Aurangabad |
Package –A - Design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 132kV, 2 X 15MVAR & 1X15MVAR Capacitor Banks along with associated HV bays & Civil works at various EHV Substations under EHV P. C. O&M Zone, Aurangabad.
14-05-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(13 KB)
EE/400 KV/RS DN./Lonikand II/2018-19/ET-03 date:14.05.2018 |
Pune |
RFX no. 7000008819 Re-tender Supply Electrical Spare Material at 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn Lonikand- II.(dated 14-05-2018)
14-05-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(411 KB)
6000000527 |
Corporate Office |
Tender No. T-1849/MSETCL/CO/C&M/T/ SS-Pretender for A) Installation and Supply of 400 kV, 125 MVAr bus shunt reactor with bay at 400 kV Lonikand- II substation under Pune Zone. B) Installation of 400 kV, 125 MVAr bus shunt reactor with bay at 400 kV Nanded (Kumbhargaon) substation under Aurangabad Zone (Excluding supply of reactor but its ETC in bidder’s scope) under Chief Engineer (C&M).
Document Title |
End Date |
File |
11-05-2018 |
13-06-2018 |
(341 KB)
7000008897 |
Karad |
eTender Notice for Construction of 220 KV Circuit breaker & light mast foundations for 25MVA GEC ALSTOM T/F (MGO type) and Construction of septic tank, Inspection chember & soak pit with drainage line at toilet block of C/R & Store at 220 KV Sub Station Oni,Dist. Ratnagiri. ( RFX No. 7000008897 )
06-06-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(615 KB)
7000009084 |
Vashi |
E-tender for repairing of tan delta kit (make Doble, model No. M4000 Insulation Analyzer Sr.No. 081121152)at 220kv Mulund Substation under EHV(O&M)Division, Bhandup
08-06-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(29 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM Dn/NSK/Tech-891 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik: Extension Notice for various types of maintenance work in control room at 220 kV substation kalwan.
07-06-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(212 KB)
EEC/EHV/CCCM Dn/NSK/Tech-888 |
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik: (Recall)Notice for providing vehicle on hired basis for Add.Executive Engineer (Civil)EHV CCCM Sub Division,Babhaleshwar.
07-06-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(760 KB)
7000009085 |
Vashi |
SRM Enquiry for procurement of 5HP Motor pump set and DOL starter for draining the water from cable trench at 100KV Nocil Substations under EHV (O&M) Division, Bhandup.
07-06-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(43 KB)
7000009034 |
Vashi |
Fire fighting services for 400kV Substation, Kharghar
06-06-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(104 KB)
NA |
Pune |
E-Enquiry for the work of carrying out control room wiring work at 220KV Bale Substation under jurisdiction of EHV O & M Division, Solapur under jurisdiction of EHV O&M Division Solapur
07-06-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(131 KB)
EE/400kV/RS/Div/GRL/06 |
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry for various cleaning works at 400KV sub – station, Control Room, Lines S/Dn. II Office, 220KV C/R and Colony, Girwali & quarterly Cleaning works at 400KV S/Stn. Girwali MSETCL premises under 400kV RS(O&M) Division Girwali.
06-06-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(3.2 MB)
7000008726 |
Vashi |
Second call for the of SRM E-Tender for the work of providing and fixing of Spike Guard using special type of earthling techniques at Hilly & rocky locations (Extra High current carrying capacity earth pits or maintenance free earthing i.e Deep dig conductive type by drilling 40 feet 4.5 inch bore ) at various locations of 220KV&100KV EHV Lines under the Jurisdiction of Koyna transmission line sub division Mahad under EHV O & M Dn.Mahad.
31-05-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(35 KB)
7000009001 |
Nagpur |
Tender for Work of Providing & applying Insulation Coating on Tertiary Side equipments of 400/220/33 kV, 501 MVA ,ICT-I & ICT-II i.e 33 kV PT, BPI, IPS Tube, LA & Tertiary Bushing at 400 kV S/stn Dn,Koardi-II
30-05-2018 |
14-06-2018 |
(32 KB)