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Total Records : 42382 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
522 Karad

E-Enquiry No.522 Dtd.16.07.2018 for Work of fabrication (i.e.Electric/Gas welding, Argon welding, Cu welding, Cast welding) of various equipment structures, Cable trays, Earthing strips & other miscellaneous welding works whenever required at 400 KV R.S.Karad.

16-07-2018 24-07-2018 (2 MB)

EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik:Extension Notice For Various Types Of Maitainance Work In Control Room & staff quarter at 132 kv substation shrigonda

16-07-2018 24-07-2018 (194 KB)
EE/EHV/O&M/NND/814 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry for work of DGA testing by Mobile Lab of T/F oil and other tests of oil for ICT's & transfoffnersa t various sub-stationsu nderE HV(O&M) Division, Nanded.

16-07-2018 24-07-2018 (368 KB)

EHV CCCM Circle Nashik: E- Enquiry for supply of stationay materials.

13-07-2018 24-07-2018 (530 KB)
7000009449 Nagpur

Work of Providing Outsource services of “Junior Technician” at Various Substations under EHV O&M Division Ballarshah.

10-07-2018 24-07-2018 (211 KB)
7000009414 Karad

SRM-Tender Notice T-09/18-19/ RFx. No. 7000009414 for the Work of Providing of Out-Sourcing Skilled Operators at various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division Sangli.

10-07-2018 24-07-2018 (21 KB)
7000009415 Karad

SRM-Tender Notice T-08/18-19/ RFx. No. 7000009415 for the Work of Providing of Out-Sourcing Skilled Junior Technicians at various EHV S/Stns under EHV O&M Division Sangli.

10-07-2018 24-07-2018 (21 KB)
EE/400KV/RS/O&M/DN/DHL/313 Nashik

400 kV R.S.EHV(O&M)Dn. Kundane,Dhule.:E-enquiry for the work of providing of crane service along with driver(14 Ton and boom lenght 16 M)on as and when required basis. 

09-07-2018 24-07-2018 (422 KB)
EE/400 KV/RS DN./LONIKAND II/2018-19/ET/ 04 DATE:21.05.2018 Pune

E-tendeer of RFX No. 7000009263 of Spare electrical hardware material at 400 KV R.S.(O&M) Dn Lonikand-II S/Stn.(dated 26-06-2018)

25-06-2018 24-07-2018 (411 KB)
7000009259 Nagpur

work of Height Raising of Tower leg Chimney at 220KV Wardha-Yeotmal & 220KV Wardha-Warora EHV lines under EHV (O&M) Division Wardha.

25-06-2018 24-07-2018 (474 KB)
7000009213 Pune

Work Contract of Supply of material, Erection, Testing and Commissioning for work of 2x132kV line bay at 132kV Hotgi Traction Sub Station Dist - Solapur with Civil work.(dated 20-07-2018)

21-06-2018 25-07-2018 (197 KB)
1750 Amravati

E-Enquiry for work of repairing of communication between DCU and ABT Computer at 132 kV S/Stn Risod & 132 kV S/Stn Mangrulpir under EHV (O&M) Division, Akola.

18-07-2018 25-07-2018 (42 KB)
1749 Amravati

E - Enquiry for work of replacement of bend angle cross member of Cross Arm at Loc. No. 03 in r/o 132 kV Balapur – Akot line under EHV (O&M) Division, Akola.

18-07-2018 25-07-2018 (44 KB)
7000009422 Vashi

Extension to SRM Enquiry for Repairing & Calibration of Megger at various Substations under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup.

19-07-2018 25-07-2018 (23 KB)
7000009084 Vashi

Extension to E-tender for repairing of tan delta kit (make Doble, model No. M4000 Insulation Analyzer Sr.No. 081121152)at 220kv Mulund Substation under EHV(O&M)Division, Bhandup

25-07-2018 25-07-2018 (24 KB)
SE/O&M/ABD/1372 Aurangabad

Notice for Allotment of Works to Unemployed Engineers, by Lottery System, as per MSETCL’s Corporate Office Scheme, under EHV (O&M) Circle, MSETCL, Aurangabad.

18-07-2018 25-07-2018 (1.3 MB)
7000009570 Vashi

RFx for repair of 12 nos. WNE044 Bit bus card at HVDC, Padghe.

19-07-2018 25-07-2018 (248 KB)
EE/CCCM/PBN/228 Aurangabad

E-Enquiry (quotation notice) for the work of Rectification of flooring of BCR & other miscellaneous works at 220 kV S/S Hingoli, Dist. Hingoli under CCCM Division Parbhani

17-07-2018 25-07-2018 (244 KB)
SE/TCC/NSK/T/228 Nashik

Testing and Communication Circle:Notice for work of providing 1 no. Steno-Typist for TCC Nashik.

17-07-2018 25-07-2018 (595 KB)
7000009498 Nagpur

Supply of 4 nos. of single phase, 10A dimmerstat (AE-10D1P or Equivalent) for CT/PT testing for Testing Unit/ Batches under Testing Dn Nagpur

17-06-2018 25-07-2018 (88 KB)