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Total Records : 42238 SRM e-Tendering
Rfx No Zone Tender Title Start Date End Date View File
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005287 )Retender for the work of detailed survey and preparation of reports of 132kV Dahanu- Suryanagar Kavdas Jawahar line under EHV Projects Dn, Kalyan.(22-06-2017). 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (189 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005754 )Hiring of Tata Sumo /Indica /Equivalent vehicle along with vehicle driver for HVDC TL O&M Division Rajgurunagar.(22-06-2017).. 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (103 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005623 )Work of replacement of faulty/broken disc insulator string, replacement of missing earth-wire of 400kV BBLR-PDG Ckt-II line under the jurisdiction of Padghe sub-division.(22-06-2017). 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (103 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005777 )Tender No. : EE/EHV (O&M)/DN/BND/e-Tender-07/ 2017-2018.RE-tender for Hiring of XLYO or equivalent vehicle 01 nos. for Carrier Subdivision of Telecom Division Kalwa for the for the period 01.08.2017 to 31.03.2018.(22-06-2017). 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (28 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000005624 )Work of replacement of faulty/broken disc insulator string, replacement of missing earth-wire of 400kV BBLR-PDG Ckt-I line under the jurisdiction of Padghe sub-division.(22-06-2017). 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (103 KB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000004951 )RE SRM Enquiry for the AMC of drinking water cooler & water purifier at various Substation & Division under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup. (22-06-2017). 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (23 KB)
- RE-Enquiry RFX No. :-7000005768 for Supply of various T&P required for various day to day maintenance work at 400 KV Line Maint. Sub-Dn. under 400 KV R.S.Karad.(dated 22-06-2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (21 KB)
- RE-TENDER NOTICE:(Rfx No.7000005107) for Providing Outsource LDC cum Computer Operators, Peon under Major Store, Ogalewadi, Karad.(dated 22-06-2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (158 KB)
- RE Tender Notice RFX No.7000005773 for Removing of Grass, Shrubs, Weeds & AMC for the work of Weed Control Chemical treatment, Rodent Control Treatment & Disinfestations Services at 400 KV, 220 KV & 33 KV Switchyard & other areas under 400 KV RS Karad.(dated 22-06-2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (1.3 MB)
- SRM E-Tender (RFx -7000004660 )Cancellation of E Tender for Hiring of XLYO or equivalent vehicle 01 no for carrier subdivision of Telecom Division Kalwa for the period from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018. (22-06-2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (40 KB)
- 7 Days Extension for Enquiry towards Supply of 16 sq.mm single core flexible copper wire for earth rods for 220KV Mudshingi substation under EH VO&M Division Kolhapur.(dated 22-06-2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (109 KB)
- RFX No. 7000005055 - 10 Days Extension for Re-Tender for supply and commissioning of BCU required for extension of busbar protection to 1 x 50 MVA , 2220/33KV Transformer.(dated 22-06-2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (132 KB)
- Extension notice for RFX No. 7000005034 (2nd call). (Dtd 22.06.2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (40 KB)
- Notice for Work of diversion of 132kv A’nagar-Ashti line (between loc.no. 47 to 50) near village ukkadgaon for A’nagar-Parli railway crossing under EHV O&M Div. Babhaleshwar. (RFx no 7000005720) (Dtd 22.06.2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (223 KB)
- Notice for supply of Safety shoes of various sizes for the employees working under EHV CCCM Division, Nasik for the Block year 2017-20 (Dtd 22.06.2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (466 KB)
- Tender Notice under 400KV RS Division, Deepnagar Bhusawal - II ( RFx no. 7000005779 ) (Dtd 22.06.2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (340 KB)
- Corrigendum for SRM-tender bearing number RFx/Event No. 7000005544 for the work of Painting, Repairing and Miscellaneous Civil Maintenance work at 132kv substation Ashti Dist. Gadchiroli. (Dated 22.06.2017) 22-06-2017 31-07-2017 (13 KB)
- Notice for Amended TQR for e-Tender No.T-04/2017-18 for Work of Design, Supply and ETC of Monopole tower to maintain ground clearance as per IE act 2003 & IE rules 1956 of 132kV Babhaleshwar – Rahuri line under EHV (O&M) Division, BBLR (Dtd 23.06.2017) 23-06-2017 31-07-2017 (18 KB)
- Hiring of vehicle i.e. Air conditioned swift dzire / maruti ertiga / Honda city or equivalent car with driver for Executive Engineer, EHV O&M Division, Nanded (Dated 23/06/2017) 23-06-2017 31-07-2017 (519 KB)
- Enquiry for the work of Servicing & Repairing of AC at various 220 kV S/s,under EHV O&M Division,Ratnagiri.(dated 23-06-2017) 23-06-2017 31-07-2017 (32 KB)