Tender No. 04/2018-19 RFx No:7000009692 |
Pune |
28-07-2018 |
27-08-2018 |
(9 KB)
7000009688 |
Vashi |
RFx for AMC for hiring of hydraulic/mechanical crane for loading, unloading of equipments/materials & errection work, etc as & when required at 500kV & 400kV Division Padghe.
28-07-2018 |
26-08-2018 |
(220 KB)
7000009700 |
Vashi |
2019 SRM Enquiry finding fault in the 33KV XLPE FRLS 400 Sq.mm, 3 Core Power Cable at 220KV Sonkhar Substation under EHV (O&M) Dn., Bhandup
28-07-2018 |
04-08-2018 |
(44 KB)
7000009677 |
Karad |
eTender Notice T-14/18-19/ Rfx No.7000009677 for the Annual Work Contract of Transportation of Equipments /Material from Major Stores, Karad to various EHV S/Stns vice versa & S/Stn to S/Stns under EHV O&M Division Sangli.
28-07-2018 |
12-08-2018 |
(19 KB)
7000009963 |
Nagpur |
Work for renovation & up gradation of existing hall into conference room at testing division, MSETCL, Nagpur (2nd Call)
28-07-2018 |
28-08-2018 |
(106 KB)
7000009662 |
Nagpur |
Annual maintenance contract for weed control (chemical treatment)at 400KV, 220KV , 33KV switchyard including Non Metal (near 400KV GCR area) at 400KV Khaperkheda substation under 400KV RS(O & M) Dn .Khaperkheda.
28-07-2018 |
04-08-2018 |
(272 KB)
7000008759 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) Division, Jalgaon:2nd call Notice for Work of AMC for overhauling/servicing along with supply of required spares for 11KV SIEMENS Make Vaccum Circuit Breakers at various 132kV substations.
28-07-2018 |
11-08-2018 |
(16 KB)
7000009646 |
Nashik |
400KV RS Dn. Khadka Bhusawal:AMC for the work of Testing, Refilling, Reconditioning & Painting of various types of Fire Extinguishers.
28-07-2018 |
26-08-2018 |
(272 KB)
7000009670 |
Nashik |
EHV (O&M) Circle, Bhusawal:Notice for Work of Tower Footing resistance Measurement as per standard procedure for various 400 kV, 220 kV & 132 kV lines under various Line Maintenance Sub-Divisions.
28-07-2018 |
26-08-2018 |
(157 KB)
7000009685 |
Vashi |
E-Tender for Annual maintenance contract for chemical treatment & weed control at various S/S & also rodent control at various S/S and Division office for the Year 2018-19 under EHV O&M Division Boisar.
28-07-2018 |
27-08-2018 |
(640 KB)
RFX No. 7000009718 |
Pune |
E- enquiry for supply & installation water purifier (Kent prime RO +UV + UF + TDS Control) (dated 10-09-2018)at EHV O & M Division-I, Pune.(dated 10-09-2018)
30-07-2018 |
14-09-2018 |
(272 KB)
RFX No. 7000009718 |
Pune |
E- enquiry for supply & installation water purifier (Kent prime RO +UV + UF + TDS Control) at EHV O & M Division-I, Pune.(dated 10-08-2018)
30-07-2018 |
16-08-2018 |
(101 KB)
7000008647 |
Karad |
LE scheme of replacement of existing deteriorated towers and upgradation to 132 KV DC ON DC line of 110 KV Mudshingi Bapat Camp line under EHV Projects Circle
30-07-2018 |
05-08-2018 |
(287 KB)
7000009544 |
Nagpur |
Enquiry for AMC for providing Antirodent treatment at HVDC Terminal station Chandrapur for the year 2018-19
30-07-2018 |
14-08-2018 |
(84 KB)
7000009615 |
Nagpur |
Enquiry for Procurement of 50 No’s of Rexnord make/equivalent Ac Axial fan (Instrument Cooling Fan) for cooling of electronic panels inside Station Control Room, Pole Control Room at HVDC Terminal Station Chandrapur
30-07-2018 |
14-08-2018 |
(152 KB)
Aurangabad |
E-Enquiry 2nd Call (quotation notice) for the work of Rectification of flooring of BCR & other miscellaneous works at 220 kV S/S Hingoli, Dist. Hingoli. under CCCM Division Parbhani
30-07-2018 |
07-08-2018 |
(267 KB)
7000009655 |
Nagpur |
Work of Supply & ETC for construction of 132 kV LILO Line for 132 kV Bazargaon S/stn. Dist. Nagpur
30-07-2018 |
31-08-2018 |
(8 KB)
RFX No. 7000009718 |
Pune |
E- enquiry for supply & installation water purifier (Kent prime RO +UV + UF + TDS Control) at EHV O & M Division-I, Pune. (dated 30-07-2018)
30-07-2018 |
10-08-2018 |
(177 KB)
7000009707 |
Pune |
Publication of E-Tender notice for work of stub strengthening of various 220/132 kV towers under EHV O&M Dn.-II, Pune.(dated 30-07-2018)
30-07-2018 |
30-08-2018 |
(26 KB)
Nashik |
EHV CCCM Divison, Nashik :E-quotation for the work of Conducting contour Survey of land for the Establishment of 400Kv Deulwadi Tal: Karjat Dist: Ahmednagar.
30-07-2018 |
08-08-2018 |
(742 KB)