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Total Records : 42315 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
7000029813 Pune

SRM Re-E-Enquiry for supply of silica Gel (blue indicate) at various EHV Sub-Stations under EHV O&M Division Manchar. (dated 02-02-2024)

02-02-2024 12-02-2024 (615 KB)
- Pune

Lottery Notice- Allocation of civil works by lottery system to Unemployed Engineers under EHV CCCM Circle Pune for Solapur Division to be held at EHV CCCM Division Solapur on 12.02.2024 at 11.00 AM (dated 01-02-2024)

01-02-2024 12-02-2024 (2.3 MB)
7000029832 Nagpur

Work of Health Assessment of grounding system & soil resistivity measurement (Earthing Audit) at various Sub-stations, under EHV (O&M) Division, Ballarshah

05-02-2024 11-02-2024 (92 KB)
7000029812 Karad

The work of Supply ,Testing & commissioning of Twin Channel Digital PLCC along with Plug-in type Analog protection coupler for 132KV Kharepatan (Chinchawali) TSS , Dist.Sindhudurg

02-02-2024 11-02-2024 (279 KB)
7000029804 Nagpur

Annual Maintenance (AMC) of N2 Fire Protection Systems at 220KV Kalmeshwar Sub-Station , 220KV Butibori Sub-Station & 220KV Ambazari Sub-Station and 220 KV Kanhan Sub-Station, under EHV (O&M) Division, Nagpur

03-02-2024 11-02-2024 (24 KB)
7000029811 Nagpur

E-Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract for various types of fire extinguisher with spares as on when required basis at 400/220KV Koradi-1 substation under 400KV RS (O&M) Division, Koradi.

03-02-2024 11-02-2024 (32 KB)
7000029728 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: Providing and fixing of Sheet Moulding Compound Trench Covers (Chequered Plate) at 132 kV Renapur S/s & 132 kV A’pur S/s under EHV (O&M) Dn, Latur.

03-02-2024 10-02-2024 (104 KB)
7000029821 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: AMC for the Work of Overhauling / Servicing of 145kV GE T&D India Ltd. (Erstwhile AREVA / ALSTOM) make Circuit Breakers, at various S/stn. under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

03-02-2024 10-02-2024 (379 KB)
7000029820 Aurangabad

SRM E-Tender: AMC for the Work of Overhauling / Servicing of 245kV GE T&D India Ltd. (Erstwhile AREVA / ALSTOM) make Circuit Breakers, at various S/stn. under EHV (O&M) Circle, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.

03-02-2024 10-02-2024 (379 KB)
7000029816 Nagpur

Supply of Coupling Devices (LMU) for various EHV lines under Communication Unit, PAC Division – II, Nagpur.

03-02-2024 10-02-2024 (70 KB)
7000029808 Karad

Day to day maintenance of civil assets of control room & yard premises & Miscellaneous civil works at 220KV S/stn. Lote, 220KV S/stn. Dasturi, Tal-Khed, Dist-Ratnagiri. (Ist Call)

03-02-2024 10-02-2024 (454 KB)
7000029756 Pune

2nd call to Re-tender for Work Contract of Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Balance work of 132 kV Daund Shrigonda D/C line at 132 kV Shrigonda SS (approx.-0.234Km) (dated 02-02-2024)

03-02-2024 10-02-2024 (345 KB)
7000029800 Amravati

SRM Etender Work of DGA of Oil Samples of ICTs & Transformers, available at 400 kV R.S Akola & 220 kV Sub-Station Akola, under the jurisdiction of 400 kV R.S. Division, Akola for F.Y. 2023-2024-2025. (First Call).

03-02-2024 10-02-2024 (421 KB)
7000026065 Pune

Cancellation Notice of Re-tender for Work Contract for replacement of existing old battery set & battery charger by new battery set & battery chargers with buyback offer at various EHV S/s under Pune Circle.

31-01-2024 09-02-2024 (11 KB)
RFX:7000029900 Nagpur

Annual maintenance contract for work of 'servicing/ overhauling of 33kV VCB's at various 132kV Sub Stations under RS Ringmain Division Nagpur

09-02-2024 09-02-2024 (471 KB)
EE/132 Dt: 08.02.2024 Pune

Publication of cancellation notice for supply and installation of 25Litre storage Capacity, RO+UV+UF+TDS controller, Water Cooler with purifier (Potable water purification system with inbuilt water cooler & 10Litre storage Capacity, RO+UV+UF+TDS controller, Water purifier for various substations under EHV O & M Dn-II, Pune. (dated 08-02-2024)

08-02-2024 09-02-2024 (206 KB)
E-enquiry Vashi

Extension to E-enquiry for submission of Quotations/ budgetary offer for Supply, Erection and foundation of 132KV Monopole with 02 ACSR Panther Conductor , 220 KV Double-Circuit Monopole with 0.4 ACSR Zebra conductor  towards estimation work of various departmental and ORC work under EHV Projects Dn, Kalyan.

07-02-2024 09-02-2024 (1.7 MB)
Enquiry Vashi

 Extension to E-enquiry for submission of Quotation/ Budgetary offer of 220kV &132kV GIS bay modules for various MSETCL Projects & ORC’s Substations with underground cable.

29-01-2024 09-02-2024 (3.2 MB)
7000029751 Nashik

1st extension to “ Work of detailed survey for existing various EHV towers/Lines while execution of work of proposed BG railway between Borvihir- Nardana section under EHV LMSD Dhule, under EHV (O&M) Division, Dhule.”

07-02-2024 09-02-2024 (78 KB)
Enquiry for Scheme for replacement Vashi

Enquiry for Scheme for replacement of LV side old 33kV XLPE 3 core, 400 sq.mm. power cable by 1 core 630sq.mm.power cable at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Division Bhandup .

02-02-2024 09-02-2024 (151 KB)